This is the year of fortune and luck!!! This month will be such a lighter, more positive and uplifting month. We now embark on a Lunar New Year and with over 1 billion people celebrating this event we should all be tapping into this energy of celebration and new beginnings. The festivities usually last for about two weeks, so we can see how uplifting this month of February will already be.
The Sun is in Aquarius until February 18th, Mercury in Aquarius until February 10th, Venus in Capricorn until March 1st, Mars in Aries until February 14th, Chiron in Pisces until February 18th, Pluto in Capricorn until April 24th, Neptune in Pisces until June 20th, Jupiter in Sagittarius until December 2nd, Uranus in Aries until March 6th, and Saturn in Capricorn until March 21st 2020.
An illuminating and cleansing month ahead! Sooo lets it to itttt!!!
A New Moon is when the universe opens a portal to connect you to a specific zodiac sign's energy that month.
It's a new beginning. It's when you let go of everything that is not working for you. A New Moon is the perfect time to set your intentions and follow up with actions. The first few days of the New Moon is pretty powerful. That's when you can draw most of it's powerful energy down to assist you. Use the New Moon to transform any negative habits into positive ones. A New Moon means the sun and the moon are in the same zodiac sign.
This New Moon in Aquarius enters in such a lovely way because it's here to calm you down a bit. January was a month filled with an overdrive of emotions all over the place, to say the least. Everywhere you turned someone was not themselves and it felt like people where body snatched. Everyone was either moody, rude, sad, angry or just plain emotional. You had the Solar and Lunar Eclipse to thank for that. Some of you are still going through the effect of the eclipses while others may just be winding down from it. These eclipses came in to pretty much represent destruction of old ways of thinking and acting. Most of you are now realizing that letting go of old habits is pretty hard and for some can even be painful. But releasing is key to being able to ascend to a higher frequency and connect you to your higher self. This is the perfect time to sit still and ask yourself is this all you have to offer to the world? What is your mission in life? Most of you will realize that you have a lot more to offer than you anticipated. When you experience awareness, depending on how sensitive you are, it can be overwhelming. You realize the old way wasn't working for you. The same with the people around you. Are these people truly my support system? Are they really nourishing my light or draining me? This is the time for you to sit still and connect. Please take that in and understand that this New Moon in Aquarius is here to help you raise your level of awareness and assist you in ascending to a higher consciousness. You want to expand your vessel inside your soul. Every time you allow yourself to sit still and receive downloads of frequency, you will experience awareness and therefore you will be feeding your soul. You are elevating yourself to a higher plane.
Your ego can trick you into believing that staying stuck, struggling, settling and not going after your true desires is okay. But it is not okay. This is your time to write down your intentions, mission statements, visions, goals, and how you will achieve them. The energy of this New Moon in Aquarius will help you think outside the box and realize that you can have it all. You can manifest a healthier, happier and loving life for yourself. You just have to believe!
Go after your dreams and desires. It's all a process. Don't get discourage just because it's doesn't manifest all at once. Although some of you are spiritual and light workers you are still living in a 3D planet. So you have to have patience. Bottom line.
Take your pains, struggles, lessons and your overall life experience and see that as your teacher in life. Look back and see how you far you've come. Recall a time in your life when you created a shift by either moving, letting go, changing careers, and how eventually that lead to some exciting new adventures. It will all eventually make sense at some stage in your life. Seek experts in a field you desire and allow them to help you. And as you learn, share that profound new knowledge with others. It's time to chip away the ego of wanting things to resolve themselves immediately and take responsibility in knowing that only you have the power to change your situation. Others won't make you happy. You can only make yourself happy. Right now you are experiencing spiritual growth. It's all about learning and teaching. As you go along remember to help others. But this New Moon in Aquarius is here to push you to a whole new level of yourself. Allow this spiritual growth. Go deep within! And be gentle with yourself. Having the awareness is the first step. So be proud of that.
This month you will realize that it's time to allow love to enter your life and to give love. A powerful shift will occur allowing you to understand that loving yourself is the most important love of all. Often in life you go around wanting to help others and even wanting to be rescued. But this New Moon in Aquarius will teach you that loving yourself is the highest form of frequency you can bring into your life and offer others.
Some of you will be challenged in your current situation if you are not aligned with yourself.
If you are single this is the time to work on yourself and heal yourself. Let go of the past. Embrace this very moment.
You won't meet the right partner if you are not loving yourself enough to set higher standards for yourself and others around you. Really take a look at the 5 people you are close with. These individuals are a mirror of yourself. If don't like what you see, then it's time for you to work on yourself and even let go of some friends. Love yourself enough to let go of negative people and embrace new people that are more aligned with the type of friendship you desire. Keep in mind in order to have great friends you have to be a great friend as well. A new partner will come to those that truly desire love and are currently working on themselves. If you are coupled and things have been spinning out of control since last month, it's time to see where you are not loving yourself or your partner. And some may realize that their current partner is not really offering any love and can't give love. So it's time for your higher standards to kick in and move on to someone who will want to resonate to a higher frequency of love with you.
For those that feel that they have been waiting for so long for their soulmate, remember you have to call in your soulmate through prayers, visualizations and also allow divine timing to run its course. But you must be working on yourself in order to attract the partner that will inspire, shift and move you. Remember we attract who we are.
So if you don't like your current partner or just had a bad breakup, learn from what you didn't like from your partner because it's most likely a sign of what you have to work on yourself. See where you are lacking love, and inject that love right in! LOVE yourself first.
This New Moon in Aquarius will be great for finances! The whole year will be a lucky year when it comes to money thanks to the year of the Earth Pig! Tons of luck and fortune, so be open to receiving abundance!
For those seeking work or even changing careers, this month you will have more insight on what it is you truly desire and the right opportunity will manifest itself. If you have an idea or project you want to launch, do not allow money challenges to prevent you from manifesting your desire because this month the wheels will be turning in your favor. There are so many ways to manifest financial abundance and this month you will be creative with your approach. Whether seeking investors, to GoFundMe pages, you will manifest a great success in your new venture!
For those already enjoying their careers or retired, you may find yourself being offered a new side gig that may be lucrative. Go for it!
No matter what your situation is, financial abundance is here for everyone to manifest and share, so release any guilt or fear you have towards money and see it as a flow of energy.
Well there you have it my bunnies!!! Another month filled with opportunities for change, happiness, love, health and financial abundance. Take this month to dive deep into your soul and create some much needed changes.
Most of us can be sensitive to Earth's frequency and felt a wave of intense energy in the past few weeks. There was a spiritual war going on in the cosmos. We are entering a time where the reptilian energy doesn't want us to grow and expand our thought process. They want to keep us negative and filled with fear by staying stuck in the 3rd dimension. You can ascend higher by avoiding news, political chaos, electronics, and toxins from certain foods.
Uplift yourself and you will see such an amazing difference in your mood and in your life. When you change, everything and everyone around you changes. So let's all work on ourselves this month and work on being kind, compassionate and loving towards others. When we heal others, we heal ourselves.
Not sure how to ascend or heal yourself? Seek guidance through an energy healing session or meditate.
I am so grateful for all the emails and DMs that I have received in the past year in regards to the blogs! Mama bear is back and excited to share more blogs and channelings with you all! LOVE LOVE LOVE is the key to this month being so successful!!!! Thank you for reading and sharing! I am eternally grateful to you all! May you feel the healing energy in this blog and may it uplift you!!!
** New Moon meditation gathering on Tuesday, February 5th, 2019 7pm-9pm in NYC at The Players in Gramercy. Come join us and connect to the consciousness of the week and receive some healing! Email me at [email protected] to register and for exact location. Suggested donation $11.
Namaste witches, mermaids, fairies, unicorns, starseeds, hybrids, angels, hippies, goddess and gypsies!!!
And remember:
GirlieVegans Do It Better!!!
Love and light,
Leda xxx
Photo Courtesy: Selina Fenech