With so much going on it's crucial to maintain a clear, healthy and positive thought pattern.
Right now we have five planets retrograde including Pluto's Rx shadow phase, and as you know, any retrograde can help you lose your mind! Oh and your favorite, Mercury Retrograde, is in the house! But you can always use a retrograde to correct and transform a few things. I will get into that in a bit. For now it's important to acknowledge what a powerful week this will be. Passover begins the evening of Monday, April 10th until the evening of Tuesday, April 18th. This also begins Easter week which brings Good Friday on Friday, April 14th and Easter Day on Sunday, April 16th. While all this amazing rebirth energy is flying around, on Tuesday, April 11th enters the Pink Full Moon in Libra. Make sure this week you are gentle with yourself and others around you. Stay away from any lower vibrations and dark energies in order to connect to higher vibrations.
The Sun is in Aries until April 19th, Mercury is in Taurus until April 20th, Mars in Taurus until April 21st, Venus in Pisces until April 28th, Jupiter in Libra until October 10th, Saturn in Sagittarius until December 20th and Uranus in Aries until May 15th, 2018.
Venus Retrograde (started in Aries, ends in Pisces) March 4th - April 15th
Mercury Retrograde (Taurus) April 9th - May 3rd
Jupiter Retrograde (Libra) February 6th - June 9th
Saturn Retrograde (Sagittarius) April 6th - August 25th
Pluto Retrograde (Capricorn) April 20th - September 28th
Ready to see what is in store with the Pink Full Moon in Libra and the rest of the month? Well let's get to ittt!!!!
A Full Moon means the sun and the moon are in opposite zodiac signs. The Full Moon is a time of emotional healing, romance, relationships, fertilization and illuminating truth. Under the Full Moon trance is when you take actions towards something you have visualized and desired. By doing such act under the Full Moon, you would be manifesting an idea into a reality, therefore, creating magic! Keep in mind that you must be compassionate with yourself and others during this time because the Full Moon can really bring out the best and worst in everyone. Very intense, emotional and healing energy during a Full Moon.
The Pink Full Moon in Libra brings in a big change for everyone. It will set the tone for balance for the rest of the year.
The consciousness attached to the Full Moon in Libra will be to understand why you are feeling out of balance in certain areas of your life. Some of you will feel out of balance in all areas of your life! But it's okay, this is your opportunity to shift things in your favor, along with the understanding of divine timing. The next few weeks will be a push and pull type of feeling. You will feel like things are moving forward but then it will come to a complete stop and then move forward again. Life will feel like a yo-yo but all has a higher meaning and purpose.
During the Full Moon in Libra is your chance to work on all areas of your life. Begin by recognizing the signs that heaven and your angels are giving you. Seems like you keep seeing or hearing the same numbers, the same words, the same songs, is it all a coincidence you ask? Think not! These are all signs from heaven. For those that have lost a loved one to the other side, this is your chance to truly connect with them and hear or see the messages they bring to you. The gateway is open right now for your departed loved ones and angels to communicate clearly and directly to you. So listen up! Some signs may include: butterflies, coins, feathers, birds, rainbows, and even music.
Your relationships will be highlighted at this time. The relationships with family, friends, coworkers, romantic partners, all will be in question. Some of you will start feeling like you are growing apart from certain friends, you may realize you no longer have anything in common. You may put your foot down with a certain family member that may be taking advantage of you, or simply, you don't have a balanced relationship with this person. Some of you may feel like you are not being valued with your current romantic partner. Counseling will help some of you, while others will have the courage from heaven to move on from this relationship.
But the most important relationship of all is the one you have with yourself.
This is the time to work on yourself the most. Once you recognize that self respect, love, hope, kindness, compassion and self worth is how you should treat yourself and others should treat you, everything and everyone around you will change. It's important to value yourself at this time. With so many intense energies flying around, you need time for yourself in order to ground and nurture yourself. You can't solve everyone else's problems all the time. Right now you have to worry about you. And when you do, you will be more helpful to everyone around you. This doesn't mean you are not there for others, this just means you have to learn to create a healthy balance for yourself. For some of you this may mean 30 mins to an hour of alone time a day to meditate, to rest, to think, to pray, to exercise or simply just be.
Because the Pink Full Moon in Libra is all about balance, you will find yourself having to make a lot of decisions at this time. Some decisions will be tough and painful to make but you will understand that it will be necessary. Sometimes it's not about what we want but what we need. Life decisions may weigh heavy for some but for others, you already knew it was coming. This is a pivotal time in your life right now. This is when you can make the decision of what you plan to do with your life, career, relationships, goals and dreams. For some, you will be faced with the brutal reality to truly see what's in front of you right now. Have you seen any changes or movement towards your goals in the past year? If not, then what does this mean? Perhaps you are not listening to the divine guidance from your heavenly God or angels.
This is the time when everyone will embark towards their life purpose. If you have been struggling with your career or job for the past six months with no movement forward or progress, then something has to change. You need a transformation.
Keep in mind we are dealing with quite a few retrogrades but this is why you need the time to contemplate and shift things around. If your life purpose involves helping humanity or you own your own business but you feel drained and stuck right now, then shift things within yourself. Direct the issue inwards and see where you can transform things inside in order to see the shift outside. If you work for someone else or a company and you feel unappreciated and negative energy, then it's time to make a life review and rethink if you are walking in your life purpose. Is this the job that makes you happy or is this the job that pays your bills? If your answer wasn't what makes you happy, then it's your choice to be where you are. You have to look inward and see what needs to change in you so you can connect to gratitude and choose a job or career that makes you happy.
This Full Moon in Libra will also bring in a manifesting portal. Whenever the portals are open and create an opportunity for you to receive miracles, you have to work hard on staying positive, thinking positive and surrounding yourself with positive people. Make sure to ask your angels and God to cancel any negative thinking at this time. You don't want to manifest more headaches or hardship on yourself! The good news is that no matter how many planets are retrograde, when you have faith and certainty, you can fly past astrology and create magnificent miracles for yourself and for the world! So believe in prayers and miracles and you will transform your situation in a positive way immediately. When it comes to your current struggles or challenges, make sure to only speak of them in positive ways. Your words have power and your subconscious picks up on what your conscious mind thinks, speaks and believes. Remember your thoughts and words manifest your outcome.
That also brings the relationship factor with yourself. Be kind with yourself. Venus being retrograde can make you feel a bit unloved at times. So make sure you are extra sweet with yourself and others at this time. No need to be grumpy towards other people. Right now what this world needs is sweetness, love and hope. Be the person to set the example. A lot of light workers and light warriors out there that are not walking the talk. Time to zip it up, stop complaining, and be grateful to be alive and set the example for others. Your job in life is not to force anyone to be like you or to believe in the things you do, your job on this Mother Earth should be to plant the seed of love everywhere you go and to everyone you meet. That's why you are here. To awaken and plant the seed of love, light and hope as you walk your journey. Be gentle towards yourself. No matter what hard background, tough and painful childhood or past you had, let it go! It's part of your past. You are breathing in the present, so live in the present! Enjoy this moment, right now. Be childlike and run in the park with friends, why not? Play hide and seek, play in the playground and swing yourself on swings. Play in the beach and take your animals with you! Have fun! You deserve it sweet angel. But you have to believe you deserve it. And that starts when you LET IT GO! Let them go, let it go, let it all go!
Each planet has a meaning and reason to rotate the earth. Here is a quick breakdown so you can understand what this means when it's retrograde.
Venus rules all of your relationships, your relationship to self as well as love, family, friendships and your business relationships. It also rules art, beauty and your passions.
When Venus is retro you may find that the world takes on a different twirl, what you once experienced as beautiful will now tend to be viewed otherwise in your eyes. All of your relationships may be under the microscope and if you are avoiding certain relationships then this is exactly what you attract. You may also slip into old bad habits at this time so work hard on staying strong. Old flames always come around during this time so be strong to not fall for any old tricks.
Wise not to get engaged, married, divorced or quit a job under Venus retro. Your feelings will change once it goes direct.
Mercury rules all communications such as computers, phones, travel, electronics and all business/personal communications & documentations.
When Mercury is retro this is the time of misunderstandings, miscommunications, computers and electronics crashing and plans going haywire! Delayed travels and lost baggages! However, when Mercury is retro you can use this time to review, revisit, revise and reflect. Your energy is more slow and drained during Mercury retro. It is important to be extremely awake during a Mercury retro so you can avoid being misunderstood and misquoted. If it's a must you have to sign a contract, make sure you read the contract over several times. Backup all your technology before the retrograde begins. Use Mercury retro in your favor by considering all the RE's like Re-checking, re-pairs, re-store, re-wind, Re-view, Re-connect, anything that you left unfinished in the past, you can now move forward and close that chapter. Mercury retro supports anything from the past that you want to finish and bring to closure too, including any old projects that you left pending.
Jupiter rules abundance, good luck, gifts, expansion, wisdom, freedom, travel and foreign affairs. It's a very happy and social planet. Loves to bring gifts your way!
When Jupiter is retro, the energy will be reflected inward and you are guided to reevaluate your spiritual beliefs, social ethics and even your philosophy towards life. It's time to search for the truth and find a deeper meaning in life. Travel plans can also be delayed and it's not the best time to take big risks or spend lots of money. Your understanding and beliefs about success and abundance will be a focus during Jupiter retro.
Saturn rules karma, discipline and is the dispense of justice. Saturn forces you to face your reality and will even break down your control issues. Saturn is viewed as the wise old teacher. When Saturn is retro, it is not the time to take short-cuts, but an opportunity to take things slow and do it right the first time or you will find yourself correcting your project over and over again. Authority may be an issue under Saturn retro because you will feel the need to fight the system towards anything involving government, family or even religion. This is when you learn about limitations for yourself and those around you. Saturn retro tends to lack boundaries so make sure not to overwhelm yourself by saying yes to everyone and everything. This is when you learn to create boundaries. Saturn retro is when you take a life review, go deep within, and see what you did wrong in the past, so you can now move forward in a positive way. Saturn is the teacher planet and it will make you learn from your mistakes.
Pluto rules death, birth, destruction, reformation, endings and beginnings. It rules transformation. Pluto is the planet connected to your subconscious. With Pluto around, you have no choice but to transform.
When Pluto is retro you are guided to look deep within your subconscious. This is the time you will be forced to look into the good, the bad and the ugly about yourself and your life. Your true feelings regarding your desires, power, money and control will be exposed. You will know without a doubt why you have your desires, is it because you really want it or because it's out of revenge. Your true intentions will be highlighted without anyway of hiding it.
Pluto retro has you revisit old wounds so you can see how it limits you and release them out of your life once and for all. This is the time to let go of everything and everyone that doesn't serve your higher purpose. Transformation will take place. You either go with the flow or you can kick and scream but either way, you will have transformation.
Well there you have it my bunnies!!! What a massive transformation ahead for us all starting this week.
Remember this Pink Full Moon in Libra is bringing in Passover and Easter week. This is the time to create balance and boundaries for yourself, listen and acknowledge the signs the universe is offering you, analyze and review the relationship with yourself and others, make the decision to let it all go, use positive words at this time and allow yourself to be playful and sweet towards yourself and others.
Time to let go of all the worries, self doubts, struggles, fears, and trust that all will be well no matter what!! It's your journey and you can determine a happy outcome for yourself, if you surrender all your worries to God! Believe in yourself and in your journey! Go out of your way this week to do something kind for someone else. Volunteer at a homeless shelter, soup kitchen, animal shelter or help feed a feral cat or stray dog. One action of kindness and change the energy of the world right now!
GRATITUDE is key! Be grateful for everything you are and everything you have! There is no miracle that is too small or too big. Being grateful for the people and things you have in life is extremely important.
Say my favorite mantra outloud: I AM grateful for all my blessings and miracles I am receiving this week.
I am grateful for you all for taking the time to read this! I LOVE YOU ALL!
Many unicorn blessings your way!!!!
** Full Moon meditation gathering on Wednesday, April 12, 2017 7pm-9pm in NYC. Come join us and connect to the consciousness of the week, month and receive some healing! Email me at [email protected] to register and for location. Suggested donation $11. Next meeting Wednesday, April 26th.
**If you would like to donate to my animal charity foundation Love City Angels, click on the button below.
100% of the proceeds are donated to the animals! Visit our website or follow us on social media!
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter: @lovecityangels
Namaste witches, mermaids, fairies, unicorns, starseeds, hybrids, angels, hippies, goddesses and gypsies!!!
And remember:
GirlieVegans Do It Better!!!
Love and light,
Leda xxx
Photo Courtesy: Threelittleangels.com