For the last few blogs I've been prepping you all for some major life changes that I saw coming. The fact that Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa were all being celebrated at the exact same time, I knew it was something to not take lighty. It is a time for unity and major major life shifts. Miracles are pouring in for those that believe and prepping you for new beginnings in 2017.
Mercury Retrograde is in full effect! Which is why so much is happening so quickly. MR goes direct on January 8th but the shadow is still around until the 27th. You may want to hold off from signing any major contracts until then. Only if you can. If not make sure you proof read everything a few times! It's Mercury Retro!!!
The Sun is in Capricorn until January 19th, Venus is in Aquarius until January 3rd, Mercury in Capricorn until January 4th, Mars in Pisces until January 28th, Jupiter in Libra until October 10th, 2017, Saturn in Sagittarius until December 20th, 2017 and Uranus in Aries until May 15th, 2018. Mercury Retrograde goes direct January 8th but shadow period remains until January 27th.
I also am super duper excited to annouce that my charitable organization is finally up and running! We are an official 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization!!! Check us out at and add us to all your social media!
We are launching the new site in January so stay posted! But we are already rescuing animals and getting them medical attention. Please help us out by donating to the link on the site! We are a all volunteer non-profit so no one is getting paid. I am changing the way charity is done. All your donations are going straight to the cause!!! YAY!
Ready to receive miracles in the New Year 2017 in a big way?! Let's get to itttt!!!!
A New Moon is when the universe opens a portal to connect you to a specific zodiac sign's energy that month.
It's a new beginning. It's when you let go of everything that is not working for you. A New Moon is the perfect time to set your intentions and follow up with actions. The first few days of the New Moon is pretty powerful. That's when you can draw most of it's powerful energy down to assist you. Use the New Moon to transform any negative habits into positive ones. A New Moon means the sun and the moon are in the same zodiac sign.
This New Moon in Capricorn is flying in like a dragon on fire! You will feel a huge motivational push to get things done before the New Year 2017 kicks in and others are anxiously waiting for January 1st to arrive to get things going.
Capricorn are hard workers therefore they always meet their goals. They are good with manifesting money but can be a bit judgmental. This New Moon try not be so hard on yourself or on others but do make sure you are extremely discplined when it comes to being focused on your goals and dreams. This is your opportunity to become the leader you always wanted to be. The New Year 2017 adds us to the number 1, making this the year about the self. 2017 is about getting yourself together and focused on the big prize and connecting to your higherself. It will be all about awareness and awakening for you, dear one. You have to allow awareness to awaken you to the next level on your journey. The life that you once knew, won't be the same. This is the time to move on from things, people and situations that no longer serve a purpose on your journey. You have new beginnings entering your life now. In the Hebrew calendar it's the year 5777 which means life changes that bring you miracles. See how both numerical years are really the same? In order to be able to manifest and allow miracles to occur into your life, you have to be aware of your inner connection to a higher purpose. You have to have certainty, faith, belief or how some of you call it, a knowing. Whatever it is for you, know that this New Moon in Capricorn is lifting you up to a place where you can create magical moments in 2017. Some of you may experience a bit of delay on your plans but that's because you are allowing ego to set fear and unneccessary worry into your mental state. If there is a pause for a bit, it's fine, go with the flow and allow divine timing to occur. But don't bring in negative energy by worrying or stressing into the mix. No bueno!
You have the frequency of the year of 1 to help you awaken to a beautiful world out there that is beyond your everyday vision. Expand your vessel so you can receive major blessings your way. For a lot of you this is the time to get out of your own way. By the spring time most of you will be celebrating your new life. You will have given birth to your dreams! You will realize that you are in a completely different place then you are right now. You will be in a new career path or new job position, definitely experiencing financial abundance and be very connected to your higherself. This will all lead to celebrating all your hard work, your faith and for actually taking a leap into the unknown at the beginning of the year. You are all light workers on this planet here to awaken and work on yourself in order to assist and help others awakening on this journey. Your job is to know that, feel that and place action behind that. The New Moon in Capricorn will give you that motivational push to help out the planet by being more aware of how your purchasing toxic products, recycle more, help animals, heal and assist the homeless, and share your light wherever it's needed. You are important and you are special. This New Year 2017 you will dive deep into your personality and create the necessary changes in order to be more positive, more attuned to your higherself, meet your spirit guides, connect to your dreams and intuition. This is the year for the inner self and your subconscious to lead the way! Let it!
What isn't this New Moon in Capricorn bringinig into your love life this month?!! A lot of it has to do with prepping you for the New Year 2017. Most of you have cried for a boyfriend, fiancè, husband, heck even just a lover!
Most of you are in full blast Bride of Chucky/Chucky mode!!! Well do I have news for you: you are meeting your Chucky/Bride of Chucky this New Year 2017. For others you will be reuniting with your twin flame and it will be your one true love! It will be the romance heard around the world! So start prepping your vessel to receive such an intense and magical love like a twin flame love! Others will be excited and shocked to announce they are preggers!!! Yes that's right an unexpected pregnancy is lurking around your way. So if you don't want a baby crying in the middle of the night, you better use some form of protection. But for those lovely ladies and gentlemen out there that have been wanting a baby, it's coming!
While others drink the kool-aid and are in love, others will be letting go of their current relationship. You will realize there just wasn't enough chemistry to keep the love frequency going. Others have to be careful not get fooled by illusion and fall in love so quickly with your new boo because he's just not that into you. And same for my men out there, she seems hot and smart but she's just not taking you seriously. Be cautious and let it go and wait for the actual love of your life to enter. My other set of Bride of Chuckys and other Chuckys are going nuts because you are waiting for your crush to make it official but you gotta hold on a little longer. He or she is coming but you have to allow divine timing to work behind the scenes. There are some things you are not aware of that need to be handled before an actual relationship can blossom. So just hold on a little longer.
For my coupled onea, you have more love to give and receive 2017! Get ready to pick and choose your battles and be more kind and compassionate towards your loved one. Whatever it is you want out of your other half, you will have to show and lead by example. How you expect someone to express their love to you, is not the way your partner may understand love to be or expect from you. Therefore be more compassionate and learn how they know how to love and communicate how you liked to be treated. And make sure you treat them how they like to be loved.
Win win when you show compassion and kindness! Same for friendships.
For those that have lost friends or family members, make sure to see the signs from them soon. These are some of the signs your loved ones from heaven send to get your attention: butterflies, feathers, birds, coins, rainbows, and even music. When you see these signs know they are sending you their love and letting you know they are with you and giving you the courage you need to do whatever it is you need to do. They are guiding you.
Abundance, creativity and more abundance is the theme for this New Moon in Capricorn. What a shift is in store for you this New Year 2017! A lot of you will be channeling a lot of writing. Some of you have a book in your head that needs to be written. So get to it! This book will happen so don't worry about the how and start manifesting it!
Some of you will be starting a website and blogging in order to express your feelings and desires and this will be very healing for you and others. Others will start writing a new journal which will be very soothing and healing for your soul. Writing is the theme for you. It's your form of creativity. So write that blog, book, movie or tv script because it's going to manifest full force for you. Others will have a push to express their creativity in a form of painting, photography, singing, acting, and even dancing. Whatever it is you are guided to do, is how your soul wants to express. So get to it right away. Don't procrastinate. Go after your dreams. Your creative side is what's blocking you from the job you desire, the love you desire and even the weightloss you desire. So unblock yourself during this New Moon in Capricorn by expressing your artistic self. If you are a recording artist, you will experience sold out shows, awards and even dabble into other forms of art like acting, painting and even directing your next music video. The same for the actors. If you are currently a film or tv actor, you will experience a huge success this New Year 2017 if you allow fear to get out the way. Some of you actors will start dabbling into directing and producing shows and helping other artists with their creativity and offering them opportunities.
A lot of you have to start practicing your craft more. The more your practice the more it will be second nature and will start bringing in the success and abundance you desire. Some will begin new classes in a different area of study.
For my entrepreneurs get ready to experience a very busy time. You will be so grateful for this New Moon in Capricorn because you will be attracting all the right business partners, staff, colleague, and even the perfect set of interns.
Be patient and kind towards anyone helping you with your business. Kindness go a long way.
For those that are worried about finances, let go of the worry, because this New Moon in Capricorn and this New Year 2017 is raining money money money, money!!!! Lots of opportunities to receive financial abundance in big ways.
Start releasing fear and start connecting to certainty and faith in knowing that all your financial needs will be met this New Year 2017. It's going to be a successful year for your career and financially for you, if you make room to receive. Let go of the things that don't serve your highest good and start focusing on the things that will get you where you need to be. Focus and motivation is what you are lacking right now, so get to it! The sooner the better. This New Moon in Capricorn will bring you the discipline you need in order to make that career and financial shift you have so desired for some time now. You are almost at the finish line so stay focused, stay determined and stay positive. You're almost there!
Well there you have it my bunnies!!! What a New Moon in Capricorn!!! And what an exciting New Year 2017 ahead for you all. BIG BIG BIG changes for all of you. For those that have been experiencing pain this month, know that you had to go through that life shift in order to receive major blessings. The bigger the pain, the bigger the miracle.
Be gentle on your spirit. This is an exciting time for light workers!!! You are still under the influence of Hanukkah which is all about MIRACLES!!! So keep on manifesting and planting the seeds of your dreams because they will very soon blossom into your physical life! You will be able to reap the rewards from all your hard work and positive outlook.
Make a conscious effort to receive for the sake of sharing. Take a moment everyday to be grateful for all your blessings. If you are breathing without a machine you have a lot to be grateful for. Think positve, be grateful and show kindness through your words and actions. Go out and help someone. Everyday you should apply one kind act towards someone you don't know. Hold the door, walk an elderly person across the street, buy a warm meal for a homeless person, rescue an animal from the street, feed the hungry animals in the street, do something selfless for someone else in need. That should be your intention behind all that you do everyday. How to assist and help this planet.
Let's be kind to each other. We are all one. Let's all unite as one and be awakened to the fact that we are all one energy. One connection. One soul. What effects you effects all of us. We are all in this together. Let's do a conscious effort to show kindness this New Year 2017. And not just for the month of January but as who you are as an individual. Spread love and you will receive love. Cause and effect baby!!!
Well here's me wishing you all love, light, peace, healing, health, success, miracles and magic for the New Year 2017!!! May you all be blessed and happy this New Year!!! I am extremely grateful to every single person that reads this blog and believes in me enough to read and support me. THANK YOU!!! I am forever grateful and blessed to have your love and support. Each blog is infused with healing energy so as you read you are being sprinkled with some of my fairy dust magic! LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU ALL!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR DARLINGS!!!!!
Please follow Love City Angels on instagram and twitter at: @lovecityangels and
And visit our website at and don't forget to donate! Even a $1 goes a long way for these lovely angels!
**Interested in attending one of my spiritual meetings, meditations and receive some healing? Join us Wednesday, January 11, 2017 at 7pm in NYC. Email me at [email protected] to register and for location.
Suggested donation $11.**
Namaste witches, mermaids, fairies, unicorns, starseeds, angels, hippies, goddesses and gypsies!!!
And remember:
GirlieVegans Do It Better!!!
Love and light,
Leda xxx
Photo Courtesy: Jessica Galbreth