The Sun is in Capricorn until January 19th, Mars in Pisces until January 28th, Venus in Pisces until February 3rd, Mercury in Capricorn until February 7th, Jupiter in Libra until October 10th, Saturn in Sagittarius until December 20th, and Uranus in Aries until May 15th, 2018. Mercury Retrograde went direct on January 8th, but the retrograde shadow is still around until January 27th.
Get ready to release all the dark energy and walk into the light this month!!! Let get to ittt!!!! Shall we?!
A Full Moon means the sun and the moon are in opposite zodiac signs. The Full Moon is a time of emotional healing, romance, relationships, fertilization and illuminating truth. Under the Full Moon trance is when you take action towards something you have visualized and desired. By doing such act under the Full Moon, you would be manifesting an idea into a reality, therefore, creating magic! Keep in mind that you must be compassionate with yourself and others during this time because the Full Moon can really bring out the best and worst in everyone. Very intense and emotional energy during a Full Moon.
The Full Moon in Cancer is going to be a very emotional and senstive time for most of you. You will probably feel like everyone is judging you, or that your life is in shambles or you can't trust anyone. Others will have people telling you that you are too dramatic or too sensitive. It's not true. This Full Moon in Cancer is bringing in a fussy energy.
It's almost like half the people will be annoyed and anxious while others will be crying for no reason. For those that are feeling sensitive and emotional, your job this time is not to go searching for answers as to why you are crying, but instead allow the emotional process to occur. It's okay if you don't know why you are feeling this way. Right now there is a spiritual battle where your higher self wants to be unleashed and fly free while your lower vibrational self is connecting to fear. Your job is to allow yourself to cry and release because what you are doing is phyiscally, spiritually, emotionally and mentally releasing all the energy that needs to be released in order to experience new beginnings.
For a lot of you, this energy that is being released is not even from this life time. It's past lives karma that you are shedding and letting go. So allow yourself to ride this emotional wave for a day or two but after you will feel brand new.
Whenever you feel you are about to manifest a huge change and shift in your life, some of you tend to panic and see this change as a bad experience because you feel you have been there before. You start telling yourself that you are stuck, depressed, and don't know where to go. You start thinking in a very limited way. "Well I can't move forward because I need to do this first and then this." No darling, it doesn't work that way. You have to understand that the reason you feel fear to move foward is because, your inner self freaks out remembering the experience you felt when you went through some tough challenges. So your heart is trying to avoid another heartbreak. But you must create a shift now where you understand that what you are feeling is an experience that you already went through in the past. Instead be an artist and a creative being by creating a new vision for yourself and only think of what you want to attract in your life. This way you are being the creator of your own journey by thinking of what you want. This is why you feel scared. It's not because you can't or shouldn't make the move or change, it's because you are connecting it to a past experience. Let it all go and surrender. Use this emotional Full Moon in Cancer to your advantage by allowing yourself to release all the emotions, so you make room inside your veseel, to receive manifestations!
Venus will be in Pisces in conjunction with Neptune on Thursday, January 12th so you have a very romantic opportunity to attract someone into your life if you are single. For those that are coupled do your best to do something romantic for your sweetie. Because this Full Moon in Cancer is needy and Mercury Retrograde's shadow is lurking, make sure to pick and choose your battles wisely in your relationships. Misunderstandings and arguments can breakout during the Full Moon in Cancer. Instead bite your lip and keep it moving if you want to stay in the relationship.
For those that have been wanting to exit and run for the hills, this is your opportunity to run like the wind.
This Full Moon in Cancer will definitely make or break relationships. For some this will be a blessing!
So don't be so quick to yell at your daughter, son, cousin, mother, father, sister, nephew, or your sweetie because it could end up pretty messy.
For those that are single this is your huge opportunity to release all that is blocking you from your twin flame.
This year you can actually manifest your one true love into your life if you do the work! Start by allowing yourself to release all that does not serve your higher purpose. If you feel like crying this week for no reason, it's okay! Cry!
You are releasing all the energy that is no longer needed in your life. Then envision yourself with your twin flame.
Send healing to your twin flame so your twin can feel the energy and uplift to a higher consciousness. Send yourself the same energy so together you are attracting each other. Create shifts in your life by cleaning out your room, office space, closet, paper work, or whatever you have that is not being used and you won't ever use, let it go!
You need to make room to receive this year. Sometimes that means letting go of negative people around you.
If you have friends that are crying for a new beginning and when presented with an opportunity they don't jump on it, (don't judge them because everyone has their own time) but perhaps these are the friends you don't need around you 24/7 right now. They are only holding you back. They are not taking responsibility for their actions. So move forward and think big. You can do it!
It's so important that this month you take actions toward your dreams! This year is a powerful year to manifest all your dreams. Think BIG! The stars are all aligned for you now. So go for it! This Full Moon in Cancer is so emotional that it's important to allow yourself to release it all because you are releasing childhood energy and even energy from past lives. That's how deep and releasing this Full Moon in Cancer is! The New Moon at the end of the month will be magical so better to release it all now. Also keep in mind that Venus Retrograde is coming up on March 6th - April 15th and it won't be back to full force until May 18th. Venus rules love and beauty. Not a wise idea to get any plastic surgery, hair color or hair cut during that time. Not an excellent time to meet your twin flame either. If you need to make a move and start mingling with people, and attract your twin flame, now is the time to take action. Get your makeover and your sweetie now! if not you always have May for it.
There you have it my bunnies! An emotional few days ahead. But all for the greater good of your soul. Let yourself be free from limited thinking, limited actions and fears. Give yourself the opportunity to build your vessel to receive all the things and people you desire into your life. Miracles are manifesting for you right now! Receive it!!!
Remember when you change your consciousness you change your life. So start by helping others. Give selflessly to others in the street, your neighborhood, community, and in any way you can. Remember there are animals and people living on the street cold and hungry. Do your best to have compassion and give them a warm meal and a shelter.
if you can't assist in that way, then help others that can help them.
I am so grateful for all the love my new charitable organization Love City Angels has been receiving!!! Between donations, volunteer and adoption offers, this is a manifested miracle!!! Thank You!!!
I am working towards creating another organization for the homeless people and LGBT runaway teens. This is the year to truly give back to others! We can't give up on humanity or on Mother Earth. We are all here with a divine purpose, our mission is to awaken, heal, and love ourselves and others. Love consciousness should be your motivation! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!! Thank you so much!
For those that live in NYC, please pick up TimeOut New York Magazine and check out our ad for Love City Angels!
Special thanks to Robyn Cohen and TimeOut New York for making this happen!!!
Suggested donation $11. Next meeting Friday, January 27th.**
Namaste witches, mermaids, fairies, unicorns, starseeds, angels, hippies, goddesses and gypsies!!!
And remember:
GirlieVegans Do It Better!!!
Love and light,
Leda xxx
Photo Courtesy: Jessica Galbreth