I was just at a Reconnective Healing event in Philly receiving my recertification in Reconnective Healing and I already felt the energy of this Blue Moon! Was out of control! I was asleep at 2am when my phone literally started dialing someone else. I heard the loud FaceTime noise and woke up disoriented and saw the call and thought the other person was calling me, but instead it was ME calling them! I was so embarrassed! It was 2AM! As if!!!
Of course I received a text the next morning asking me if I was ok? YIKES! Hashtag #Humiliated for sure!!!
Although it sounds unbelievable to the average person, this is the story of my life. But even so, it's still a rare situation that would occur "Once in a Blue Moon"!
July 30th - July 31st is the soulmate connection portal opening! So make sure to place your intention for your soulmate to arrive in your life!
Okay there are a few things to be shared about the cosmic energy of this Blue Moon and this month!
So, let's get to it!!!
Full Moons are all about illuminating what is hidden from you. Sometimes you are aware but ignore the issue so our lovely Full Moon makes sure that it shines light on the situation, so you can handle it and move on.
Because the Full Moon exposes all truth, it is the perfect time to set your new intentions and goals. Make sure to write them down. If you don't know what you want, then ask the moon to help guide you. Ask for guidance to help get rid of bad habits, thoughts or feelings. Full Moon is a female energy and is all about romance, fertilization and relationships. The Full Moon can either make you feel extremely emotional or extremely intense.
Start paying attention how your mood changes a few days before and after the Full Moon so you can see what you have to work on or how you can benefit from this energy. The Full Moon means the Sun and the Moon are in opposite zodiac signs
A Blue Moon means there are two Full Moons in one month. The Blue Moon being the second moon of the month.
The next Blue Moon will be in 2018.
This moon is also considered a Sturgeon Moon. Why? Because in certain parts of the world it is sturgeon season.
This month is all about being grateful. Giving thanks to those that have helped you throughout your life like, your spirit guides, God of your understanding, source, universe, etc. But also take time to give thanks to yourself.
During this special Blue Sturgeon Full Moon honor yourself by taking time to meditate, schedule an energy healing session, massage, bubble bath, card reading or anything that feels like you are pampering yourself. Go for it now!
August is here and this Blue Moon in Aquarius is ready to create change in your life.
The Sun is in Leo creating a feeling of being an individual who conquers and will lead the pack. You will want to feel in control and possibly come across as aggressive or intense. But Leo energy is all about achieving their goals and making their dreams into reality. They don't stop until they shine in front of others. They protect their loved ones as well. So there is that nurturing and caring aspect to the Lion in you. Leos have big fun hearts no way around that!
The Moon being in Aquarius will also give you the independence feeling but Aquarians are also about working well with others. They appreciate the team effort. This month you might start feeling conflicted and confused wanting to be on your own in certain projects or situations but also feel unsupported by others and feel the need for others to help you. So learn to find balance between your alone time and working well with others to achieve a certain goal.
Venus is in retrograde from July 25th until September 6th 2015. Venus is the planet of love, beauty and creativity. When it is in retrograde all these areas go a bit haywire. Already in August you will feel the need to rethink who is in your life and what value they bring into your life. How are you valuing yourself and others around you?
If you are in a relationship, you may experience some strains so hang in there. If the relationship is strong it will survive the retrograde while others will not make it till September.
Try not to take your loved ones issues and reactions personally. It's a great way to avoid arguments and understand why there isn't much affection going on these days.
You will experience the same with friendships. Is this person being a good friend to you or are they being selfish?
Perhaps you are being selfish and you have to learn to shift yourself into a more compassionate and caring friend.
This is also not the best time at all to get a makeover, new hair color, new haircut, getting married, start a new relationship, plastic surgery, renovations, etc.
Also keep in mind that Venus in retrograde brings in past lovers, ex's, past besties, past employers, etc. Be prepared to see or hear from these individuals and if there is any healing that needs to take place, go ahead and create that peace between the individuals. Always choose LOVE but if it's someone who is still draining or hasn't changed, be wise not to fall into the same pattern again.
Uranus is in retrograde from July 26th until December 25th 2015. Uranus is the planet of transformation, rebellion, freedom, awakening, surprises, disruption, sudden turns. Being that it will be in retrograde for 5 months, you will experience sudden and drastic changes in your life. A lot of people fear Uranus but in reality it brings you an opportunity to start a new beginning. If you have been complaining about a job or relationship issue, Uranus is that planet to make sure you get fired right away or your loved one breaks up with you. But this is only so you are on your way to bigger and better.
With all these planets being retrograde, a Blue Moon and Saturn in Scorpio, you will have a lot of opportunities to create powerful and meaningful changes in your life. Don't fear it. Allow yourself this month to dig deep and learn about who you really are. Perhaps you are not seeing the full truth about yourself. Allow yourself to see the light.
Are you mad at a co-worker and blame them for your problems? Perhaps it's you that is reacting the exact same way towards others in your life. The individuals that get you upset in your life are always a mirror of who you really are. Learn to dig deep and see that truth. Allow yourself to create change. Are you afraid of telling your loved one how you really feel? Go for it and say the truth with love and compassion behind it. You will be surprised how it all unfolds better than you had planned. Feel others are always jealous of you? Well perhaps you are being a bit jealous of someone else in your life. Why are you jealous? Who cares? No matter what you will get to your dreams and desires if you stay positive and inject love and light instead of wanting what the other person has.
Let go of the need to feel special and wanted. These are all ego based feelings. It's all an illusion. Don't like what you are reading right now? Then there's some truth to it!
You have to learn to have more certainty in yourself. When you allow yourself to walk through the chaos in life, while allowing all the changes to take place, you are setting the tone for the universe to work in your favor. Doesn't matter that you can't see your future right now, or the outcome to your concern or situation right now. It will all unfold the way it's supposed to, if you allow change to take place.
Want to feel special or loved? Then GIVE love to others and make others feel special. End the phase in your life of complaining or placing judgment on others. Instead have compassion and understanding for others right now.
The planet is currently shifting and more changes are coming so you should want to be raising your frequencies so you can enjoy life the way you always wanted too. Go after your dreams and feel the joy this earth has to give!
Create a global change by starting with yourself. Upset about Cecil the Lion? Well learn about what is going on with animal hunting and sign petitions and bring awareness to others. Learn that other animals in zoos and in traveling circus go through the same pain. They are locked, prisoners and taken away from their loved ones.
Want justice for Sandra Bland? Then learn about what politicians you are voting for and educate yourself on how to stand up within the community to make sure this doesn't happen again. Knowledge is power. Learn to empower yourself so you can educate and help others. No one should die against their will in the hands of someone else.
You have to create the change you want to see in this world by starting with yourself.
And to my healer friends and lightworkers out there, please, you are not better than your clients or loved ones.
See the change you currently need to have in your own life in order to walk the talk and create a better space for your clients, students and loved ones. You can't call yourself a healer or lightworker and be placing judgment on others. You and everyone else on this planet are not perfect, but admitting to yourself and others your mistakes or faults, is the start to truly creating healing and love towards yourself and others.
1. Do an act of charity.
Buy food for a homeless person or feed a homeless cat/dog on the street.
2. Find one thing you need to work on.
Admit it out loud to yourself and truly start the new thought process.
3. Be grateful.
Give thanks to the universe and find one person you want to personally give thanks to and let them know how grateful you are for them.
Well there you have it my bunnies, I wrote a lot but it's important that you all realize that we have the power to create change right now at this very instant. There is no need for anyone to be struggling so much when we are all here to love and support each other. End the gossip, end the negative thoughts, end holding on to the past, and live in the now and enjoy life to the fullest! LIVE, LAUGH and LOVE! You only have this particular body for a while so make the most of it. Why stress when it's all an illusion?! I don't know about you, but I love laughing and living in grace!!!
Note To Self:
Stayed tuned for the Lion's Gate Blog coming soon 8-8-2015.
Saturday, August 1st at 4:40pm/ET I will be guest appearing on the Xandermonium Show. Feel free to tuned and listen! Link: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/xandermonium
Listen to The GirlieVegan Show every Sunday at 7pm/ET and replay on Tuesdays at 10pm/ET at
The GirlieVegan Show or GMTVRadio.com
Subscribe to The GirlieVegan Show on the GirlieVegan Youtube Channel which will launch on Sunday, August 2nd! Subscribe here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp_mLQI-zgztCjmKjwuki_g
For those of you who actually read thru this long blog here is a fun preview to the first video from The GirlieVegan Show: https://youtu.be/xePH0Zq9G6s
Thank you my little love bugs!! I am so grateful to have every single one of you in my life and every single one of you who trust me and read the blogs and listen to the radio show and support me with your love and light!
Sending you the same love right back!!! YAY!!! Heart you!!!
Namaste Witches!
And remember:
GirlieVegans Do It Better!!!
Love and light,
Leda xxx
Photo Courtsey: CreepyPasta.wikia and wallhq.com