I must say 2014 wasn't a bad year for me. It was a time for growth in all areas of my life: emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically. It was the year I set the tone for what's in store for me in the upcoming years. I started to build my foundation of life. Of course we can always change and rewrite our script but for now I feel it's the right fit for me, for right now! I realized what I needed versus what I thought I wanted in life. I took a good look at myself, my environment, people around me and stood up for myself and created change in all areas. 2015 I will continue to do the same. Expect now my mind is fully focused on what I truly desire. I am so excited about 2015 because it's the year I know true manifestation will occur for all of us!
Most of you reading this probably felt the same. A lot of changes in 2014 and some of you realized what and where your garbage truly lies and cleaned out your closet, others still need that extra realization but that's okay, 2015 will take care of that in order for you to grow. Others ended toxic relationships, friendships, situations and are now excited about their new beginning! So congrats to all of you who took a stand for yourself and created change in your life! Bravo!!!
2015 is now here so let's get your new life started! Shall we?!?!
Later today, Sunday, January 4, 2015 at 11:53pm EST it will be a Full Moon in Cancer under Capricorn.
This Full Moon happens to also fall on fixed star Sirius! How exciting! Sirius is the brightest star system in the Earth's night sky. It is also known to be one of the home bases for some of the mystical and healing Starseeds and Hybrids living on Earth today. That's where I am from ;) You can find out more about whether or not Sirius exist from the Sirius Disclosure project from Dr. Steven Greer at www.siriusdisclosure.com. The movie was interesting to say the least!
The Full Moon in Cancer also happens to be a Grand Cross Full Moon which basically means the planets fall in all cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. So they will either be squared to each other or be opposing each other. This Full Moon is also in the Uranus-Pluto square and the Moon's Nodes.
A Full Moon means the Sun and Moon are in opposite zodiac signs. The Full Moon contains a feminine, powerful and mystical energy. This is a great time to start a new romance, fertilization or any type of relationships. This is the perfect time to start a new beginning because all the answers you wanted from the new moon are exposed and revealed during the Full Moon. This is the time to act on something you have visualized and desired! This is the time to set your desires and intentions because within the weeks leading up to the new moon you will have clarity on a more crystal clear vision of your new desires being planted under the new moon energy. Emotions run high during a Full Moon so do your best to stay grounded! This is an excellent time to see an energy healer and get your chakras aligned and balanced!
Numerologist Michelle Buchanan made it clear that 2015 is the year of number 8! It's an 8 Universal Year because it's the total number when you add 2015 together: 2+0+1+5=8. The number 8 is all about MONEY and MANIFESTATION! What a year this will be!
This is definitely the year where you have the most potential to make money and manifest all your desires. Begin with changing your thought patterns to a positive one! Start 2015 on a clean slate. Imagine you have a empty white canvas and now you have the power to draw the life you want. That's the energy that is out there right now.
This month you will feel the need to start over and actually complete it. Some of you are used to making resolutions every year on January 1st and by the second week in, you are over it. But I think we can all agree that this January 1st, it felt quite different. And that's because it is! It's the year you will create change in your life for the better! You will own up to your responsibilities and see the growth in yourself and your surroundings. You will feel a sudden need or desire to connect with your family and with yourself at a deeper level. Most of you will want to finally settle down and start a family. Some of you might even have something exposed or experience an "Aha!" moment in your life that will cause you to want to start paying attention to the areas or people in your life that you have been neglecting or putting to the side. If you are feeling tension between the circumstances of your life and unfulfilled emotional desires crashing up against your commitments and responsibilities, that is only because it's what the Full Moon in Cancer is revealing for you to take note and action on.
Cancer is a pretty emotional and caring sign but according to Kabbalah it's also the month where the disease Cancer was created. So be aware of any type of anger or high end emotions that can occur during the Full Moon in Cancer cycle as you don't want to plant a seed for suppressed feelings. If you feel a certain way, express yourself but make sure you do so in a mature way, not in a reactive psycho "this girl is crazyyy" kind of way!
Most of you will also feel the need to begin a new healthy lifestyle: Vegan lifestyle, quit drinking, quit drugs, quit gambling, etc. Remember you are what you eat, so under this Full Moon in Cancer you may want to keep yourself in a healthy lifestyle!
Take the first two weeks of January to reflect within yourself to expose the areas of your life that need true change and growth. Take time to write your intentions for this new year. It's extremely important to think BIG when writing your intentions under this Full Moon because it's under the 8 Universal Year which means it will manifest for you. So don't go for second best baby, put your intentions to the test (I know, I know I love Madonna!)!
Back in the day, this is the time of year when farmers would check and see if they had enough food for getting their livestock and family through the season. But now this is the time of year when you can reflect and get clarity on your responsibilities, especially for the Capricorn peeps. With the Full Moon in Cancer under Capricorn, you may feel relationships or work are at a turning point. Keep in mind this could be a great thing if you get crystal clear on what your responsibilities are.
Cancer peeps: Build something new as this is your Full Moon! A time of heightened skills and sensitivities. Your family, friends or co-workers may seek you out for some advice. They are not trying to drain you, so make sure you make time for them that is best for you.
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sag, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces peeps: Take it easy! Remember feelings are just that: feelings! Your thoughts have more power so switch'em up and keep them positive!
Restrict, Restrict, Restrict!!!
Take time this week to work on your Vision Board! If you have never done one before, then great, because I will be posting a blog on how to create a vision board in the next day or two! So stay tuned! For those that have made one in the past, still tune in as you may pick up a tip or two!
Moving forward I will be writing more blogs on great topics both under the GirlieVegan section and Spiritual Rebel section. I am working on a few surprises for you as well so we can connect on all levels!
I can't express how excited I am for 2015!!! It's going to be a great year! So let's all join in by connecting to our subconscious and being aware of the fact that whatever we tell our conscious mind we desire, our subconscious along with Divine Source Energy will bring it forth in our lives! It's time for true manifestation!
State your Intentions, Believe and Receive!!! The game of life baby!
Happy 2015 and Happy Full Moon in Cancer my darlings!!! Let's make it a Ride or Die type of year!!!
And remember:
GirlieVegans Do It Better!!!
Love and light,
Leda xxx
Photo Courtesy: Unknown