Spring Equinox kicked in on Sunday, March 20th. Purim begins evening of the Full Moon Wednesday, March 23rd. Friday, March 25th is Good Friday and Sunday, March 27th is Easter. Already we can feel the ending of something so a new beginning can enter. Lots to discuss here so get ready for a very special week and weekend. Next few weeks are without a doubt life changing!
The Sun is in Aries until April 19th, Mercury in Aries until April 5th, Venus in Pisces until April 5th, Mars in Sagittarius until May 27th, Jupiter in Virgo until September 9th, Saturn in Sagittarius until December 20th, 2017, and Uranus in Aries until May 15th, 2018.
This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra energy is all about relationships! But not just the relationship you're thinking, keep reading and you will find out. Let's get to itttt!!!!
A Full Moon means the sun and the moon are in opposite zodiac signs. The Full Moon has a powerful mystical energetic feeling that you experience while under it's trance. For some it may be emotional and others it may make them extremely intense. It's bringing up what you must correct in yourself and in your life for transformation to occur.
The Full Moon is all about the female energy which symbolizes being emotional, a time for romance, relationships and fertilization. During a Full Moon is a great time to take action towards something you have visualized and desired. So write down your intentions and create that vision board!
A Lunar Eclipse occurs when the shadow of the moon is on the earth, which happens every six months, when the Sun, Earth and Moon are completely perfectly aligned. Lunar Eclipses are powerful Full Moons that are meant to change your life. It's forces you to make changes. Lunar Eclipses are also about world news event. So you may hear of devastating world news a few days before or after an Eclipse. It also effects you a month later. It's important to stay positive and calm under a Lunar Eclipse so you don't attract negative experiences. Changes are must, keep that in mind. Don't be so quick to be so reactive and explosive towards people or situations. No reaction is the best reaction!
This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse will definitely be very emotional for most of you. It's going to rock your world!
This energy is all about creating balance for yourself. It's about relationships you have around you and within you. Times are changing and moving rather rapidly because the veil is dropping at an unexpected rate for most. That which separates us from the spirit world is coming down. That thin veil is about to no longer exist. So with that being said, your mind, body and spirit frequencies will be upgrading. You have to make sure they are all aligned, if not, you will experience chaos. Let's get into this a little further. You can already see evidence of this with the early Spring Equinox you just experienced. This is the earliest Spring Equinox you've had since 1896. Also it's a very special year due to the leap year you just experienced. Means everything will be different this year. Believe that on all levels.
When your body starts eating too much, you're getting sick often, you are feel hungry all the time, headaches at a dramatic rate, pains all over your body, it means your body is speaking to you. Means the frequencies in your body and the planets are not aligned. Your spirit and soul wants to soar high and you are physically keeping it behind. You have to allow yourself to grow! Experience change. This is where this Lunar Eclipse brings you an opportunity to change. This Full Moon is about relationships. Relationship with your inner self. That's right, it's all about YOU.
Time to stop being a victim. Nothing happens to you. There is no G-D or devil that makes you do anything. This mind set is what brings arguments, war and hatred. Leave others out of it. YOU are the only one responsible for the actions you make. You are responsible for listening to the craziness that happens around you. Shut negativity out of your life.
Put an end to watching negative news or sharing it with others. This is only bringing this type of energy into your life. Who cares about negative news? Connect to what can be done to make this world a better place. That's how you shift your life. By doing things you have never done before. If you are used to meditating all the time, great, you mastered that, now learn how to do help others, now learn other things to further your spirit to a whole new level. Raise your frequencies. Once you are aware of why you chose to be born into this world, the more the universe will provide you with the means to carry on your mission. But you have to connect with your inner self.
Connecting with your inner self is facing that which you so want to ignore. Facing your garbage is the hardest thing to do because your ego does a fine job at keeping it sealed. But it's your job to want to face it and that is how you destroy that ego. Face your fears. This Full Moon will reveal things you didn't want to know or see in yourself, and in others.
You will find out things that were hidden from you. Might be painful, but don't allow that to distract you and send you in a depressed state and victimize yourself. On the contrary, use this truth to feel free from being lied too. Free yourself from negativity, negative people and negative energy. What are you so afraid of? Being alone? That's what you actually need at this moment. Time alone to reflect on getting rid of DNA codings that have attached you to your family, loved ones and ancestors including their own karma. Learn to remove those attachments so you can start fresh and clean. Doesn't mean you don't love them, means that you will be responsible only for your actions and your karma at this present moment in time. Release all that doesn't serve you. This is how you change your life. Family, loved ones, careers, situations are not here to fulfill you or what damaged you. You are the one who gives your energy and power away. These people and situation are not here to harm you, they are here to help you raise your frequency. They are characters in your movie. Let all that energy go! Let anything that is hurting you go. Let it go!
Why hold on to pain that no longer serves you. With this Full Moon use that energy to let yourself go. Fly free.
Learn to face yourself this week. Good Friday is about endings and Easter about new beginnings.
This is what this Lunar Eclipse is all about. Think about how powerful that is. You are letting your old self die this week so a new you can be born. REBIRTH. Learn to let superficial things die this week, along with greed, lies, selfishness, anger, resentment, hatred, jealousy, bad ego, fear, and let the new you be born with love, light, peace, harmony, joy, compassion, bravery, sharing, giving, oneness and purity. You deserve to be the best you, which you are, when you connect to your higher self. Leave the 3D world behind and start communicating with the 5D world. The fifth dimension is a whole lot better. Start expanding and tapping into other dimensions that will uplift your frequencies.
Science states body is energy, spirituality states mind is energy, religion states spirit is energy. Body, mind and spirit is all one thing: ENERGY.
Your frequency changes along with your mood depending on what you focus on. Then this sends a signal and attracts certain people and situation into your life. Connect to the frequency of LOVE in order to manifest all your desires!
To Release/Let go
GirlieVegan Spell:
White Candle
Write a list of things you want to release from your life: A person, habit, thing or situation.
Hold your white candle and set the intention of releasing all doesn't serve your highest good so new blessings can enter your life and see that you are protected by your spirit guides. Now light your candle.
Say out loud: "I RELEASE (what is on your list) from my experience."
If you have more than one item on your list, say each one separately.
After stating out loud your spell, then burn the list using the white candle.
Voila! You have put to rest all that is on your list!
For New beginnings
Ostara Seed Spell:
Small plant pot
Write your goals and ambitions for the following year on the paper. Place the paper at the bottom of the pot, and lay the coin on top of it. Fill the pot with soil. Plant the seed into the soil, and water. Hold the pot between both hands and visualize your dreams/wishes growing as the plant does. Place the pot in a sunny spot and nurture.
Well there you have it my bunnies!!! A connection to the spring goddess herself: Ostara! She represents Easter and Passover! YAY!
Here's to wishing you a powerful and enlightening Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra! Remember if you are looking for your twin flame, in order for that to happen, you must work on yourself! Why this Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse is so powerful! You are elevating yourself to a higher level on ALL areas of your life!!! So grateful to each and every one of you that takes time to actually read these blogs and awaken yourself to the energy that is being offered: LOVE!
I truly love each and every one of you, even if I haven't "physically" met you because we are after all, one soul. So I feel you regardless. We are all sisters and brothers on this journey called Life.
Please check out a few meditation and energy healing gatherings happening this week for the Full Moon in NYC:
Wednesday, March 23rd from 7pm - 10:00pm at The Players Club at 16 Gramercy Park South in the Library Room.
I will be hosting a very special meditation along with the experiencers meeting. Come meet psychics, mediums, healers and artistic people!
Email [email protected] or just show up. Cost: Free
Thursday, March 24th from 7:00pm - 9:00pm at Central Park West on 85th Street
My soul sister Dina will be hosting a Chakra Reading & Sound Healing workshop with Donna Vestuti
For info: 347-326-3766 Cost: $25 or click on: Mind Body Healings
The GirlieVegan Show is up and running on YouTube! New Episodes every Wednesday. Please make sure to subscribe: The GirlieVegan Show
Namaste Witches!!!
And remember:
GirlieVegans Do It Better!!!
Love and light,
Leda xxx
Photo Courtesy: Selina Fenech