It's time to connect to the energy of new beginnings, so grab your tea and let's get to ittt!!!
A New Moon is when the universe opens a portal to connect you to a specific zodiac sign's energy that month.
It's a new beginning. The first few days of the New Moon is pretty powerful. That's when you can draw most of it's powerful energy down to assist you. It's when you let go of anything that is no longer working for you. Use the New Moon to transform any negative habits into positive ones. A New Moon is the perfect time to set your intentions. Write your intentions with certainty that everything you are listing will manifest. When you write down your dreams and desires the universe starts working in your favor to help you manifest.
A New Moon means the sun and the moon are in the same zodiac sign.
The Sun is in Gemini until June 20th, Mercury in Gemini until May 28th, Mars in Pisces until June 27th, Saturn in Aquarius until July 1st, Venus in Gemini until August 7th, Jupiter in Capricorn until December 19th, Pluto in Capricorn until January 2024, Neptune in Pisces until 2025, Chiron in Aries until June 19th, 2026 and Uranus in Taurus until July 2026.
Planets Retrograde 2020 dates:
Pluto Retrograde April 25 - October 4
Saturn Retrograde May 10 - September 28
Venus Retrograde May 13 - June 25
Jupiter Retrograde May 14 - September 12
Mercury Retrograde June 18 - July 12
This New Moon in Gemini and the entire month of June is ready to bring you energy of transformation, rebuilding, recovery and hope. Because Gemini is all about duality, doubts and having two sides to everything, you may have already started to feel this way. This New Moon will have you feeling doubts about yourself and where you are in life while at the same time, feeling like you have progressed and feeling stable in certain areas. It's important that you don't start feeling like a yo-yo. Geminis are all about communication so it's important that you truly take a seat back and start listening to what others are really saying. Although it's important to listen to your intuition and your spirit guides during this time, it's also important to avoid listening to your ego who will have you feeling doubts all over the place.
Stay focused on your goals in life. This is where the duality and two sides of a Gemini kick in.
Geminis tend to get confused and don't know what decisions to make. They over analyze and over think everything. They are an air sign, it's what they do. But see this as an opportunity for spiritual growth in your life. Go from being confused and having doubts, to making a choice to trust your intuition and go after what you truly need in life rather than what you want. Control your feelings this month. Don't let yourself crumble but instead let the light in and see this as an opportunity to shift your life to new beginnings. See the light! This New Moon in Gemini should be used to transform stress and anxiety to surrendering to the light of God and knowing that all will be well once you flow with the energy of the universe. Trust in your journey and trust in your flow. This New Moon is here to reassure you that all is well. Faith is a tricky thing. Most people want to see a shift or physically see an outcome in order to believe and have faith. But the truth is opposite to that belief. You must first believe and have faith in order to see and experience the miracles.
Take time this month to connect to your intentions and desires and allow yourself to trust the light and go with the flow of the universe. Take that leap of faith and remove your ego from leading you to no longer having a place in your head for guidance. You now take the lead in trusting yourself. Shift from being confused and having doubts to having conviction and peace of mind. You can do this. This is the month of rebuilding the new and improved you!
This New Moon in Gemini will have you wanting and desiring romance. Geminis love being in relationships or having someone to talk to and date. Sometimes with more than one person! However this just means they have a lot of love to offer. Take this New Moon in Gemini as a sign that it's time to fall in love with yourself first.
Those of you that are single, this is the perfect opportunity to see yourself in a whole new light. When you place yourself first and apply self-respect towards yourself, everyone else around you will have no choice but to respect you and this makes you more romantically desirable. Self love is a very attractive trait when dating. Some of you may feel the desire for a makeover but keep in mind don't do anything beauty related to yourself until Venus Retrograde goes direct on June 25th. Some of you may want to go from dark to blonde hair. A complete dramatic and drastic shift.
But until Venus goes direct, it's okay to start with things like exercise, yoga, eating healthy. Starting a plant based detox program may just be the makeover you needed. You will feel immediate changes.
A lot of singles out there will take a risk and start dating. You will be attracting some nice candidates and will be feeling like a diamond in the sky. Like a shining star in the galaxy. Keep an open mind while dating. But stay focused on your true desires in a partner so you are aware and can recognized any red flags in front of you.
This is an excellent opportunity to attract your soulmate as the energy of duality means 2 so therefore you can attract that twin flame you've been seeking.
Many couples were able to survive the lock-down by learning more about each other and appreciating each other more. Gratitude, communication, growth and love is important in any relationship.
Other couples have realized this relationship hit a dead end street. It's time to walk away and begin a new journey.
It's for your highest good to move on and find your true self and when the time is right, a new partner.
Lots of opportunity for self love and romance this month!
When it comes to finances this New Moon in Gemini wants you to stay positive. It's important that you don't panic or get depressed if you are uncertain about the status of your job due to the lock-down. Instead stay focused on remaining positive and open to changes that you may desire to do yourself.
Some of you may start feeling stuck and may not see a way out of your situation. But this New Moon in Gemini will be flooding you will tons of ideas and opportunities. It's important that you get out of your own way, and take these risks.
If you start feeling doubts and fear, connect to certainty by meditating, doing energy healing, writing down your intentions, visualization and even prayers. For some of you thinking of shifting careers, you may make a full transition by starting a whole new unexpected career like energy healing, coaching, real estate, insurance broker, or even starting your own pet sitting company or your own etsy store.Some of you may take your already existing business and add a whole new model to it. Whatever it is, its there for your grabbing.
Allow the universe to gift you tons of ideas and guidance this month. Financial abundance is here for you this New Moon in Gemini so don't allow fear to creep in. You will be okay. New beginnings are here for you, you must follow your heart, have integrity and you will find the answers that you seek. Some of you may start relocation plans this month. It's a New Moon, new beginnings and opportunities for all. Good luck!
Well there you have it my bunnies!! A whole New Moon and month ahead for us. There is such light and growth in experiencing and witnessing recovery in our lives and in the world; along with the rebuilding of a whole new you and a whole new world. It's really a time for all of us as a collective consciousness to experience victory in our lives. There is no battle that you can't overcome. There is no enemy that meant evil that you can't turn around and shine light on. It's time as a collective consciousness we surrender to G-D as all battle belongs to the higher realms. Let's all experience the victory together. We will have victory in our lives! You will have victory in any challenge you are currently facing. Don't ever forget that. The light always shines. Every morning wake up and give thanks for at least three things in your life. Gratitude is key to turning any challenge into light.
May you all feel the healing energy, love and light in this reading. May you all experience growth, peace, miracles, blessings, gratitude, love, health and magic this New Moon in Gemini!!!
Love you all!!!
Namaste witches, unicorns, mermaids, fairies, hybrids, starseeds, angels and goddesses!!!
And remember:
GirlieVegans Do It Better!!!
Love and light,
Leda xxx
Photo Courtesy: Jessica Galbreth