This Pink SuperMoon Full Moon in Libra is actually here to shift energy around in a cosmic, spiritual, healing type of way. There's lots to connect, transform and release this month.
So let's all grab a cup of hot herbal tea and get ready to go down the spiritual rabbit hole together! Let's get to itttt!!!!
A Full Moon means the sun and the moon are in opposite zodiac signs. The Full Moon is a time of emotional healing, romance, relationships, fertilization and illuminating truth. Under the Full Moon trance you take action towards something you have visualized and desired. By doing such act under the Full Moon, you would be manifesting an idea into a reality, therefore, creating magic! You must be compassionate with yourself and others during this time because the Full Moon can really bring out the best and worst in everyone. Very intense and emotional energy during a Full Moon. Do your best not to react but instead release.
A SuperMoon is when the moon is at it's closest point to Earth. The Moon, Earth and Sun are all in a line with the moon in it's nearest approach to Earth. It is believed that a SuperMoon can create chaos in this world: storms, wildfires, major floods, earthquakes and volcanoes going haywire. During this time is when you hear of major life shifting current events, people passing away, corruption being exposed, etc. SuperMoons are known to amplify the intensity of the moon it falls under.
The Sun is in Aries until April 19th, Mercury in Pisces until April 11th, Mars is in Aquarius until May 13th, Venus in Gemini until August 7th, Jupiter in Capricorn until December 19th, Pluto in Capricorn until January 2024, Neptune in Pisces until 2025, Chiron in Aries until June 19th, 2026 and Uranus in Taurus until July 2026.
This Pink SuperMoon Full Moon in Libra really is here to remind you of the power of energy. Last month there was a SuperMoon Full Moon and right after that the entire country shut down. As you read above SuperMoons can create chaos in this world through nature. It's just because the SuperMoon is quite big and energizes the energy of an already emotional and intense Full Moon. And this SuperMoon is the biggest one of 2020. But as most of you know, a Full Moon can be a wonderful time to heal yourself and manifest. Right now the entire world is upside down and a lot of people are in panic mode, nervous, anxious, worried and overall vibrating under fear. It's understandable. However, this is the right moment to allow the light to shine in on the darkness. Most of you want the freedom to leave your home and be out again, but in reality your soul wants another type of freedom. This is the perfect time to allow your soul to be set free. Give yourself the freedom to expand your mind. To question what you consider to be your reality. Are you truly seeing with your third eye? Or are you seeing with your two controlled eyes? This is the time to allow your soul to show you what it really sees. What your two eyes should really reveal to you. And this Pink SuperMoon Full Moon will do just that. So be ready to uncover some truth that perhaps was hidden from you, or you just weren't ready to accept but your soul already knew. It's hard for your ego to simply move over and allow you to be set free. This month is the time to work on your health. It's time to heal from the inside out. When you heal your mind you heal physically. While most of you are working from home, take time to work on your health. What are you really putting inside your body? Are you eating the right foods? Or are you eating what you were told your body needs? Take the time to connect to your body and learn what it truly needs in order to function and heal instead of what you want and desire. Big difference.
On a deeper spiritual level take this time to heal yourself by meditating. By allowing your mind to sit still. When you sit still with yourself, you are learning to trust yourself and trust in a higher power. A force that overrides your mind and soul and reminds you that you've come this far, and with trust, faith and love, this too shall pass. Learn to program your mind to understand that everything will be okay. It always has been and always will be. Yes, you will go through some pain, and losses, but that won't ever stop the spirit of love from lifting you right back up.
This is a very sensitive time for the entire planet. This is a time where Mother Earth is healing from the inside out.
The world needed to stop in order for people to be home, see their family, take a break, relax, surrender and let go.
This is the time for you to allow love to overpower the ego and fear frequency you were programmed from birth.
If you are really anxious, stop watching the news, walk away from your phone and pick up a book you've been wanting to read, do some yoga, work on your breathing exercise, meditate, write down your intentions, learn to cook the vegan meal you keep saying you are going to learn, and most of all allow yourself to dive into the unknown. Learn something new. Knowledge is power. LOVE is the answer to all. Instead of fearing the virus, make sure you are not allowing fear in your energy field. When your understand it's all mind over matter, well then you realize you are the creator of your own reality. You and only you have the power to shift your story. And the easiest way to shift is by shifting your thoughts that will then shift your emotions. You should be running away from fear and running as fast as you can to the frequency of LOVE.
At this time with everything that is going on around you, most of you will be grateful to be in love and to have your current relationship. A lot of you will experience a whole new beginning with your partner. Some of you will find yourself maturing whether you are single or in a relationship. This current global obstacle will help you grow spiritually in a way you didn't even know you could. By doing so, people will start being attracted to your energy and will find themselves uplifted. Some of you will learn under this Pink SuperMoon Full Moon in Libra, truths that were hidden from you. Although painful for some, it is exactly what you need to find out in order to let go and move on. It's never easy finding out people you care about were deceptive but this Full Moon is not messing around and will expose things like you've never seen before. However, this is only to allow you to start manifesting what you truly need in your life.
For the single bunnies out there, this is a whole new beginning for you. This is the time for you to sit with yourself and decide what it is you deserve out of a relationship and quite frankly what you deserve out of your own self. You only attract who you are. You should work on yourself during this month so when this obstacle is removed, you will be ready to go out into the world with a whole new energy around you.
For a lot of you finances and your career may be effecting your relationship. Keep in mind that for some of you, this had to happen because you should only be with someone who is supportive of everyone in the household during this time. This is a very sensitive time for so many people. This is the time when the world should be completely compassionate towards everyone. No time for arguments or bad behavior. This is the time for everyone to be understanding and kind. Fear is not an option.
Reach out to someone you haven't spoken to in awhile and be there for them. Check in with someone you know is alone. Let them know you care, that there is a soul out there that sees them. People are scared right now. And this is the time for the lightworkers and starseeds to let go and do their work. Any feelings outside of love are not real. It is driven by fear and your ego. So let it go and be there for people, animals and nature.
A lot of you will take this time to release any blockages around your heart chakra and ego and you will be ready to date in a whole new mindset once you are unleashed into the world again. But for now focus on your spiritual growth.
When it comes to the workforce right now, this is a very sensitive subject. Everyone is scared and worried. This Pink Supermoon Full moon in Libra has a bit of a surprise for you. Although millions of people are worried about finances, this is the time to trust in the light more than ever. Your faith is required in order to receive the financial abundance you require. In due time, all will make sense. For those of you fortunate enough to have a job and financial security at this time, make sure to be grateful and share with those in need. However, this is not the time to panic or resort to feeling hopeless. This is the time to trust and listen to your intuition. During times like this, is when you can become creative and act on your ideas. Libras are all about creativity and being that the sun is in Aries, well this is the time to put your ideas into action. Aries are all about action and movement. Use that to your advantage. Creating masks at home? Well set up an etsy page and sell and donate to others. You will be shock what can come out of that.
Once this obstacle is removed most of you will find work right away. Others will realize they no longer want to be in the same industry they were before the obstacle and will want to start a whole new career. When this happens you will have the right friends to help you create that shift. You are not alone in this. Believe that.
A lot of you will allow your light to shine and will start a whole new venture within your current industry. You will push fear aside and allow the light to shine from within. Most of you don't realize how much your light, words, and love effect others. Use that light now to create a global shift by starting to believe in yourself and start assisting others. You will be shocked where that can lead you too. Many opportunities to create new avenues of abundance for you this month by placing these ideas into action and in the next few months you will reap all the rewards.
Remember faith is required right now. Those struggling at work, release control and let the light of God take over.
Because of all the positive energy, prayers, visualizations you place out into the world, many job opportunities will be created for other people. Have faith, trust and follow your intuition and you will be fine!! Believe that!!!
Well there you have it my bunnies, another Full Moon that is not messing around. A lot of spiritual growth ahead for all of us. This world will never be the same after this. By the time we are back out into the world, no one will be the same. By the end of the month we will have mourned, cried, released, learned and shifted in a whole new way. No one can ever be the same. I believe love will win this spiritual war. This spiritual war is about love vs fear. This virus wanted to bring down people, wanted people to fear each other, and to fear being near each other. It wanted us to disappear at it's own forced time. But LOVE and the light of God has a different story. You have a different story.
Sometimes what we think is our reality, really isn't. There is so much our ego doesn't allow us to truly see.
I know we all loved the Netflix's series Tiger King and although we all laughed at Joe Exotic and couldn't believe he ran for president and Carole Baskin killed her husband, the real truth is, that the tigers were all being abused. They are all stuck in cages and are suffering. They are bored, scared and tired. They are being mistreated no matter how you see this. They were ripped away from their families, used to breed and are used for money and drugs. When you truly see what is happening, you realize that you are currently experiencing just a tad bit of what it is like to be controlled and kept inside. Most of you can't even handle being stuck at home for so long. Well imagine a tiger that needs so much land to run and exercise just to feel normal. But instead they are forced to be in tiny cages and parks.
That's what I mean by truly seeing with your third eye. Go deeper than what you are seeing in the third dimensional frequency. Go higher and to a deeper realm.
I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and social distancing. And please be open to growing spiritually at this time.
Be open to changes. Things haven't yet all been revealed and there's more changes ahead for us all.
In the meantime, learn new things, love yourself and spread that knowledge and love with others.
Sending you all love, light and healing energy! My starseeds rise to the occasion and spread love everywhere!!!
Namaste witches, unicorns, mermaids, fairies, hybrids, starseeds, angels and goddesses!!!
And remember:
GirlieVegans Do It Better!!!
Love and light,
Leda xxx
Photo Courtesy: Julie Fain