A Full Moon means the sun and the moon are in opposite zodiac signs. The Full Moon is a time of emotional healing, romance, relationships, fertilization and illuminating truth. Under the Full Moon trance you take action towards something you have visualized and desired. By doing such act under the Full Moon, you would be manifesting an idea into a reality, therefore, creating magic! You must be compassionate with yourself and others during this time because the Full Moon can really bring out the best and worst in everyone. Very intense and emotional energy during a Full Moon. Do your best not to react but instead release.
The Sun is in Leo until August 23rd, Mars in Leo until August 18th, Venus in Leo until August 21st, Mercury in Leo until August 29th, Jupiter in Sagittarius until December 2nd, Saturn in Capricorn until March 21st 2020, Pluto in Capricorn until January 2024, Neptune in Pisces until 2025, Chiron in Aries until June 19th, 2026 and Uranus in Taurus until July 2026.
Saturn Retrograde (Capricorn) April 30th - September 18th
Pluto Retrograde (Capricorn) April 24th - October 3rd
Now that the intense energy is gone you can feel the positive energy this Full Moon in Aquarius is bringing in.
You will start feeling a sense of determination, focus and a bit impulsive as soon as the Full Moon enters. It's like you felt stuck all summer and now you are ready to run. Some of you are ready for a new adventure and the Full Moon is here to say yes, you can take that leap of faith! Most of you will realize that spending the summer working on yourself, self love, self worth and desires, will now pay off. Some of you will begin to react a bit quicker to things and have a more speedy responses and reactions to situations. You will have confirmation that stepping out of your comfort zone will bring magnificent new beginnings into your life. Everyone will experience unexpected changes or surprises. Every aspect in your life has been challenged in one way or another in the past few months but now it's time to flow with the universal changes that are here to help you on your way to a new journey that will be aligned with your gifts, desires and destiny. Think big, act on it and stay faithful. You will see results of your desires in the weeks ahead. The Full Moon in Aquarius is here to say yes you can do whatever you desire. You got this! Some of you will still require a bit of patience but that's part of your journey and the process. You are here to serve others, to be of service at all times. Even when you are doing something for yourself, you are still in service, because you are servicing yourself.
Things will flow in a better direction in the next few weeks. Remove any guilt feelings when it comes to letting go of things, places, or people. You are raising your frequencies and ascending and that is never a bad thing. Lots of fun surprises and unexpected changes ahead so stay focused, determined and don't procrastinate. Trust yourself, your journey and your intuition.
The Full Moon in Aquarius is bringing in some exciting moments in your love and friendship life! But the best part is the self love department! This Full Moon is all about you! Your new beginnings flourishing into fruition.
When you connect to your own self love and self worth, the opportunities for new romances will start ushering in.
For those that are single you will enjoy meeting new people. This is the time to flirt, stay open, and truly decide on what it is that you are seeking in a partner, because the energy is out there to bring your twin flame closer to you now.
August 15th starting in the evening until August 16th in the evening, is the day of soulmates! The day of love! You have an opportunity to mediate and connect to your twin flame. Time to do the work.
It is important to do the self work because what you seek in a partner is what you're lacking in yourself. Why you must fulfill yourself first instead of seeking love in someone else. Love yourself first. You attract your soulmate when you work on yourself. But when you love yourself you open the gateway for your twin flame to arrive.
You usually date or marry a reflection of yourself. Think about that. Why ex's are ex's. You are no longer that person.
Some of you will receive an apology from an ex, friend, family member and it might feel unexpected, overwhelming or even emotional but in the end see the beauty and the opportunity to practice forgiveness. And some of you may be the one who needs to reach out and apologize.
Again you have an opportunity to heal old wounds, release karmic energy and make space for your new person to arrive. Self love leads to self healing. For others this is a past life relationship that's here to heal with you.
Some of you will realize through the ex that there was a third party you were unaware of or probably suspected all along. It's important you follow your gut on this situation.
For those happy couples out there, you will feel a romantic energy throughout this Full Moon. You may get away for the weekend or start making plans for next month. Remember to always stay grateful for your love and for each other.
Some happy couples may be facing some challenging times together but this is just another bump in the road and a way for you both to get through it together. Be there for each other and create miracles together. Your love inspires other people. Don't lose sight of that. You are here to service others.
For those in a complicated relationship, the next couple of months will be different for some. Some of you won't make it past next month, which is a good thing, and for others you will realize that perhaps you're part of the problem as well.
You are in the situation because you choose to be. So perhaps it's not the other person's fault as much as it is your own. Time to reevaluate your needs and wants and work on yourself.
Either way this Full Moon reminds you to spread love!
When it comes to finances the Full Moon in Aquarius is here to gift you surprises and more financial abundance.
Many of you will have an opportunity to partner with someone else to create a project that will go over very well.
You may be asked to join a team or an event that will be in your best interest for your career and even financially.
At first it may not seem that way, but in the end you will receive a lot more than you actually put in. Go for it!
Others will feel the need to express themselves in the work force. Your self worth will be priority for you and you've pretty much have had it. In this case, compromise on your approach and remember that being reactive in a negative way is never a good thing. But instead learn to speak up for yourself without being confrontational. Stating your needs doesn't have to be negative, it's a positive thing! Many of you will find the need to want to express yourself artistically.
Whether it's through writing, painting, singing, dancing, makeup, whatever your creative side is, it's time you express yourself, because the creative energy is here now. Enjoy it!
Many of you will feel the desire to start learning something new. Whether it's within your own career or something completely opposite. The time is now to start learning new things. Taking this leap of faith will take you on an unexpected journey that will shift any stuck energy you were dealing with before. Squash your ego and do the uncomfortable and learn a new skill. It will be rewarding in the end!
For those that own their own business, it's time to take things up a notch. Push your business to another level. You never know where it will take you. Again, taking a leap of faith is the most empowering thing you can do.
Well there you have it my bunnies!! Another Full Moon full of surprises and excitement. A lot is going around in the world universally and can be heartbreaking for most. It's important that lightworkers and the starseeds avoid news, media and any outlet that spreads negative energy. You must stay uplifted in order to shine your light on those in need. As lightworkers you must stay grounded, aware and seek truth at all times. All is not what it seems in the world and you must be awake in order to see the light. The world needs help and most of all love and faith. As light workers and starseeds we signed up to for this job. To heal others. It's amazing when we work on ourselves and we serve others how the energy in our lives shifts! It's time we stay positive, alive and full love! Go after your dreams, desires and destiny! You can do whatever it is you want. Life is pure magic and you're a magical being! So go spread that magic to everyone! Here's to another few weeks filled with love, light, happiness, joy, health, abundance and healing.
Sending you all magical fairy dust your way!!! Time to manifest your desires!!!
LOVE YOU ALL!!! I am grateful for you and thank you for reading and connecting to the healing in this writing.
Namaste witches, unicorns, mermaids, fairies, hybrids, starseeds, angels and goddesses!!!
And remember:
GirlieVegans Do It Better!!!
Love and light,
Leda xxx
Photo Courtesy: Julie Fain Art