The Sun is in Pisces until March 20th, Venus in Capricorn until March 1st, Mars in Taurus until March 31st, Mercury in Pisces until April 17, Pluto in Capricorn until April 24th, Neptune in Pisces until June 20th, Jupiter in Sagittarius until December 2nd, Uranus in Aries until March 6th, Saturn in Capricorn until March 21st 2020, and Chiron in Aries until April 14th, 2027.
A Super Snow Full Moon filled with major transformations, so lets get to itttt!!!!!
A Full Moon means the sun and the moon are in opposite zodiac signs. The Full Moon is a time of emotional healing, romance, relationships, fertilization and illuminating truth. Under the Full Moon trance is when you take action towards something you have visualized and desired. By doing such act under the Full Moon, you would be manifesting an idea into a reality, therefore, creating magic! Keep in mind that you must be compassionate with yourself and others during this time because the Full Moon can really bring out the best and worst in everyone. Very intense and emotional energy during a Full Moon.
A SuperMoon is when the moon is at it's closest point to Earth. The Moon, Earth and Sun are all in a line with the moon in it's nearest approach to Earth. It is believed that a SuperMoon can create chaos in this world: storms, wildfires, major floods, earthquakes and volcanos going haywire. During this time is when you hear of major life shifting current events, people passing away, corruption being exposed, etc. SuperMoons are known to amplify the intensity of the moon it falls under.
This Super Snow Moon is here to balance you out. It is called the Snow Moon because centuries ago this was the time of year in certain parts of the world when the snow was the deepest. This force everyone to stay in and spend time with family, worked on their health and grew closer to their loved ones. Being that this Super Snow Full Moon is in the sign of Virgo, most of you will feel the need to really have your life and your day to day in order. You will find yourself concerned about health and question if you are on the right path. The sun is in Pisces so will feel a pull to be balanced between controlling your physical life and letting go and trusting in your spiritual life. Work on creating a balance for yourself versus feeling like your life is in chaos. Keep in mind that all physical pain or anything not settled right in your physical 3D world stems from your spiritual mind and body. Your thoughts and words have power. So connect to your spiritual side and you will see shifts in your every day life. Get to work this month!
This Super Full Moon in Virgo is really going to end the rest of the month in a positive note for the majority of you.
You will feel a strong pull to just go!! For some this means packing your bags, moving and following your dreams. You will go after your heart's desire. And nothing is more fulfilling than that! So congrats! For others you will feel it's time to leave your current situation, relationship, job, home, etc. You will know that it's time to go. The universe has given you enough signs by now, so let your past go. This Full Moon will urge you to dive deep into your spiritual or religious belief system. If you don't have one, you will find yourself searching for one. You are entering a time in your life where you will see a huge shift occur, for some this may seem painful but in the end you will see how amazing your decisions will pan out! Go after your dreams!
For those that have been depressed, confused, unfocused, and feeling stuck, this Full Moon will push you deeper in that state if you don't make the choice of understanding that it is all an illusion and your life is actually better and more beautiful than you realize. Start practicing gratitude! The reason you are stuck is because you are not grateful for your life. Being under the Pisces energy can bring the victim out in you. So stay strong and realize that you are a survivor and not a victim. You have many things and people around you to be grateful for, starting with yourself and the universe. You are alive and that's enough to make a choice of choosing the light! Darkness and light can't live together. You are either positive or negative. The choice is yours!
So go after your dreams! You will see a huge shift in your life when make the choice of putting yourself first and setting boundaries all around you. Saying no to others, is saying YES to YOU!
Well for some of you this year as been so great! You are in love and it feels amazing! You feel like you finally found that one. But then out of nowhere, for some of you, this Full Moon in Virgo turns your love life upside down! Yikes!!!
This is the exact moment where you shouldn't panic but hold on to your faith or religious upbringing as much as possible.
Most married couples or long term commitments will experience a less traumatic shift but instead will be shock to learn that their partner is actually learning new skills, deciding to take a new journey or simply taking a new class. Don't fret as you will be a part of it all. Just be open to allowing them to grow as you will be growing as well, making this union fall in love and grow closer than ever. It will all feel new.
Others, unfortunately, will open their eyes and realize that perhaps there are not as happy as they realized but this is an opportunity to learn not to blame your partner but to work on yourself and see where you made the choice to allow certain behaviors. Some of you will be challenged because your beliefs systems are not aligned. If you believe in the light of God and your partner is a Luciferian, well, you can see how that will play a role in your frustrations.
Some of you unfortunately will no longer be able to handle your relationships due to your belief systems. And that's okay because it means someone else is out there looking for you right now! Stay positive!
Over all, most of you couples, will be feeling there is LOVE in the air!!!! So focus on that!!!
To the singles ones out there, start practicing visualizations, affirmations, prayers, whatever rocks your boat because your belief system is what will manifest you a new love that will rock your world! Be open to believing in something called miracles. Some of you might meet your new boo at church, a spiritual gathering, a shamanistic class, or at AA. Either way make sure to trust in divine timing. Sometimes you need to focus and work on yourself for now before your new love walks through those doors.
Some of you have recently met someone that has you walking on cloud nine!!! And that's always a great feeling!
Work on letting your past go so you don't bring that energy into your new relationship.
Some of you are ready to receive some major financial abundance. You are ready! In the next few weeks you will see yourself from being stuck to having movement when it comes to your financial flow.
For those that want their finances to grow, start by seeing it already here. Spend more time in nature. When you are around trees, ocean, animals, there is a higher vibration that uplifts you and shifts your energy flow.
Sometimes something as simple as walking your pet to a new park or going on a hike will spark that shift.
Start spending more time in nature and you will vibrate a lot higher. See money as a form of infinite energy that is here to assist you.
For a lot of you wanting to change careers or how to get that raise at work, start paying attention to your dreams and signs around you. When you sleep, your ego is muted and you are able to astral travel and become lighter. It is in that state that you are able to receive guidance on what it is you're supposed to be doing. You will receive the help and knowledge that you seek in order to manifest your dreams into reality.
Let go of any stress, obstacles and negativity behind money or work.
If you are unhappy at work, perhaps it's time to follow your heart. Trust that if you take actions towards something you are passionate about, all will fall into place. It's time to get yourself involved in a project, volunteer, give back to your community, helping animals and you will see a major shift in your life, career, finance and love.
For those that are already doing what they love, now it's time to help others achieve their goals. Be a teacher and give back to the universe by helping someone manifest their dreams. This will bring you more joy and more miracles into your life.
Well there you have it my bunnies!!! Another Super Full Moon ready to slay!!! Just be open to letting go of the old you, the old ways and trusting that new things, people, blessings are already here. BELIEVE and TRUST in yourself, in your journey and in miracles. I wanted to strongly share that boundaries in life are so important. Boundaries with ourselves is key. Learn to find balance within yourself so you can learn from right and wrong. Perhaps partying 5 days a week is too much for you, pleasing everyone all the time is not healthy, staying late at work to prove a point is not working for mental state, or being in love with someone who doesn't want a relationship with you is not okay.
LOVE YOURSELF enough to walk away from all the things that distract you from your main goals in life. Your goals should not include feeling drained, tired, thinking of someone that doesn't think of you, and sad over things that aren't meant to be. I share these things because lately, I have had many clients who are all going through changes, but the one thing that brings me happiness is to see them all set new boundaries for themselves and witness the difference in their outcomes. Truly magnificent! BRAVO (clap clap) to all of you who are working on yourselves to become a better person for you and those around you! Be gentle with yourself in this 3D planet. Don't rush the process. Either way you will arrive at your final destination, so why not enjoy the journey?!!? Even when you take the road less traveled you will appreciate your journey so much more! BE KIND to yourself and to others!!! LOVE is the answer!
I am grateful to you and may you feel the healing energy in this blog and may it uplift you!!!
** Full Moon meditation gathering on Wednesday, February 20th, 2019 7pm-9pm in NYC at The Players in Gramercy. Come join us and connect to the consciousness of the week and receive some healing! Email me at [email protected] to register and for exact location. Suggested donation $11.
Namaste witches, mermaids, fairies, unicorns, starseeds, hybrids, angels, hippies, goddess and gypsies!!!
And remember:
GirlieVegans Do It Better!!!
Love and light,
Leda xxx
Photo Courtesy: Nancy Quiaoit