Let's see what this Black Super New Moon in Leo has in store for you. Let's get to itttt!!!!
A New Moon is when the universe opens a portal to connect you to a specific zodiac sign's energy that month.
It's a new beginning. The first few days of the New Moon is pretty powerful. That's when you can draw most of it's powerful energy down to assist you. It's when you let go of anything that is no longer working for you. Use the New Moon to transform any negative habits into positive ones. A New Moon is the perfect time to set your intentions. Write your intentions with certainty that everything you are listing will manifest. When you write down your dreams and desires the universe starts working in your favor to help you manifest.
A New Moon means the sun and the moon are in the same zodiac sign.
A SuperMoon is when the moon is at it's closest point to Earth. The Moon, Earth and Sun are all in a line with the moon in it's nearest approach to Earth. It is believed that a SuperMoon can create chaos in this world: storms, wildfires, major floods, earthquakes and volcanos going haywire. During this time is when you hear of major life shifting current events, people passing away, corruption being exposed, etc. SuperMoons are known to amplify the intensity of the moon it falls under.
The Sun is in Leo until August 23rd, Mercury in Cancer until August 11th, Mars in Leo until August 18th, Venus in Leo until August 21st, Jupiter in Sagittarius until December 2nd, Saturn in Capricorn until March 21st 2020, Pluto in Capricorn until January 2024, Neptune in Pisces until 2025, Chiron in Aries until June 19th, 2026 and Uranus in Taurus until July 2026.
Jupiter Retrograde (Capricorn) April 10th - August 11th
Saturn Retrograde (Capricorn) April 30th - September 18th
Pluto Retrograde (Capricorn) April 24th - October 3rd
This month will feel a bit lighter as the days go by because the Black Super New Moon in Leo will bring you lots of new beginnings. You will have a chance to re-write your story. It's important you allow yourself to release past thoughts and fears. Although Mercury Retrograde ends on August 1st, keep in mind that the post shadow stage, which last two weeks after retrograde ends, can be shady. If you are a mercurial sign you will still experience the effects of Mercury Retrograde. But nonetheless either way by mid month it will all be over. You are also on week 2 of the 3 most negative weeks of the year. This energy entered July 20th and will stay until August 10th leading to August 11th being the most negative day of the year. But this is not all bad, this is an excellent time to see any misunderstandings as an opportunity to dig deep and see what you can work on. It's time for you to do the uncomfortable and step out of your comfort zone in all areas of your life. How will you know that it's an opportunity to shift and step out of your comfort zone? When it involves something that you totally refuse to do, cooperate with, get upset about, or extremely hurt by. The lessons and opportunities for you to grow never really look or arrive as you want them too. When the universe pulls the rug under your feet, it's never a good feeling. But if you go with the flow and evolve and shift, you will see the miracles that come about. Most of you are focusing on the worst case scenarios and thinking so negatively. End that pattern. You are being asked to think, say and even communicate positivity and connect only to your desires. Worrying will only manifest the problem to blow out of proportion for no reason. Breathe and relax.
The Lion's Gate Portal started on July 26th and will stay open until August 12th, and August 8th being the most powerful day to activate your DNA. This frequency will help activate your dormant DNA strands that contain your mission on this planet and your healing abilities. So allow this frequency to assist you in ascending to a higher frequency and dimension. You may experience astral travel and projection during this time frame.
Others have to learn to accept their reality. What you see is literally what you are getting in your current situation. People and situations don't change unless you do. For some this will require you to walk away.
Most of you starseeds are being asked to stay away from negative people, things and places. As starseeds, indigos and crystal children, you are asked to shield and protect your energy with prayers and ask your angels to protect you with their angelic light. Know that you will always be protected. Saying no to others is saying yes to yourself.
The frequencies of the planet are very sensitive right now for all starseeds and lightworkers so take it easy and stay away from people that drain you. Be gentle with yourself.
Use this New Moon in Leo to take advantage and make new changes. Take chances, meet new people, make plans to travel and learn new things. Start a new healthy lifestyle that involves eating better. Take your health seriously this month.
When it comes to matters of the heart this month, you want it all, and not just in the love department.
This Black Super New Moon in Leo is uplifting you to a higher frequency of self love. You will no longer allow others to create drama around you. Most of you in toxic relationships, will no longer want any part of it. It's taken you a while to understand and accept that this relationship is only one sided and your inner self will no longer allow it. Your self worth, self love and self value have gone through the roof. Your stock is up! Keep on moving! This is all because your actual twin flame is calling for you. They are ready for the union. So it's important for you to do the inner spiritual work which includes knowing and accepting that you are loved. Allow yourself to be loved.
Some of you will find out that you are not the only person involved with your partner. Walk away from drama and know that you are loved no matter what. Enough with competing with others for someone's attention. You have a twin out there waiting to reunite with you as they have in past lives. Demand from yourself a higher standard but also be open to true love. Most of you are feeling this overwhelming desire of love and that's because your other half is around the corner. So don't give up.
Again, those in dramatic, toxic, and narcissistic relationships, walk away. Detach from drama.
Others are feeling the love from their loved ones so much and you should be excited because this is only the beginning. Mazel! Enjoy it and share the energy with the world.
Baby news are in the works so congrats to those new mothers-to-be.
This Black Super New Moon in Leo will be very good for those wanting to uplift their company and finances. Watch a bit how you spend money but do be positive about manifesting new clients, finances and new employees.
Others seeking new work, new careers, new positions have to start moving and no more procrastinating. It's time for you to make a decision on what it is you want. The New Moon in Leo is the perfect time to write down your intentions.
There is a new career or new job for some out there, but you have to make a move. It's now or never.
Other have to understand this anger that occasionally builds up at work is just your inner indigo being. Indigos have a hard time dealing with authority because you can see right through people and corporations. You are here to help redesign the system in due time. But don't allow this anger to take over. Instead know that when the time is right you will be able to move on to the new position. For now, make a plan by setting those intentions. Remember you are where you are because your light is needed there. When it's time to go, you will know and make that move.
Some will take a leave off work due to their fertility situation and this will allow you time to rethink your next career move. Others will be starting new projects that will be aligned with your desires and will manifest nice financial abundance.
Those that are not working are being asked to shift your situation by volunteering with animals. Animals are angels on earth and the more you love and connect with them, the more blessings you will receive in your life.
Be open to new opportunities with your career. Be open to shining your light to help others. The more you share the more financial abundance is headed your way.
There you have it my bunnies! A whole new month ahead filled with love, happiness, light, miracles, blessings and major opportunities to share love with others. This past month was not easy in the least bit for the planet, but we must hang in there and believe without a shadow of a doubt that things will get better. It's important not to spread hate by wishing others bad. Stick to promoting and sharing love no matter what your personal thoughts are. What we say, think and write have power. If you want change, spread love. Show others the way by showing love. We accomplish peace through love. It's the only way. You will never have peace and love in your life if you complain, speak negatively, and drag others down. Uplift yourself and others by sharing love. If you don't know how to spread love, it starts by not spreading negative words and thoughts. Instead focus only on love, helping others and positive things.
It's time for you to own your energy. Only you are responsible for the energy you bring into a room.
Make this month the month you explore and try new things, travel to new places, try new eating habits, do whatever your soul desires. Do your best to volunteer and assist others. Use the Lion's Gate Portal to ascend to a higher dimension and feel the love in your own heart. Feel the world as a collective consciousness and uplift yourself to help uplift others!!! YAY! Let's all become one happy loving tribe!!!
May you all feel the love and healing light that are in this writing. Here's wishing you a fabulous month ahead. May you manifest your love, your desires, your dreams and your destiny!!! LOVE to you all!!!
Namaste witches, unicorns, mermaids, fairies, hybrids, starseeds, angels and goddesses!!!
And remember:
GirlieVegans Do It Better!!!
Love and light,
Leda xxx
Photo Courtesy: Selina Fenech