A lot will be changing in the next month. Supermoons amplify an already emotional and magical Full Moon. So everything might feel over the top! But this is not always such a bad thing, right? We need changes and awakenings on a collective consciousness level. Some of the planets will be going retrograde starting this month causing everything to slow down a bit. Including chaos. It's time as a whole planet and human race people connect to themselves on a higher frequency and share with each other. Knowledge is power.
Get your aura, heart chakra and energy levels open to receiving some love and light right now. So let's get to it!!!!!
A Full Moon means the sun and the moon are in opposite zodiac signs. The Full Moon is a time of emotional healing, romance, relationships, fertilization and illuminating truth. Under the Full Moon trance you take action towards something you have visualized and desired. By doing such act under the Full Moon, you would be manifesting an idea into a reality, therefore, creating magic! You must be compassionate with yourself and others during this time because the Full Moon can really bring out the best and worst in everyone. Very intense and emotional energy during a Full Moon. Do your best not to react but instead release.
A SuperMoon is when the moon is at it's closest point to Earth. The Moon, Earth and Sun are all in a line with the moon in it's nearest approach to Earth. It is believed that a SuperMoon can create chaos in this world: storms, wildfires, major floods, earthquakes and volcanoes going haywire. During this time is when you hear of major life shifting current events, people passing away, corruption being exposed, etc. SuperMoons are known to amplify the intensity of the moon it falls under.
The Sun is in Taurus until May 20th, Mercury in Taurus until May 11th, Mars in Aquarius until May 13th, Saturn in Aquarius until July 1st, Venus in Gemini until August 7th, Jupiter in Capricorn until December 19th, Pluto in Capricorn until January 2024, Neptune in Pisces until 2025, Chiron in Aries until June 19th, 2026 and Uranus in Taurus until July 2026.
Planets Retrograde 2020 dates:
Pluto Retrograde April 25 - October 4
Saturn Retrograde May 10 - September 28
Venus Retrograde May 13 - June 25
Jupiter Retrograde May 14 - September 12
Mercury Retrograde June 18 - July 12 / October 13 - November 3
Neptune Retrograde June 23 - November 28
Uranus Retrograde August 15 - January 14, 2021
Mars Retrograde September 9 - November 13
This Supermoon Full Moon in Scorpio is called Flower Moon because April showers bring May flowers. This Full Moon is about opening new beginnings. Coming out from dark to light. It's about working on your personal commitment towards your spiritual journey and expanding your heart with love. It's time to see the world in a different loving way. Expand your horizons. Flowers bring abundance, love and healing. Connect to that energy. Even in a world where you are being forced to be restricted and kept inside based on fear. Switch your narrative to a different approach. See this as the universe wants you to focus on unfinished business in your life. You are being asked to see what can you change in your life right now. What haven't you been seeing correctly? What habits should you be letting go? What characteristics about yourself can you transform? This is the time to do it. If you are a fanatical of the news most likely your narrative is a more fear based one than someone who is not watching the news and is creating their own story line in life. This person may seem aloof and crazy to you. But in their world, they are less stress and more positive. That's a lifestyle the world should be striving for. Although some of you may be feeling attacked at work, at home or in other ways, see this more as a push from your spirit guides to create a shift somewhere in your life. Change your story. Perhaps some of you need to watch what you eat, add more exercise, meditate, tap into your faith more. Whatever it is, you're being asked to stop, evaluate and transform. There is a lot of light waiting to emerge from your vessel. Let it happen. This Full Moon in Scorpio is also asking you to have trust in your journey. Take a leap of faith. Whatever is stressing you, you must have complete faith that all will work out for the better. Everything else is an illusion.
Fear means False Evidence Appearing Real. Work on trusting yourself, your divine source of your choice and believe.
When you have faith and you trust in a higher frequency you will start manifesting your desires. This Full Moon in Scorpio is all about manifesting. Scorpios are great at manifesting and especially under a Taurus New Moon frequency. Tauruses are all about manifesting abundance, health, love and creativity. Use these two elements to create the life you always desired. Everything doesn't have to happen overnight but start taking action now as Taurus and Scorpio will make it happen for you. In order to grow a tree you need earth and water. Anything you want to manifest should be worked on in the next two weeks. By this time in your life, most of you should have faced some of your shadow work of this year and now can start feeling the light shining from within.
Today you should take time to write down your intentions as if it is already happening. Write down the things you want to manifest. Make two copies. One you will use to go to your favorite space in your home or outside if you have a backyard or a park near by. Read the list out loud as if you are commanding the list to happen. Feel it happening. Envision it. Then burn your list. The other copy you keep at home so you can read it out loud whenever your emotions run high.
Saturn, Venus and Jupiter will be going retrograde this month so take it easy and don't force things to happen. Go with the flow. Trust and work on manifesting your desires.
Love is in the air for a lot of people in a lot of different ways. The Supermoon Full Moon in Scorpio under the energy of a Taurus new moon will definitely have you working on your heart chakra. Some of you will need to work on manifesting love starting with self love. It's the perfect time to connect to your divine feminine energy. Use this time now before Venus goes retrograde on May 13th to handle anything regarding beauty. Once Venus is retrograde until June 25th, it is not a good time to color, trim or cut your hair, much less experiment on your own. Recipe for a disaster. Same with anything regarding your love life. Venus retrograde is not a good time to start a new relationship. Although Zoom dating is becoming a thing. During this time, it's not wise. Work on your self love and expanding your heart chakra and manifesting a new love so when you are out there again, you will be meeting someone new.
Some Tauruses out there will be meeting a Libra soulmate later on this year and others in the first half of 2021.
Others of you need to have a heart to heart conversation with yourself about the way you attract and handle dating and all relationships in your life, including family and friends. Time to be honest and transform things.
Some of you in current relationships will need to have a honest and open conversation with your partner about certain truths that have been hidden deep down inside. All will work out in the end. No need to worry.
Reconciliation may be what some of your ex's are looking for but most of you will not be wanting to speak to the past, as the past has nothing new to say. So keep on walking. Others needed to hear from the past in order to let go and move forward. Venus in retrograde is not a good time to settle any old arguments. Steer clear once Venus is retrograde. If you are looking to heal with old friends, it's better to do so now with the Full Moon in Scorpio.
Some of you will be manifesting a passionate love affair with a coworker. While others will need to dive deep in their career in order to meet their true love.
A lot of happy couples out there taking advantage of the stay at home restriction in order to snuggle up and grow closer together. Enjoy this time.
And for those of you realizing you both have hit the end of the road. Know that better things are coming your way.
Stay positive, believe in love, apply self love and show love to others. All will make sense later on in your journey.
Love means Life's Only Valuable Emotion.
Although many of you are stressed out about work. This Supermoon Full Moon in Scorpio is here to show you that all is not lost. Things are changing in the world and the way you handle business. Some of you will have to tap in to your true talents and use that to manifest financial abundance. Use your gifts now. You will be shocked where it leads too.
If some of you are good at doing hair, take this time to offer your services in a new healthy way to your neighbors, community or friends. You will be amazed how people will pay you to come to their homes with your mask and gloves to do their hairs or makeup. This is the time to be wise and use your creative side to manifest income for yourself.
Centuries ago people bartered to get by. This is something else you can also offer some of your friends.
This Full Moon in Scorpio will offer you some ideas on how to create more abundance for yourself and how to change careers or jobs at this time. Pay attention to the ideas and signs that come your way. Dreams will be heighten during the Full Moon so pay close attention to what your subconscious is trying to tell you. Allow the light to shine in and gift you ideas and opportunities.
Some of you will actually be offered a new position through friends, and others will have opportunities heading your way, so stay optimistic.
Use this time to work on projects you always wanted to manifest. Take your time outlining and deciding on your choices for your projects and once doors open again all will be ready to materialize for you.
Make sure to sign any contracts now before Mercury Retrograde arrives on June 18th and keep in mind that the energy kicks in 2 weeks before that date. The same goes with purchasing any electronics or flights during that time.
Take advantage of the next two weeks to handle anything important. The rest will have to wait.
The great news is this month is filled with manifesting energy for you. Tauruses are good at manifesting financial abundance. So there is no need to worry. Focus on the positive and envision financial abundance heading your way.
Take that leap of faith, believe and allow the light to heal any situation regarding your finances, career and job.
It's important that you support your local small businesses as they will need to keep the faith going.
Uranus in Taurus is creating a lot of changes in the world at this time. It's a whole new world awaiting you.
Well there you have it my bunnies! A new month of May is here with a Supermoon Full Moon in Scorpio.
Remember that a Supermoon does creates world news and not necessarily right away either. The effect last a full month. Sometimes we actually hear about the news a month after the Supermoon entered. So June 7th we may hear of a world news event. With May always being such a fun, healing and loving month. Let's manifest great news! May is the month with the most light! So let's take advantage of that and spread love world wide.
During this time there are a lot of animal, children and domestic abuse happening at home. People are losing their minds. So it's up to us to hold space for others and send love and light to people. Use the extra time you have to help someone else. If you know someone is suffering at home, do something about it. We are here to help each other and create a better world for the ones who enter later. Let's do our part. Helping other means your are helping yourself as well. When you heal others you heal yourself. Energy always circles back. Karma. I'm all about manifesting good karma! Use this month to push yourself and step into the unknown. Do your own research and question everything you see and hear. You have the power. We as people living on earth have the ultimate say and power. Don't give that away. The media and politics are not your friend. They don't care or look out for you. But you have a choice and that choice no one can take away from you. You have the choice to believe in faith, in God or believe in the media and politics. It's amazing what happens when people unite in faith, love and positive energy. The negative energy can't survive. It becomes chaotic and full of fear and has no choice but to disappear. So always choose love and light.
You will always arrive to your final destination in life. Always. It's all about the choice and path you choose to get there. The road of chaos or the road of mercy. It's all mind over matter in the end.
May you all feel the love, light, joy, healing and magic in this reading. My starseeds strike and manifest like lightning!
Namaste witches, unicorns, mermaids, fairies, hybrids, starseeds, angels and goddesses!!!
And remember:
GirlieVegans Do It Better!!!
Love and light,
Leda xxx
Photo courtesy: Alexis Rakun