The year started off with a lot of hope for a lot of people. And we should hold on to that hope, the best is yet to come.
However, right now we are still closing chapters from a previous decade so allow the energy to purge like it needs to, not how we want it too. All will make sense later on. Right now we must hold on to faith and create our own reality along with understanding our own timelines. No need to panic and be worried. Maintain faith and go back to basics.
What you think you will create. Positive thinking truly manifests positive outcome. Let's have patience! I am more than sure this will all blow over pretty soon. Hang in there and wash your hands!!!
Lots of ground to cover this month of March along with the Super Full Moon in Virgo so let's get to ittt!!!!
A Full Moon means the sun and the moon are in opposite zodiac signs. The Full Moon is a time of emotional healing, romance, relationships, fertilization and illuminating truth. Under the Full Moon trance you take action towards something you have visualized and desired. By doing such act under the Full Moon, you would be manifesting an idea into a reality, therefore, creating magic! You must be compassionate with yourself and others during this time because the Full Moon can really bring out the best and worst in everyone. Very intense and emotional energy during a Full Moon. Do your best not to react but instead release.
A SuperMoon is when the moon is at it's closest point to Earth. The Moon, Earth and Sun are all in a line with the moon in it's nearest approach to Earth. It is believed that a SuperMoon can create chaos in this world: storms, wildfires, major floods, earthquakes and volcanos going haywire. During this time is when you hear of major life shifting current events, people passing away, corruption being exposed, etc. SuperMoons are known to amplify the intensity of the moon it falls under.
The Sun is in Pisces until March 20th, Mercury in Aquarius until March 16th, Saturn in Capricorn until March 21st, Mars in Capricorn until March 30th, Venus in Taurus until April 3rd, Jupiter in Capricorn until December 19th, Pluto in Capricorn until January 2024, Neptune in Pisces until 2025, Chiron in Aries until June 19th, 2026 and Uranus in Taurus until July 2026.
Mercury Retrograde ends and will go direct on Monday, March 9th at 10:59pm.
This Supermoon Full Moon in Virgo is bringing a lot of major energy into your life. For starters, it may have already been an emotional month of March for some of you. This is not a bad thing. Under this Full Moon is the perfect time to release any stuck emotions and any negative energy surrounding you. The Full Moon is here to help you cleanse your mind, body and soul. A lot of these pent up emotions that have been building up is because your spirit recognizes that it's closing a chapter in your life. Means you are about to face changes in your life. For most of you it's an end of a difficult situation and for others it's simply an end of an era. You may be forced to throw away a piece of furniture that had sentimental value but in reality it's time to let it go. Most of you may have to purge out years of files, redecorate, move, let go of clothes you no longer wear or simply let go of people in your life. Time to release the old to allow the energy to flow and bring you new beginnings.
Most of you have been ignoring signs for the past few weeks, even months, so the universe now has no choice but to force you to make a decision in your life. This Full Moon will seem like it's bringing in a lot of chaos, but see past the chaos. It may feel like you have too much going on at once but it will balance itself out. Your job is to see the light.
In the midst of the storm you must hold on and trust your spirit and your spirit guides, but also listen to their guidance and take action. When you are in the middle of disarray it's when the light will shine the brightest. But you must be open to face reality and let go of what doesn't serve your highest purpose. When you click and make that connection, you will feel a weight lifted off your shoulders.
But you can't make the connection unless you expose your ego and see the light. Face your truth head on!
For others you are entering the month extremely motivated! You've been waiting for mercury retrograde to kick rocks and go direct in order to get things started. You've been praying for a new beginning, and it's approaching so get ready!
Some of you will be creating new partnerships that will create new abundance in all ways. So use this new profound motivation and run with it. This is not the time for procrastination.
Changes are here for everyone, but it's how you react to the changes that will determine your outcome.
This month you will learn that love is not just about partnerships and romance but about self love. Most of you will learn that when you connect to gratitude and appreciate yourself, and others while they are still here on earth, you will start to feel that love you have been searching for. Love will be on your mind this month because Venus is in Taurus it's favorite sign. You will crave creativity, love and beauty. You should find ways to treat yourself this month to things you love doing. Nothing wrong with self love! It will elevate your energy, so go for it.
For some couples, this Supermoon Full Moon in Virgo will be challenging due to some financial issues. It's time to sit down and discuss roles and spending habits. For others this will be out of your control and money may be tight causing tension in the relationship. If you want to make it work you have to be honest with yourself and make sure you are both supporting each other 50/50. If you are the only one pulling the weight, then perhaps this is another pivotal moment in your life to rethink it all. Truly face your truth and see the light in this situation. Breakups are never easy but it allows room for you to work on yourself and attract someone who will appreciate you and see your light.
For other couples it's about balancing your home life this month. Finding the time to cater to your partner, kids, yourself, work, pets and recognize you are being productive. Make sure you are taking time to rest and heal your body.
Also make time for romance!!! Venus in Taurus will make both parties romantic! So plan a cute getaway just the two of you! Even if you plan it for April. It will make you both excited!
For my single peeps, this is the month to get motivated and put yourself out there. This month is the time to plant those seeds. Doesn't matter that your schedule is jammed packed with work, it's time to find balance and make time to go on dates. Whether you sign up for online dating, meet with a matchmaker, go on blind dates, whatever floats your boat, but make it work! Find balance this month.
Others will be mourning some loved ones on the other side. But now they will be in another place where they will be at peace and will help you. Listen to your spirit guides from the other side.
This Supermoon Full Moon in Virgo will start with having a lot of people worried about their finances or thinking about finances. Either way you're required to have patience. For some of you, being worried and impatient is what is causing the road blocks. Let it go. Allow the energy of abundance to flow your way by releasing negative thinking.
When you focus on lack of or being jealous of others you are affirming what you don't have and therefore manifesting exactly what you don't want. Let that mentality go and focus on what you do desire. Allow other people's success to inspire you and motivate you. Focus on yourself, on your dreams and desires.
For those of you that want a different job or career, put yourself out there and have patience. Your dream is just around the corner. Allow the energy to flow in your direction. Learn from your experiences and put them to good use.
Business owners, this is the time to flourish and get to work with new ideas. Allow your spirit guides and angels to lead the way when you are sleeping. When in a dream state, a lot of ideas and answers are shared with you.
Make sure to work on remembering your dreams. For your solution may be in your dreams or when you meditate.
Again patience is required.
When you shine light in any area of your life that is not clear, you will begin to experience clarity on all areas.
You have to give that which you want to receive. Helping others is a way of helping yourself.
Don't give up on your dreams and goals. You have to build your confidence and know that whatever you desire, if you believe it enough, and work for it, it will manifest.
Well there you have it my bunnies! A great month ahead that requires us to be grateful, kind, loving, and have faith. Have patience this month and believe that you are extremely close to your desires! It will manifest, just hang in a little longer. This month plant the seeds of your desires! Let spring flourish all those seeds into massive trees of light!!! You got this! We got this! Let's all connect to the one consciousness and heal the planet as a whole.
There is too much fear out there in this world. If you are experiencing anxiety, let go of watching and reading the news and you will quickly see a huge difference. Work on your meditations, prayers, yoga, exercise, healthy eating and you will see it all pay off. As light workers, this is not the time to panic but instead inject light onto others. Don't add on to the fear but instead add love. Show people love now more than ever before. Push yourself to do so. LOVE is what is needed at this time. All sentient beings on earth need our love and support.
May you all feel the love, light and healing I send you as you read this. Life is magic and you are that magic!
Shine your light bright! LOVE YOU ALL! I am grateful for you.
Namaste witches, unicorns, mermaids, fairies, hybrids, starseeds, angels and goddesses!!!
And remember:
GirlieVegans Do It Better!!!
Love and light,
Leda xxx
Photo Courtesy: Lindsay Rapp