The Sun is in Scorpio until November 21st, Mars in Capricorn until November 9th, Venus in Sagittarius until November 11th, Mercury in Scorpio until November 12th, Jupiter in Libra until October 10th, 2017, Saturn in Sagittarius until December 20th, 2017 and Uranus in Aries until May 15th, 2018.
This is powerful month where anything and everything can happen. All about connecting to your inner self!
This month you can manifest greatness, so let’s get to it!!!!
A New Moon means the sun and the moon are in the same zodiac sign. You are influenced by the energy of the month on every New Moon even if you are not born under that particular month or sign. Represents new beginnings, new opportunities, and rebirth. It’s the time to plant new seeds and state your desires and watch them manifest from that moment up to 6 months. This is a powerful time to write down your intentions and work on your new Vision Board. If you are unsure of what you want, ask the angels and universe for clarity.
ENERGY: This New Moon Black Moon in Scorpio is no joke. It’s starting off with a bang sort of speak! For some of you, like mentioned earlier, your world will seem a bit smaller and feel like it was turned upside down, but this is a great thing. You now have a new fresh perspective in life and can see things a little bit clearer. It will all make sense once you allow yourself to truly see the bigger picture. This is happening because Scorpio is all about being deep and tapping in to unknown territory. Scorpios love the unknown. This is the sign that is most misunderstood throughout the zodiac realm. Scorpios are tough, unforgiving, complicated, jealous, obsessive, manipulative and stalkerish. But they are also so loyal, passionate, ambitious, sexy and charismatic. Scorpios have so much passion that they come off as extremist in their personality. This November you will have an opportunity to shift the negative Scorpio traits into positive ones. Some of you may learn about friends, co-workers, family member or loved one not being honest about things, but this is only to help you to release judgment and learn forgiveness. When you forgive someone, doesn’t mean you are weak or you are excusing their behavior. On the contrary, if what they did was wrong, then it was wrong. You are not forgiving what they did or the behavior, you are forgiving them as a human being living on this earth. You are also forgiving yourself. Forgiveness works both ways. When you forgive someone you are forgiving yourself for being angry that you allowed the situation or believed in the person in the first place. If you don’t experience challenges or bumps on the road, how will you learn how to handle bigger issues at hand, be at work, home, relationships, etc. You need these life experiences in order to grow spiritually, mentally, emotionally and in some cases physically. Everything always happens for a reason. This November do your best to truly release harsh judgment towards people, situations and yourself. Be gentle with your approach and less reactive towards everything and everyone around you. Breathe.
This New Moon Black Moon in Scorpio brings you the gift of knowledge and awareness. You will be able to push yourself deeper into new spiritual enlightenment. You will find your intuition and dreams are speaking to you and they are correct! Embrace spirituality to a whole new level. Not just thinking positive but actually speaking and taking positive actions. This month you will find sooo exciting as new beginnings are happening everywhere! It’s a super happy month! Holidays are approaching and everyone will feel the spirit! Some of you will be moving into a new home or searching for a new place to live. Others will be experiencing new spiritual growth. You will find yourself feeling extremely psychic and that’s because you will be in tuned to higher vibrations without even realizing it. Major changes are ahead for you and the rest of the world. New beginnings all across the board. It’s a happy time if you make the choice to stay positive this month!
LOVE: New love is in the air for you all! YES that’s right romance is booming and it feels oh so right! November will be like the month of LOVE! So get ready to just feel butterflies in your stomach for no reason.
For my coupled darlings: Love is in the air alright! Some of you will be taking your relationship to a new phase. A lot of you will be committing to a serious relationship, engagement, marriage and it will feel great! Others will have a new baby on the way or just gave birth. Congrats! This new bundle of joy is showering you will love that will fill your whole heart. Others will have to be honest with yourself about the reason you are in the relationship you are in and why you keep attracting the wrong relationships. Just having the realization and being honest with yourself, is victory in itself! It will only get better for you from here on out. You already have someone new waiting for you around the corner.
Go get em tiger!
My single darlings: Write down exactly what you want from a partner because you will be manifesting a loved one this month! New love relationships are all over this month. A new person will definitely be entering your life. This could also be a new friend that will share your same values and views that will bring you joy and laughter. You could also be falling in love with yourself, in other words, learning to be good to your mind, body and soul again.
But if you are a Bride of Chucky waiting for your ride or die, get ready, because you will be meeting Chucky soon!
Or at least someone who will make you feel excited to love again! A lot of you will be falling in love this month!!! YAY!!!
CAREER/FINANCES: When it comes to career, big positive changes are ahead for all of you! Stay positive in order to manifest your new beginnings. If you place fear and doubt, then obviously this is not for you. When you stay positive and are certain that your dreams will manifest, then sure enough they will.
Balance will be key for you this November. You will need to learn how to balance your home, social and work life. It’s important that you do in order to achieve your goals. A lot of you will have to wait before quitting your job or firing that employee because divine timing is at will here. Trust in timing. This is why you have been experiencing a bit of delay on certain projects or news regarding a raise.
For others this is the perfect time to plant your seeds at work and show your employer you can handle new projects, bigger responsibilities and all will go well. A lot of creativity will be flowing around this month for everyone. If you own your own business you will feel your cup overflowing with creative juices! The new project you were thinking of getting involved in, go for it!
There is travel on the horizon for a lot of you. Even if it’s a day or weekend trip, grab on to that opportunity because anything and everything positive can happen on your recent travels. You will be shifting energy.
Those of you that have been worrying financially, no need to worry, money is on its way to you this month. A handful of you will even win the lotto! Listen to your intuition and guidance from the angels when it comes to where and when to invest on certain projects, where to apply for a new job or even begin a new career. There are no limits for you this month. All new beginnings and financial abundance pouring your way! Receive it!!!
Well there you have it my bunnies! An exciting New Moon Black Moon in Scorpio along with a fabulous and positive month ahead. Exciting indeed! Even if most of you are being stubborn and can’t see it right now, in December look back and see how far you’ve come. The holidays are coming, it’s always about love and happiness. So enjoy it to the fullest. Remember to give back to those in need this month. Have compassion and understanding for those who are not where you are mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically and financially. Give and share with others. Love makes the world go round. My starseeds, indigos and crystals know first hand that we must stay positive and not give in to negativity and it’s our divine right and job to uplift others and Mother Earth! So what are you waiting for? If you feel you are in need of love, healing, a hug, compassion, just ask others for it. There are so many people out there ready to help and assist others on this journey. Enough with bickering, fighting, gossiping and jealousy. We are here to HELP each other lift to a higher frequency! Help the animals in the street running around starving and in need of a home. Same with homeless people, the elderly and runaway teens. Show compassion. Offer a meal, a hug, prayer and open your home to a new dog, cat or bunny. Animals have a nervous system so therefore they feel just like you do, they cry, get emotionally hurt, feel pain and have unconditional love in their hearts! Well since I am filled with joy, love and light this New Moon, let me sign off by wishing you all love, light, health, joy, success, miracles, faith, and kindness. May all your dreams manifest into reality! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!! LOVE YOU ALL!!!
Namaste witches, mermaids, unicorns, fairies, starseeds, angels, hippies, goddess and gypsies!!!
And remember:
GirlieVegans Do It Better!!!
Love and light,
Leda xxx
Photo Courtesy: Selina Fenech