This Full Moon SuperMoon in Aries blog will be filled with lots of high frequency energy. Even if you don't feel it, the frequencies are already working through you. I was just activated to a higher vibration in Maui, Hawaii. I was able to take Doreen Virtue's last Angel Intuitive Certification course in the United States after 20 years of teaching this course. She is now planning on retiring, but will continue the course via online. Words can't describe how powerful and healing this course was! While in the ocean in Hawaii, I was able to activate my body portal to download so many frequencies from angelic dimensions. Where I was staying was a mecca of beings keeping me company throughout the night. I was able to clearly hear the Archangels speak to me. The love and healing that was in Maui, I am able to share with you through these words. Whenever you travel to a higher vibrational place always remember to give yourself time to acclimate to your normal surroundings. This can even happen during an energy healing session, trying new things, releasing negative people from your life. Anything that causes you to shift your surroundings will raise your vibrations. Every time you activate yourself to another dimension, it can tricky, when you have to release old patterns and ways.
So be gentle with yourself. I know I had to be!
The Sun is in Libra until October 22nd, Venus in Scorpio until October 18th, Mercury in Libra until October 24th, Mars in Capricorn until November 9th, Jupiter in Libra until October 10th, 2017, Saturn in Sagittarius until December 20th, 2017 and Uranus in Aries until May 15th, 2018.
The rest of October is packed with amazing healing, magical moments and new beginnings, so let's get to it!!!
A Full Moon means the sun and the moon are in opposite zodiac signs. The Full Moon has a powerful mystical energetic feeling that you experience while under it's trance. It can be emotional and super intense energy for most.
This type of energy brings awareness to you regarding what you need to correct in yourself and in your life.
The Full Moon is all about female energy, which symbolizes being emotional, a time for romance, relationships and fertilization. Under this trance is when you take action towards something you visualized and desired. By doing such an act under the Full Moon, you would be bringing an idea into reality, therefore, creating magic! The Full Moon also brings forward that which was hidden from you.
A SuperMoon is when the moon is at its closest point to Earth. The Moon, Earth and Sun are all in a line with the moon in it's nearest approach to Earth. SuperMoons are known for amplifying the intensity of the moon it falls under. It gives the Full Moon extra power and magic. It is believed that a SuperMoon can create chaos in the world from storms, wildfires, major floods to even earthquakes and volcanoes going haywire. Usually this can occur up to a month after a SuperMoon enters.
This Full Moon SuperMoon in Aries is also known as the Hunter's Moon and Harvest Moon. This is the time of year when farmers would gather themselves ready to hunt and gather enough materials to keep them prepared and cozy for the winter. You can do the same. Except no hunting animals involved here. Instead hunting spiritually and desiring change in your life is what you should be aligning yourself with.
The energy of this Full Moon SuperMoon is in Aries, so you will feel some of the Aries traits: Strong energy, impulsive, reactive, selfish, no patience, brave, fearless, achieving goals, freedom, love to love, and adventurous. Get ready to desire it all and not have the patience to receive it all. But this is what you have to shift! You can manifest your desires this month but you have to do some work.
This Full Moon SuperMoon in Aries will bring up some emotional healing. It's time you admit what it is you have to truly heal from and from whom. This energy will bring up hidden emotions you had no idea were even an issue in your life. Your ego did a great job of hiding your true trauma. Now is the time to sit with yourself and ask the archangels to show you the way. Allow yourself to release all the blocks in your life by emotionally healing. Crying is healing! After you cry don't you feel so much better? That's because you released stuck energy that was inside of you all this time.
This Full Moon will help you release stuck energy inside your soul. Let yourself feel the emotional healing.
Feeling confused in your life? Feeling without a purpose? Feeling like you can't find true love? Feeling like you have done so much yet feel stuck? Feeling like you keep dieting and still weigh the same? Feeling like you work so hard yet you feel no new direction at work? Feeling like you have accomplished all your goals so now you don't know what to do? Well guess what? Any feelings you have been feeling will heal soon! This Full Moon will surface anything that has to be released from your life. Break that ego! Remember if you can feel it, you can heal it!
Release any toxic energy from your life now. Addicted to drama? Let it go! You deserve peace in your life. Why so much drama in your life? Because you are attracting it. You deserve happy times and peace. First you must know you deserve love and peace in your life, and second you must make the choice to desire love and peace.
Why allow people to walk all over you? Release anyone who is toxic in your life now. Let them go. The angels have someone better in store for you. You deserve something better!!!
As you heal this month, you will see how many new opportunities will be coming your way! Say yes to it all.
You will be invited to some fun parties, social gatherings, fun events, whatever it is, say yes to it all. For those that are looking for a new career change, these social gatherings will open the doors for you. And for the single ones looking for love, placing yourself in the social scene will rank up your chances of attracting your soul mate. Be positive, loving and open to new beginnings heading your way!
Aries is all about work, work, work, work, work, work! You too will have this energy. This is the perfect time to finish any unfinished projects and ideas you started a while back. Go ahead and move forward with any ideas you had. These ideas were divinely given to you by the archangels for a reason. If you think it, you can bring it!
Some of these ideas are the answer to your prayers. Go forward without any hesitations at this time. As long as you take some actions towards them, the angels will guide and protect you.
Full Moon SuperMoon in Aries Tarotscope for each element sign:
FIRE (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius):
Darling fire signs your theme this month is Strength. You must connect to your inner strength this month and know that you are strong enough to move forward with your plans and desires. You are strong enough to let go of the toxic relationships in your life. Let go of any judgments you place on yourself and on others. Release feeling the need to have judgments towards others. Instead focus on yourself. Being less critical about yourself and loving yourself more. Which leads to forgiving yourself of the past and current situations. Forgive those that you felt hurt you. Show compassion towards others. Learn to feel the compassion and love for strangers and animals. And be gentle with yourself this month. You've always had the inner strength inside of you. Now unleash it!
EARTH (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn):
Darling earth signs your theme this month is Romance. This month you will have old memories of happiness and romance coming in and that's because someone from the past may stop by to say hello. An old friend will want to reconnect with you. An old love wanting to rekindle. And for most of you, new love is on the horizon! Some of you will be meeting up with a new love who is from a past life relationship. Why they will feel like you've known them forever!
You may just meet your twin flame! Others will reconnect with a new person they just recently met. Children are also the focus for some this month. Spending time and healing issues with your child will be important this month. So be patient and have faith. Connect to romance in everything you do this month in order to attract more romance in your life. Reunions, gifts and romance are in store for you this month. Receive it!
AIR (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius):
Darling air signs your theme this month is Freedom. It's time to set yourself free of the negative thinking you have been enduring. it's all an illusion. Let it go. You are good enough! Some of you are confused and unhappy at this time and feel like there is no way out, but there is! Sit still and be honest with yourself about your current situation and take immediate actions. You will be protected during this process. You have to feel more confident in yourself, others see the potential you are and are waiting for you to make your next move. No need to be fearful and negative. Think positive through this whole month and you will see amazing changes entering your life. You will feel like a ton of bricks lifted from your shoulders. Go after your dreams because you will manifest them!
WATER (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces):
Darling water signs your theme this month is Rebirth. Out with the old and in with the new for you! Time to embrace new beginnings in your life. A lot of you will be ending a situation that is no longer serving your highest good. Time to let it go. Although it may seem painful and sad at the moment, it will bring blessed changes for you. Things will get better for you in exciting ways. Some will find new career changes, which will bring some exciting new friendships, financial abundance and love! Some have been battling a heavy addiction and now this too shall end for you. Recovering from this addiction will be successful for you at this time. So have faith and be gentle with yourself. You are releasing old bad habits from your life. This can even include being codependent towards someone. This will now give you new freedom to start a new journey in your life. It's all about upwards and forward for you!
Well there you have it my bunnies! A very special and powerful Full Moon SuperMoon in Aries! Anything and everything can happen. Time to take responsibilty for your life and start making better choices in your life. You deserve love, light, magic, happiness, health, peace, guidance, success and much more! Create the life you always desired. Remember to be kind to others and yourself this month. Compassion goes a long way. There are animals in the street being tortured without a home. They are hungry, in need of a home and need us to be their voice and guidance. If you are thinking of being a new fur parent, remember to adopt at your local animal shelter or from any animal rescue group online. They are so many! Also be kind this fall and winter to all the homeless people in the street that desire a warm meal and warm home. Gather your friends and collect warm blankets and give them out to the homeless. Animals and people need love today more than ever. Be the change you want to see in your world.
Gratitude is key to receiving more blessings in your life. Be grateful for everything and everyone in your life.
You are blessed with loved ones from the other side guiding you, as well as your archangels and God sending you love and peace for you to receive. I am so grateful for everyone and everything in my life. Every single person, every single lesson and challenge helped mold the person I am today. I am grateful that I can be of service to others to help them feel love, peace, healing, positive, and manifest their dreams. We all have it but sometimes we need that special friend to remind us that we are magic inside! I LOVE YOU ALL!
Namaste witches, mermaids, unicorns, fairies, starseeds, angels, hippies, goddess and gypsies!!!
And remember:
GirlieVegans Do It Better!!!
Love, light and magical blessings,
Leda xxx
Photo Courtesy: Selina Fenech