The Sun is in Aries until April 19th, Venus in Aries until April 29th, Mars in Sagittarius until May 27th, Mercury in Taurus until June 12th, Jupiter in Virgo until September 9th, Saturn in Sagittarius until December 20th, 2017 and Uranus in Aries until May 15th, 2018.
This New Moon in Aries theme is all about new beginnings and building your foundation! Let's get to itttt!!!!!
A New Moon means the sun and moon are aligned in the same zodiac sign. This means that the energy is completely concentrated on that particular sign. New Moons represent new beginnings. The New Moon is a perfect time to plant your seeds for the future, there's a cosmic portal opened to bring down what you'd like to manifest. Write down your intentions, visualize them and place emotions behind them to attract and manifest your desires.
This New Moon energy is all about the Ram, Aries. This sign is a fire sign. With it comes being impulsive, selfish, impatient, fearless, brave and being in love with love. This month be aware of these feelings when they arise so you can be still in the moment and avoid being reactive. Because this month is a very exciting month! All about new beginnings!
For the past few weeks, a lot of you may have felt different, leaving situations and people behind, and things that bothered you before no longer have a negative effect on you. You may have been wanting to do more for yourself and create changes in your life. Most of you have already taken actions towards some of your goals last month and now will see the results. This is all because of the amazing universal Christ consciousness that was drawn down from the cosmos. What an amazing feeling to be certain you are on your way to new adventures in your life! You are becoming more positive. You are learning to let go and forgive those that have hurt you and most of all forgive yourself. A lot of lightworkers have recently experienced out of this world moments, items missing when you know you left the item in a specific place, falling down, extremely exhausted. This is all due to the different timelines you are jumping into. Lightworkers have been jumping into a higher dimension without even realizing it. Whenever you experience deja vu it's more like you just came back from a different timeline.
This month concentrate in the knowing and awareness that you have the tools and skill sets to achieve your goals. There's nothing you can't accomplish this month. So let the negative things and people go in your life and concentrate on letting the universe know exactly what you want. The sign of Aries is connected to the Root Chakra. So this is about setting your foundation in order. Build yourself from the ground up. Connect with the feeling of being secured and safe. You need to make sure you ground yourself to Mother Earth this month.
Since Aries love to be in love, this is the perfect month to set intentions of what you desire in a partner. You should want someone who will lift you higher emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically! For my coupled peeps: Learn to be aware of when you are being selfish in a situation and let it go. Learn to give more than you already do. Come to terms with the fact that you are here to give love and receive awareness. For those that already give too much and never receive anything in return from your partner, it's time to speak up and state what you desire. If the person doesn't care to even try to work with you, then keep it moving! You should never settle. Some of you will have the tough task to sit and be honest with yourself in regards to your relationship. What are you truly getting out of the relationship? Is it really a relationship? Is there honest communication, growth, love, compassion, education and support being applied from both sides? If not, then take time to evaluate the situation and take notes on what you desire and go after it. Once again don't settle for less. Keep it moving! Your Twin Flame is out there!
For my single peeps: This month get ready!!! Some of you will be applying whatever religious or spiritual factors you believe in and it will pay off. You will be visualizing, writing your intentions and out of nowhere you will be meeting people and making new friends. You might even meet them at your centre, church or even at AA. Just be open! Not all of you will be in a relationship right away, but if you put yourself out there with positive intentions, by end of May you will have met someone! For some of you the past will be returning, it will seem amazing at first all this chemistry and you will feel like OMG this person IS the one. BUT think clearly, because you are being warned to watch for the red flags. Keep on walking. Leave the past where it belongs, in the past. The past never has anything new to say honey! On to the new and improved you! And no matter what your status is, this month is all about flirting. Flirt with yourself if you have too! Flirt it up with your boo a bit more, rekindled that passionate flame that united you both to begin with. But flirt flirt flirt! Flirt with life!!!
This month is an excellent time to feel victory all the way home! Some of you have been waiting on some news from a new job, project, clients and by the end of this month you will have some answers. Others need to release the heavy work load and share some of that responsibilities with others. You are too busy being busy and mentally overworking yourself, you haven't even taken a moment to be proud of your accomplishments. Breathe and share the workload!
If you own a business, get ready to entertain new ideas, add new products, new employees, and a new perspective.
Others that have been worried about their job, coworkers, or boss, no worries, you will have justice this month. All will be well. Also release from feeling you have to control everything. You are only where your light is needed.
The energy of this month is all about new possibilities. Be open to new things.This is the answer as to why you've been feeling stuck. Set ground work on where you see yourself and your goals in the next year. This month is important to set ground work and connect to your life purpose. No need to be working a job you do not desire or even like. Do something you love to do so it never feels like work. It's your birth right to be walking in your life purpose.
For some you have to learn to be grateful for your career. You are there for a reason. Your light is needed there. As a lightworker you are there to shine and heal others. Gratitude goes a long way! It's the key to receiving financial abundance, which you will definitely be receiving this month!!!
There you have it my bunnies!!! A wonderful month ahead!!! Connect to your higher self for the answers that are within your subconscious. You have the power to heal yourself and turn around any situation you are in now. Have certainty in yourself, your higher source of understanding and enjoy life. Learn to fall in love with yourself every bit of you!
Laugh, share what you know and be kind. Volunteer your time with others in need like animals, elderly and homeless people. They need love too! Never give up on something you desire. Eventually it will manifest. Just be crystal clear on your desires because they will manifest exactly how you set the intention.
YAY!!! Have a fabulous month of April celebrating Aries the Ram and heal your root chakra!
Next Spiritual UFO Starseed Experiencers meeting is on Wednesday, April 20th, from 7pm-10pm in NYC.
Make sure to stop in and meet like minded people in the world of arts, music, metaphysics, spiritual, psychics, mediums, and contactees. For more details email me at [email protected]
Make sure to subscribe to The GirlieVegan Youtube Channel here: The GirlieVegan Show
Love and light to you all my loveys!!!
Namaste Witches!!!
And remember:
GirlieVegans Do It Better!!!
Love and light,
Leda xxx
Photo Courtesy: Jessica Galbreth