We have 5 planets retrograde in the month of April: Jupiter (January 8th - May 9th) Saturn (March 26th - August 13th) Mars (April 17th - June 29th) Pluto (April 17th - September 26th) Mercury (April 28th - May 22nd)...YIKES! Mercury Retrograde is here again!!!
The Sun is in Taurus until May 20th, Venus in Aries until April 29th, Mars in Sagittarius until May 27th, Mercury in Taurus until June 12th.
As you can see anything and everything can happen!!! Buckle your seat belts!!! So let's get to itttt!!!!!
A Full Moon means the Sun and the Moon are in opposite zodiac signs. The Full Moon has a powerful mystical energetic feeling that you experience while under it's trance. The Full Moon represents female energy, a time for romance, fertilization and a high state of emotions. It is also responsible for illuminating light on what is hidden from you. Secrets and shadyness will be exposed under the mystical moon light. The Moon always protects you.
This particular Full Moon is known as the Pink Moon, Rain Moon, Wind Moon, Full Sprouting Grass Moon, Egg Moon, Fish Moon and Paschal Moon.
Since this is a Pink Full Moon, the first Full Moon of spring, and it falls on Passover, you must already know the powerful meaning behind all of it. If not, keep reading! This is an excellent time to work on potential relationships and end the ones that no longer work for you. The Full Moon is in Scorpio and any Scorpio will tell you it's all about the relationship with others. They always somehow are thinking about others. Whether they are obsessed with someone, being of service to someone, or worried about what others think, they are all about learning and knowing people. They are fearless in a lot of ways. They rather end things then let someone else end things for them. They have to be in total control of their destiny. Very controlling and secretive. They love mysteries, sex and are very complex. So you will be tapped in to this energy. Now since the sun is in Taurus, this will balance you out. Taurus are all about love, beauty, romance and healing. They are all about themselves! So the energy here is telling you to find a balance between taking care of yourself and helping others. Taurus is a positive sign connected to the light while Scorpio is a negative sign and doesn't fear the dark. You need positive and negative to create light. So use the energy of this Full Moon wisely!
This Full Moon in Scorpio is bringing forth whatever your intentions were during the new moon in Scorpio back in October 2015. Pretty much brings everything full circle. Keep in mind this week and for the next few weeks it's all about you. Whatever seeds, desires, intentions you are planting during this week will start manifesting in May. Remember: April showers bring May flowers! This is a time to start looking inside your soul. Let go of the illusions of the things you want and ask your soul what it truly needs in order to evolve to a higher vibration.
You are the only one that has the power of making the choice to change your situation and raise your frequency.
Sometimes it's hurtful to deal with loss of personal belongings, people, jobs, relationships, fur babies, but it's all an illusion. You don't ever lose anything. You just keep evolving. The individuals, things, situations that move on it's because they or it completed it's purpose. You can't be selfish about that. Although it's hard at the moment, you have to keep on raising your vibration. This Full Moon brings you the option to transform yourself into the person you always wanted to be. You can manifest all your desires!!! But you have to make sure you have those desires.
Passover begins on Friday, April 22nd at sundown, which is the night of the Seder, and it offers you the opportunity to connect with the light at a very high level as teacher Eliyahu Jian shared with his students. According to the Zohar there are two types of light in this world: the light of Mercy and the light of Wisdom. During the night of the Seder the light of wisdom is available to you. But you need a tool. The tool you need to use is the Matzah known as the poor man's bread. The consciousness to achieve here is to get to a place like a poor man. Why? Well, what does a poor man want? Everything that will keep him alive! A poor man has strong desires! You have to embrace this Friday evening with a lot of excitement but also have strong desires because the light will share everything with you. Everything you have ever dreamed of!!! Use the matzah as a tool to connect you to the light of wisdom, the love, joy, happiness, that you can receive for the whole year. Whatever you connect to that night is for the whole year! Be excited, be happy, have major desires, and when you hold that matzah Friday night, know that it represents all your dreams and desires for the whole year!!!
This Full Moon also urges you to spend time alone. This is how you will be able to be honest with yourself and separate yourself from other people's ideas and desires. Ask yourself what do you truly desire.
This is important. Because when you can sit still with yourself and be who you really are, you will be able to transform a piece of your story. You will be able to attract the situations and people that compliment your soul. Your real self.
You will realize you don't need to change who you are to please someone else. The right people will love you just the way you are. Be honest in your desires for yourself and for others. Remember when we receive for the sake of sharing, we really receive infinite abundance in all ways. If you want love, then give unconditional love to yourself and to others! Give to others without any judgment, conditions or strings attached. Just love. And you will receive this love right back. For those of you that have been feeling a little wishy washy and confused. Remember that the light is always with you. Darkness and negativity is just an illusion. The light is NEVER gone! The light never ever disappears. Take responsibility in your life right now and know that you are where you are because you choose to be there. So now choose positive thoughts and know with certainty that you will arrive to your dream destination no matter what! You will always arrive there, it's just a matter of choice how you get there: with chaos or with mercy.
Know that you have the power to change and create a wonderful life right now!
Freaking out about the five planets in retrograde? Forget about it! What your astrologer tells you will only happen IF you don't transform yourself. But if you transform your consciousness with the right consciousness, you are able to shift your written chart and certain struggles. You are able to bypass higher than the zodiac signs! Allow the light to take over. When you are connected to the light, you are going beyond astrology.
So say to yourself: "When I'm with the light I can bypass my reality. I want to change my destiny that is written in the stars." You do this by giving and sharing with others. Give to the light by allowing the light to take over your current situation. Give trust, faith and certainty to the light of God and yourself. You and the light got this! Have faith! BELIEVE!
1. Go meatless and dairy free for the entire day! Give Mother Earth the gift of not hurting her animals for at least a day. Honor her lands by going vegan for at least 24hrs.
2. Spend time in nature. Shut down your computer, phones and go to a local park and sit in nature and honor her presence. Sit and meditate and just listen to the trees talk to you. Relax in nature with all four elements: Earth, Water, Wind and Fire.
3. Gather your friends and go to your favorite park. Gather around in a circle around a big tree and give healing energy back to earth. Open that portal and let the energy from the cosmos draw down into earth and inside of you. We are all one after all.
4. Find out about local Earth Day events in your town and attend them to learn about ways to be more eco-friendly.
5. Purchase products that are biodegradable, eco-friendly and cruelty free.
Well there you have it my bunnies! A powerful transformational Pink Full Moon for the world to connect too!
Remember to write down your intentions, desires, and eat that matzah using the right consciousness and fill it with major desires! Raise your vibration to a higher place. The time is now to let go of all that does not serve us and connect to the frequencies of this planet to shift it to a higher dimension. People, animals and this planet need love right now. We have to forget about negativity, lies, fights, egos, feelings, competitiveness, wanting to prove a point and learn to dig deep inside our soul and connect to the consciousness of love and oneness. We are all one. Be happy and grateful for what you do have right now, be grateful for the fact that you are breathing, be grateful for the fact that you are alive at a time where your light can offer peace and healing to someone else. Be the change you desire in this world. It's starts with you. You are powerful, you are strong, you are love, you are light. You are me and I am you! Thank you so much for taking time to read this. As you read this my heart will be filled with gratitude. We are one.
LOVE and LIGHT to you all my loveys!!!! Happy Pink Full Moon in Scorpio, Happy Passover and Happy Earth Day!!! YAY!!!! Kisses on the lips to each and every one of you!!!! Muahhhh!!!
Namaste Witches!!!!
And remember:
GirlieVegans Do It Better!!!
Love and light,
Leda xxx
Photo Courtesy: angelgateway.wordpress.com