The Sun is in Pisces until March 20th, Venus in Aquarius until March 26th, Mars in Taurus until March 31st, Mercury in Pisces until April 17th, Pluto in Capricorn until April 24th, Neptune in Pisces until June 20th, Jupiter in Sagittarius until December 2nd, Uranus in Aries until March 6th, Saturn in Capricorn until March 21st 2020, and Chiron in Aries until April 14th, 2027.
Lots to cover with all these changes, so lets get to ittttt!!!!!!
A New Moon is when the universe opens a portal to connect you to a specific zodiac sign's energy that month.
It's a new beginning. It's when you let go of everything that is not working for you. A New Moon is the perfect time to set your intentions and follow up with actions. The first few days of the New Moon is pretty powerful. That's when you can draw most of it's powerful energy down to assist you. Use the New Moon to transform any negative habits into positive ones. When a New Moon enters it's the perfect time to write down your intentions with extreme confidence and certainty that everything you are listing will manifest. When you write down your dreams and desires you are setting up the foundation for your future. The universe starts working in your favor once you write it all down.
A New Moon means the sun and the moon are in the same zodiac sign.
Under this New Moon in Pisces you will find yourself wanting extreme change. You will feel it's right around the corner. This is because Uranus is entering Taurus on March 6th and will be staying for the next 7 years. Uranus is the planet of innovation, creation, change, awakening, freedom and breakthroughs. Since it will be entering in Taurus it will bring a very interesting transition. Taurus are known for its beauty, wealth, stubbornness, fertility, art, and even real estate.
Uranus in Taurus will really shake things up. The last time Uranus was in Taurus was in 1934-1942.
You can bet your bottom dollars that the currency flow you are used to will change. Whether it's in Wall Street, Bitcoins or the way you process your money, something will definitely change across the board. During these 7 years your government foundation may completely take an unexpected turn. All will be shaken up.
While Uranus is in Taurus, it's the perfect time to connect with new ideas and bring them to fruition. You have 7 years to make your dreams come true. Uranus also loves the limelight so under Taurus, who is all about creativity, art and beauty, you can go ahead and bring your creative side to shine.
However, this month is a little bit tricky, and that's because of Mercury Retrograde! Although Pisces will bring in the genie in the bottle energy and grant your wish, it will still be under the heavy energy of miscommunication of Mercury Retrograde. So be careful what you wish for!!
Mercury rules all communication such as computers, phones, travel, electronics and all business/personal communications & documentations. When Mercury is retro this is the time of misunderstandings, miscommunications, computers and electronics crashing and plans going haywire. Delayed travels and lost baggages. However, when Mercury is retrograde, you can use this time to review, revisit, revise and reflect. Your energy is more slow and drained during Mercury Retrograde. It is important to be extremely awake during Mercury Retrograde so you can avoid being misunderstood and misquoted. If it's a must you have to sign a contract, make sure you read the contract over several times. Backup all your technology before the retrograde begins. Use Mercury retro in your favor by considering all the RE's like re-checking, re-pairs, re-store, re-wind, re-view, re-connect, anything that you left unfinished in the past, you can now move forward and close that chapter. Mercury Retro supports anything from the past that you want to finish and bring closure to, including any old projects that you left pending. Mercury Retrograde's energy kicks in 2 weeks before the actual date which is called the Pre-Shadow stage and 2 weeks after it goes direct which is called the Post Shadow stage. Keep that in mind.
Always see the positive in all that you do and are challenged with. It will uplift and shift your vibration.
This month you will feel a sense of urgency to let go of certain behaviors that are blocking you from experiencing true happiness. Whether it's addictions to toxins, food, thought patterns, people, belief system, whatever it is that has you blocked, this is the time to let go. You will have full support from the universe to take a leap of faith and know with certainty that all will end well. The New Moon in Pisces is the perfect time to tap into your Divine Feminine. It's time to connect to your intuition and express your loving and nurturing side. This will allow you to be more open and receive more blessings from the universe.
This month most of you will feel so romantic and dreamy about your love life. You will definitely desire more romance in your life. If you're single you may start thinking a lot about your ex, or even hear from your ex, but this is only because of Mercury Retrograde. So be wise in not falling in love all over again, unless it's your twin flame, otherwise remember they are in the past for a reason. It's okay if you need to heal from an ex or a friend, this is a good time to reach out and ask for forgiveness. Again, don't expect much as communication can be tricky under MR.
It is however a great time to get out there and be bold!!! Let go of old beliefs and take risks. Single people looking for that significant other should go out, mingle and flirt! Work on your confidence and regardless of your gender connect to your Divine Feminine side. For other singles out there, this is the time for you to disconnect from forcing a relationship to manifest and connect with yourself. Let go of the fears of not finding someone. When you least expect it you will meet the one! If you are traveling this month to a new location make sure to be aware that under MR you might experience some travel delays or lost luggage. Stay positive and it will all work out.
For the couples out there, this month looks like a fun one for you! Just do your best to avoid MR traits of miscommunication and don't take anything personal. Enjoy this month with your partner and take a mini vacation. Get away from the everyday routine. Be adventurous with your partner and try new things. Create a fun weekend out in the town or take new classes together. No matter what situation you are in whether single, dating, it's complicated or coupled, remember to always practice love, peace and kindness. Understand other's point of views without judgment.
Be the light in someone's life!
The New Moon in Pisces and Uranus in Taurus will definitely bring more money in. You will also feel like it's time to be more creative in your career or you may just simply want a different type of job. Either way change is on the way!
Some of you may have recently started a new job and will start to enjoy the new financial abundance.
If you are looking to manifest more money or a new job, giving back to others is a great way to open the gateway to new opportunities. Find an organization you love and support them with donations of money, supplies or volunteering. Or if you have a business or talent perhaps give back to those in need like children or animals and you will see your generosity returned to you in unexpected ways. Sharing is caring!
For some of you raising your vibration in your body will actually attract more finance, opportunities and contacts your way. When you eat healthy and organic your body becomes lighter and therefore your energy becomes magnetic and you can clearly hear new ideas, meet new people, and manifest a lot quicker. You are what you eat at the end of the day. Less toxins in your body equal less mind control and better guidance.
For those of your financially struggling, those days are over. There's a new dawn and it's looking great! Stay positive because major opportunities are here for you. Have faith in yourself, a higher power and you will see a shift occur in your life. There is a huge energetic shift happening as you read this and the wheels are turning in your favor. All you have to do is receive the blessings, miracles and all the financial abundance.
Well there you have it my bunnies!!! A New Moon with big changes for us all! I am personally excited about Uranus in Taurus as things will definitely shake up and shift for everyone. Change is good. We need to step out of our comfort zone once in a while and embrace new beginnings. This is the perfect time to go after your dreams, goals and bucket list. Don't wait any longer. Just do it. Take risks and be bold!!! During major planetary and energetic shifts we tend to easily be distracted from our goals. Make sure to stay uplifted and connect to the 5th dimension and avoid all the drama in the 3rd dimension. You are here on earth to be like the light. You are the light. Don't allow others, situations or negative thinking distract you from your mission. You have a purpose here and your job is to work on yourself so you can be aware of your mission and help others do the same. Be the change you want to see in this world. It's never too late to go after your dreams. We should all be doing something everyday that makes us happy.
I know it can get hard and sometimes you just want to give up, but this is when you are closer to the finish line than you realize. Your dreams are about to come to light, so stay positive, stay focused and always do the right thing no matter what! Forgive those that you need to forgive and let go of things and people you have to let go.
The wheels are turning in your favor this month, so be open to this major blessing and receive the miracles with a smiling heart!!! May you feel the healing energy as you read this and may it uplift you with love.
Love and light,
Leda xxx
Photo Courtesy: Emily Balivet