Can we talk about how happy we all are that Mercury Retrograde is now gone!??!?! WOAH! Was that intense or what?!?! Mercury went direct on Friday, October 9th but the shadow is still with us for another two weeks...But I like to think the worst is now over! I don't know about you but I went thru it!!!! Hi my name is Leda and I am a Mercury Retrogradzilla! That's is correct! I can't even believe the things that went down or at least I thought went down.
I purchased a cute pink ear piece and well within 24hrs it was GONE! Now, that wasn't cute Grrr!
Anyone else going through the Pumpkin fever?! I know I am!!! Loving Trader Joe's Vegan and Gluten Free Pumpkin cereal!!! I know I am total nerd and geek!
Okayyy let's get to it!!!
New Moon means the opportunity to start fresh. Represents new beginnings. It's when you start a new month with a choice to grow spiritually and to transform your life. You are influenced by the energy of the month on every New Moon even if you are not born in that particular month or sign. It's the time to plant new seeds and state your desires and watch them manifest from that moment up to 6 months. This is a powerful time to write down your intentions and work on your new vision board. If you don't know what you want, ask for clarity. A New Moon means the sun and the moon are in the same zodiac sign.
This New Moon in Scorpio is being opposed by Uranus, so needless to say, it's going to be a bit of a tough cookie but with a huge positive twist :)
Uranus is all about unexpected things and changes. Do your best to stay positive. What you think and say effect your actions, energy and outcome. So think positive! Uranus is a planet everyone runs away from but in reality, it's a planet that is just very short with it's answers and very direct. If you complain about a certain person so much, then Uranus will remove this person from your life. If you complain about a job then Uranus will make sure you no longer work there. See the pattern? Whatever you complain about Uranus takes direct actions towards it and then you can't cry that you don't have a job or a friend. You have to be very careful what you wish for under Uranus, so wish for POSITIVE things and outcomes. If you feel that you are experiencing too many unexpected expenses or challenges, you have to know these are things that somehow you co-created a while back. See it as a positive fun challenge that will only put you in the right direction in your life :)
Remember no matter what in life you will always end up where you were supposed to in the end. The choices you make are the ones that define whether or not you choose a road of chaos or a less chaotic road.
Avoid unnecessary chaos in life if you can. There is a huge opportunity under this New Moon to receive peace in your life!!! So think and stay positive because these unexpected situations could be some exciting fun news!!!
Scorpios are the most misunderstood sign in astrology. Scorpios are extremely loyal, observant, passionate, ambitious, charismatic and sexy. But on the other hand they are extremely complicated, jealous, obsessive, manipulative, suspicious and cookoo bird. Yea, that's right, I said it! Scorpios are very extreme in their ways. They will love you to pieces and give you the world, but make sure you don't ever cross or betray a Scorpio because they will see red and will go haywire on you. You will regret to have ever met them! They don't forgive. They will sting you so hard you will cry! hahaha...not even joking! Keep in mind that this anger is there because you betrayed them so therefore this means they truly loved you at some point. Besides you shouldn't be betraying or lying to anyone anyway! So in defense to Scorpio you deserved it!
Scorpios can be shady too so just be honest so there are no misunderstandings. Of course this is all depending on each individual and where their rising and moon are. But the overall energy is there.
This New Moon energy will bring this out in you! So make sure you don't over react and become complicated this month. BREATHE! and see the light before you see RED! AGHHH!!!!
Remember that you are here to complete a mission. You are here to learn about life. Go deeper in your studies. Scorpios are very deep people, use this month to go deep. Question how can your life improve by bringing peace and joy into your life. Start by thinking positive and connecting to happiness. Push yourself to think and say positive words. Doesn't matter how bad your situation is, no situation is ever truly bad when you think about it. If you have time to breathe, you already won the 1st battle! YAY!
Scorpios are good with wealth and generosity! Meaning, this month you can attract and manifest some nice unexpected income as well as share it with others.
This New Moon in Scorpio allows you to expose your garbage, acknowledge what it is, throw it out and start a new journey. A new chapter in which you take full control of your life. Scorpios love controlling things so instead of controlling people and situation, learn to control your negative thoughts. Learn a new thought pattern.
Learn to forgive yourself as a spirit being living on this planet. Learn to forgive others. Break that mold. FORGIVE FORGIVE FORGIVE! In the end, you will be building up anger and resentment in your body creating a disease inside when all you have to do is let it go and forgive. Let go of jealousy! You don't have to compete with everyone! There is enough of everything for everyone. Learn to be grateful with what you have instead of wanting what others have. Work on yourself instead of stalking someone else. Waste of energy!
It's easy for others to judge other people but in reality you don't know what struggle that person is actually going through. Let's spread love no matter what! Love is the key to opening the doors to a wonderful fabulous healthy healing life!
This month you have this huge opportunity to create love, light, peace, abundance, joy, gratitude, health and happiness. Invest time and energy in creating a new positive thought pattern, environment and overall lifestyle! You can do it!!! Everyone can! Be the change you want to see in the world!!!
I wish you all a fabulous New Moon in Scorpio! May we all ride this amazing wave together!
Let's start a revolution of love and light! Let's create an empowering movement where we all support one and another. Take time to support a friend or someone you don't even know on your social media or with friends.
Your friend owns a fabulous vegan bakery? Well show them support by spreading the word!
Share with others what brings you happiness. There is enough room for all of us. SHARE!!! Spread LOVE, it's the Brooklyn way! Well according to Biggie Smalls it is!
Note to self:
NYC's First Official UFO Experiencers meeting hosted by this GirlieVegan is happening this month on Wednesday, October, 28th at 7:30pm.
Email us at [email protected] for more information!
If you ever felt you had extreme dreams that didn't make sense, felt overly psychic, experienced being paralyzed during your dreams but you felt awake, or are curious about ufology, then this is the meeting for you!
Looking forward to meeting some of you and your friends!
Namaste witches!!!
And remember:
GirlieVegans Do It Better!!!
Love and light,
Leda xxx
Photo Courtesy: Unknown