This Full Moon is known as the Mini-Moon because it's the smallest Full Moon in 2015.
It also falls under the energy of Purim. A day of salvation and celebration for all Kabbalist.
The Sun is in Pisces until March 20th, Mercury in Aquarius until March 12th, Venus in Aries until March 17th, Mars in Aries until March 31st, Saturn is still transiting in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Leo and Uranus still in Aries.
The last New Moon on February 18th was beyond powerful! I am sure some of you have noticed quite a few things were manifested rather quickly! I was on a fabulous trip in Sedona heading down to the International UFO Congress in Fountain Hills, Arizona with some friends when I asked the new moon to release any negative people/situation around me that I couldn't see where negative. And within 24hrs (BOOM!), I was released from a negative situation! AH-Mazing how the energy in Sedona under the New Moon works. I love it!
I had the BEST time in Arizona and can't wait to share about my experience in a few days :)
As most of you already know, if you have been reading my stuff for awhile, the Full Moon means the Sun and Moon are in opposite zodiac signs. The Full Moon represents female energy, a time for romance, fertilization and a high state of emotions all over the place. It's an emotional time!
The Full Moon brings you guidance and messages in regards to your desires and intentions that were set under the new moon. This is the perfect time to act on something you've visualized and desired. By doing such an act under the Full Moon, you would be bringing an idea into reality. You're creating magic!
Since the Full Moon is in Virgo and the Sun in Pisces, this month you will feel the need to find balance in every aspect of your life. Virgo is more organized, likes to stick to a routine, hard working, into physical health and nutrition, likes natural things, (did I mention workaholics?), love to research things and are detail-oriented. Virgos are also very set in their ways. Talk about stubborn! Pisces on the other hand, are more dreamy, intuitive, compassionate, a bit spacey but that's because they are tuned in to a higher purpose in life. They have such a deep love for all of humanity and want to truly help others. They are very open minded. Pisces also get caught up in the suffering mode.
So what does this mean for you? Well, basically it's all about finding balance!
You will feel the energy and desires from both Virgo and Pisces. You will feel the need to want to work hard towards your dream goal and career but at the same time you want to be of service to others in life. You will want to criticize others yet you will want to accept others for you who they really are. You will want to stick to your usual routine but now you will feel inspired to try new things. Balance your logic and your emotions.
All this wishy-washy energy you may feel, it's only to push your consciousness to grow one level higher. Your soul is asking for you to allow it to raise its frequencies. This is your chance to create a new life that is free of limitations and create a life that knows no fear. You have an opportunity under this Full Moon to shift your emotions into something positive and learn to accept and love yourself at this very moment for who you are. You are a beautiful creation of G-D and of the Universe. You are here to share your light to help and assist others who want to come into a consciousness shift.
Work hard this month to shift your energy from wishy-washy into positive thinking and take one action a day toward helping someone else and towards your own goals in life. One action a day makes a big difference.
Some of you are already riding this positive wave and are making things happen for yourself. You're becoming a leader. Keep it up! Keep manifesting the life you desire. Your angels and spirit guides are all supporting you.
Turn every challenge into an opportunity of growth.
This Full Moon you may receive news from old flames from the past or friends that were not so nice, so if these people were toxic and drained you, then stick to your guns and keep it moving. But if it's someone you feel you can still learn and grow with, then make an effort to forgive them. Forgiveness is a big theme in the month of March.
We have the energy of Purim which begins the evening of Wednesday, March 4th and ends the evening of March 5th.
Use all this energy of the Full Moon and Purim to bring healing towards yourself. No one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes, but if you can connect with your inner self and let go of any pettiness, you can find forgiveness in yourself, therefore making it easier to forgive others. Full Moons are used to release things, people and habits. So release it all!
Like I said, if the person/situation drained you and was toxic, you should still forgive but you don't have to forget ;)
Either way work on yourself to truly forgive yourself and others around you. This will help you with shifting your consciousness to a whole new level. Use the energy of Pisces to think outside the box and try new things: yoga, healing, card readings, cosmic energy. Do your research!
Full Moons are all about releasing things from your life and you can also use it to manifest things!
Here are some cool fun rituals to do by yourself or with your friends for the Full Moon:
Releasing Ritual:
- Write on different paper slips the addiction, behavior, person or situation you want to release.
- Create a sacred space and make sure to sage the area.
- Ask your angels, spirit guides, masters, loved ones from the other side to be present.
- Light one or more candles.
- Feel the energy around you.
- Read the words on the paper slip out loud. End it with: "BE GONE"!
- After you've read each slip, set the intention of releasing it from your life.
- Set the paper on fire.
- Make sure to thank your angels and spirit guides.
- Make sure to put out the fire afterwards.
Manifesting Ritual:
- Get a white candle (green if you want money/renewal, pink for love/healing, red for passion/victory)
- Carve into the candle your desires. Write it out.
- Hold the candle into your hands and visualize your desires as they are already happening.
- Visualize all your desires in that candle and feel those emotions.
- Light the candle and let it burn entirely.
- Have certainty that while it is burning it's sending your desires to the Universe for you to receive.
- Now see it all Manifest soon enough.
Whether you are releasing or manifesting, make sure to always end your rituals with a gratitude prayer to the Full Moon goddess:
"Full Moon I love you. Thank you for being present. I am grateful for you shining your light upon me and others on this planet. Thank you for shining your light on all of my desires. May your energy and light assist my desires to manifest (or release) all for my highest and greater good. Let it be and so it is. THANK YOU!"
Now that you know that this Full Moon in Virgo is pretty powerful, make sure to make the best of it.
This Virgo-Pisces axis is a perfect combination to get inspired to create new changes in your life.
Make it a priority to do at least one thing in service to someone else. Call a friend, a loved one or a complete stranger and ask them how you can help them make their dream come true. One thing that you do towards this person to help make their dreams come true, will have such an impact on your life, theirs and in the world.
All it takes is one act of kindness! PAY IT FORWARD this month.
I would love to hear from some of you all about the weekend of February 21-22 if it was a romantic one or if you met someone extremely special or got engaged or married. Like I wrote on the previous new moon blog it was the weekend Venus and Mars met and kissed! So it was a major deal world wide!
Please share you story!
I know it was a special weekend for me!!! ;)
Be loving, be patient, be kind to others around you this month.
And remember:
GirlieVegans Do It Better!!!
Love and light,
Leda xxx
Photo Courtesy: David Delamare