Keep in mind we are still under Mercury Retrograde until June 11th but the energy still lingers until June 27th.
The Sun is in Gemini until June 21st, Mercury is in Gemini until July 8th, Venus is in Cancer until June 5th then in Leo until July 18th. Mars in Gemini until June 24th.
I wonder if some of you have already experienced change in relationships, career or even moved locations.
This is all in the name to prep you up for this exciting Full Moon and month of June!
A Full Moon represents female energy. A lot of new young Starseeds are being mislead these days by being told that the moon is being controlled by reptilians. Please do not connect to that energy. The Moon is a goddess. Just like any other planet it gives out it's own energy and light. The Full Moon is a connected to emotions, fertility, romance and relationships. This is a female goddess. If you trace where you are getting the misinformation, I am more than sure you will see it came from a male energy. There has been many sightings and footage from NASA where you can see special orbs going in and out of the moon. This means that these magical beings in different dimensions are aware of the power of the Full Moon and use it for the greater good. So you should do the same.
The Full Moon has such a powerful way to assist you on illuminating what is hidden from you. Use the Full Moon to be able to start new beginnings and flourish new ideas. A Full Moon is when the Sun and the Moon are in opposite zodiac signs.
This Full Moon is known as the Rose Moon, Strawberry Moon, Hot Moon and Honey Moon. Since June is the month in which strawberries can be harvested, the moon is called Strawberry Moon. Strawberries aren't native in Europe, therefore Europeans call it the Rose Moon. June is the beginning of summer so others call it Hot Moon.
And since June is the most popular month for weddings, a lot of people call it the Honey Moon.
Whether it's the beginning of summer, people getting married and going on their honeymoon or the strawberries coming out to play, it all has the same meaning: time to blossom and new beginnings.
This month of June is going to be a great one if you make the choice of allowing the Universe to take its course.
Last month you tapped into the energy of healing, beauty, love and manifestation.
In the past few days and weeks you probably went thru a few changes and even felt the need to start over recently. That's because the energy of having a complete rebirth is connected to the Full Moon in Sagittarius and throughout the month of June. This Full Moon is coming in with a powerful energy of renewal! Starting over, again.
Start by taking inventory of the last 6 months. What did you accomplish? What do you still have yet to accomplish?
Make a list and start putting your intentions out there with positive thinking, daily actions towards your goal, saying your affirmations and most of all letting go of control and trusting that your desires will be manifested.
If you don't know what it is you want, just simply ask your spirit guides for guidance and support. When you ask for support from your angels, be prepared to see the signs that they send you.
Look at your surroundings in order to see where you need a rebirth in. Are you surrounded by positive people who uplift you to the next level or are you surrounded by grumpy moody people that are unhappy and therefore can never support your happiness? Truly take responsibility for your surroundings.
Know that everyone is connected on this earth through a big ball of energy which is your subconscious. So in all situations send people love, light and allow forgiveness to take place.
This is the time for you to truly grow and experience rebirth. Take full responsibility for everything in your life, even when your heart has been broken. It's never the other person's fault as you are the one that allowed such behavior and invited this person into your movie for a reason. Look at the positive in every "negative" situation and see the beauty of the lesson it has given you. The choices you make in life are what defines you and your journey.
Have the intentions to start fresh this month. Make the choice to create positive changes in your life.
Sometimes you have to let go of people, things, habits, jobs, situations in order to start fresh and allow new people and new adventures to enter your life!
This Sagittarius Full Moon and the month of June welcomes change. Sagittarius peeps crave new adventures, new people, new excitement and love changes in their life. So if you have been feeling this way, this is why.
The Sun is in Gemini and this sign is usually very comfortable with their surroundings. You may feel the battle of wanting to start over but being afraid to let go and still attached to the past.
This is the month to truly stretch your mind and your beliefs to a whole new level. Don't just research and awaken yourself, dig deeper and change your thought patterns and apply the actions. Remember you are a choice away from creating a new life filled with new desires and fulfilling your childhood dreams.
Make the choice to change those old negative thought patterns. Learn to see life in a different way. Perhaps you need to change your view towards how you should receive abundance in order to start experiencing financial abundance. Learn to change how you make your choices. Realize that you deserve to receive miracles and abundance in order to experience manifestation. It's all goes back to the thought patterns and the intentions behind it.
Since we are currently still under the trance of mercury retrograde, make sure to avoid arguments and do your best to clear up any misunderstandings with a loved one or any situation. If you traveled anytime from May 18th until now, you probably experienced some delays somewhere. And the same goes for anyone traveling now until June 11th and a week or so after. Be prepared for delays!
This mercury retrograde is coming in with a lot of LOVE energy. So if an ex decides to pop up, know that mercury retrograde supports that reconnection for any old wounds that need healing, or if you both are still in love, then this is the time to rekindle that love! Gentleman, if you have good intentions and still love this person, go after them and give it a shot. But if you are only looking for a hookup, then ladies, if you are down for it, go for it. But as your love coach and energy healer, I suggest if you are sensitive and didn't have a good breakup, then please hold off from experiencing another heart break so soon. Have the old flame at least take you out on a few dates and treat you right. Then take it from there :)
Also avoid purchasing any electronics during mercury retro and keep in mind that you may experience computer and phone issues! And those that experience unexplained headaches and pains in their bodies, you may want to keep your phone off and away from you when you sleep. You will be more sensitive to Electromagnetic Frequencies during this time.
Life is about constant change, allowing room for the new, and letting go of the old and letting go of control. It's about awakening yourself to deeper things in life then what you were taught. It's about going deeper and deeper than you can imagine and squashing your ego in order to let the light of the creator in and do it's work through you.
You have the power this month to create a complete change in your life. Allow new people into your space. If you close off to new people then how will you ever meet a new love interest, new job, new adventures, new friendships?
Part of growing is accepting yourself for who you are right now at this very moment. It's about being kind and loving to yourself. It's about awareness and wholeness with your inner being. Your body loves you. It's carried you this far. So acknowledge it and feed it healthy foods, detox the chemicals, and treat it with care by thinking positive, speaking positive and making choices that will define a better life and journey for yourself. No one can love you in the manner that you demand until you truly love yourself. How you love yourself is exactly the type of people and relationships you attract into your life.
So take time this month to try new things, get out and socialize at events, meetup groups, yoga class, try a energy healing session, and take up that dance class you wanted to take for so long!
There you have it my bunnies! This Full Moon in Sagittarius and for the whole month of June, you have a huge portal available to help you embark on a new journey. It's rebirth time. It's all about new beginnings for you!
Start by looking at your vision board and seeing what else is left to accomplish, or start a vision board if you don't have one! Allow LOVE into your life this month by loving yourself and letting others come into your life with pure love to give to you. Learn to RECEIVE LOVE.
Check out your free June numerology forecast with my favorite numerologist and friend Michelle Buchanan: Numerology Forecast
Note to self:
Join me on the GirlieVegan Raw Vegan Until 4pm 22 Day Challenge starting Friday June 12th. This will be life changing for you I promise!
I will be posting all about the challenge and what you will need by the end of this week.
So be ready my bunnies! I expect you to join in and participate. You will have my full support through this process.
You will not only experience weight loss if you are a few pounds heavier, but you will also detox so much junk from your system and feel full of energy!
If you are in NYC please feel free to join me in a Full Moon meditation on Tuesday, June 2nd at 7:30pm in Central Park by Cleopatra's Needle behind the MET museum. Entrance is on E.79th Street and 5th Avenue. Hope to see you there. I will be by the entrance at 7:30pm. ***Due to the rain it's been cancelled.***
If it rains then I will host it for the New Moon in 2 weeks.
And remember:
GirlieVegans Do It Better!!!
Love and light,
Leda xxx
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