Mercury Retrograde went direct on June 11th but the shadow is still present until June 27th. So please try to avoid any arguments and hold on from purchasing any new electronics until the 27th just to be safe!
The Sun is in Gemini until June 21st, Mercury is in Gemini until July 8th, Venus is in Leo until July 18th, Mars in Gemini until June 24th, Jupiter is in Leo until July 16th, Uranus is still in Aries and Saturn just re-entered Scorpio until September 17th. Read the link for your sign's details: Saturn Transit in Scorpio
New Moon means the opportunity to start fresh. Represents new beginnings. It's when you start a new month with a choice to grow spiritually and to transform your life. You are influenced by the energy of the month on every New Moon even if you are not born in that particular month. It's the time to plant new seeds and state your desires and watch them manifest from that moment up to 6 months. This is a powerful time to write down your intentions and work on your new vision board. If you don't know what you want, ask for clarity. A New Moon means the sun and the moon are in the same zodiac sign.
From now until the next New Moon you will feel the energy of Cancer transit in your life. Cancers are very emotional. Cancers are ruled by the moon. They are a water sign and they are one of the most emotional signs of the zodiac.
This month work hard on not being too judgmental towards others and yourself. Cancers tend to place judgment everywhere and that is something you must restrict from this month. They tend to hold on to grudges for dear life. This is not a very positive trait so make sure that you work extra hard on letting go of any grudges you are still holding within. The positive thing about Cancers is they love to love. Once they love you, that's it, they will smother you. So make sure this month you find a balance with loving someone and not becoming the bride of Chucky by being obsessed and controlling! You don't want your loved one running away from you, do you?! Think not!
You can learn to love in a healthy way by learning to restrict from controlling your loved ones and people around you this month.
Crabs represent the zodiac sign of Cancer. Crabs walk sideways and Cancers tend to walk sideways in their life in order to avoid facing their fears head on. So this month work hard on facing your fears and tackling them head on! Avoid getting stuck in the past by holding grudges towards people and situations. LET IT GO!!!
This month recognize your fears when they come to surface. Don't avoid them by hiding your emotions.
The actual cancer illness was created during the month of Cancer. I know, hard to believe, but only makes sense.
Cancer is formed in the physical body due to suppressed anger inside that was never expressed or shown. It was masked. So, therefore, it eventually and unfortunately takes manifestation in the physical body with an illness known as cancer. No coincidence. Like mentioned above Cancers tend to hold grudges and live in the past. So make sure this month you don't hide any feelings. If you are angry, express it (in a healthy way please) to yourself out loud or to the person or situation it is directed. Obviously you don't want a negative situation formed but it's always important to face your fears head on and this way, it's over and done with. Have the courage this month! Your spirit guides and angels are watching over!!!
Because the sun is still in Gemini until the 21st some of you may still experience a bit of Gemini energy this week. Gemini is ruled by Mercury but Mars will be in Gemini until June 24th. So this is the perfect time to practice communication. Learn how to communicate with others from a place of love instead of fighting and creating chaos in your life. Learn to avoid gossiping and refrain from hearing gossip. Learn to truly listen to others and take in what they are saying. Listen, listen, listen! Use social media and the internet to connect to others if you are looking for a new job, new project or to invest in a venture. You can find ideas by going out and meeting new people. Go beyond your comfort zone this month. Come from a place of truth. Learn to speak with truth and love behind everything you say and do. Let go of feeling you have to be cool or in control. Love and truth always comes from the light of the Creator. So stick with that! If you feel stuck this week or this month, start heading in a different direction in life. Take a leap of faith!
Go for it! Don't worry how or when it will happen. Just set your intentions by asking the universe or visualizing what you want, have certainty that it will manifest and take one simple action towards your desires, and watch it manifest before your own eyes!!! Go for it!!! BECOME YOUR DREAM!
I wish you all a fabulous New Moon! Make sure to set your intentions and truly go deep in your understanding of your belief system. Don't just read and feel you've gone deep, do the dirty work and face your fears and go beyond what makes you uncomfortable. Go deep in your spiritual studies. You need to question life, and the energies beyond our planet and understand that we are all connected. Learn to see yourself in an animal. Learn to see that they have a soul behind those eyes and have feelings. Realize that we all, each and every one of us including animals and plants, have a spark of light that is God. We are God. That spark of light is inside of our very own being. We are all ONE.
Like Ben Stiller said in Meet The Parents, "CAN YOU DEAL WITH THAT?!?!"
Note to Self:
Due to some of your emails in regards to wanting to wait until after the holiday to begin the food challenge, I have extended the start date to Sunday, July 5th, 2015. That's when we will begin the GirlieVegan Raw Until 4pm 22 Day Challenge. I will post the instructions by next week and you will be able to know what you will need and all the social media hashtags so we can all stay connected and push each other. You will have my support throughout the whole challenge. I can't wait to see the before and after pictures!!!
Also stay tuned for some exciting GirlieVegan projects that have been cooking for a bit and are ready to be launched soon!
Thank you so much for all the love you all show me with emails and sharing the blogs! I am humbled by your love and please know you are all in my prayers. I am eternally grateful to you all. LOVE YOU!
Namaste Witches!!!
And remember:
GirlieVegans Do It Better!!!
Love and light,
Leda xxx
Photo Courtesy: Unknown