This Full Moon in Scorpio is going to be extremely magical as well as the rest of the month!!! It is the most powerful manifestation cycle thus far. It is also right after the energy of Beltane!
Mercury Retrograde will be back on May 18th (on the new moon) thru June 11th.
Most of you may have already felt some intense energy around you since the beginning of the week. That's because this Full Moon is packed with a lot of emotional energy!
Full Moons are all about illuminating what is hidden from you. Sometimes you are aware but ignore the issue so our lovely Full Moon makes sure that it shines light on the situation, so you can handle it and move on.
Because the Full Moon exposes all truth, it is the perfect time to set your new intentions and goals. Make sure to write them down. If you do not know what you want, then ask the moon to help guide you. Ask for guidance to help you get rid of bad habits, thoughts or feelings. Full Moon is a female energy and is all about romance, fertilization and relationships. The Full Moon can either make you feel extremely emotional or extremely intense.
Start paying attention how your mood changes a few days before and after the Full Moon so you can see what you have to work on or how you can benefit from this energy. The Full Moon means the Sun and the Moon are in opposite zodiac signs.
This Full Moon occurring in May is called a Flower Moon. Since April showers bring May flowers this is exactly why it's called the Flower Moon. Under a Flower Moon, which the energy will last the whole month of May, is the perfect time to work on commitments, both in spirit and love. This month make sure to put yourself first and allow yourself some "me" time. This is a form of loving and honoring yourself. If you are single, make sure to put yourself out there and be a lot more social. If you are dating or in a relationship, this is the month to work on taking your relationship to the next level!
The month of May is all about love, beauty, healing and balance. What a great month this will be for you!
Starting with Beltane which was on May 1st and also known as the May Day festival. It is considered to be the halfway between spring equinox and summer solstice. Beltane marks the beginning of summer. Rituals and bonfires were used to protect people from natural and supernatural events. This was a time where people were eager to experience growth not only for their crops but within themselves. Today, people from all over the world celebrate Beltane with bonfires and other fun rituals.
The Full Moon in Scorpio will request that you create balance between yourself and others. The energy of Taurus is about you. Taking care and loving yourself in order to help others. Taurus love beauty, romance and healing. Scorpios are about others. They love mysteries, sex, controlling and are very complex. Taurus is a very positive sign connected to light while Scorpio is more of a negative sign and doesn't fear the dark. Having both Taurus and Scorpio connecting this month is quite powerful. According to Benjamin Franklin, you need negative electrons and positive protons to create electrical charge.
So use the energy of Taurus and Scorpio to manifest your desires! You will experience tons of light in dark places. Scorpio is a very passionate sign so use that passion in a positive constructive way. This Full Moon you will see a lot of truth being exposed because Scorpio is all about truth. Pluto is Scorpio's ruling planet. Pluto represents power. So this month you have to see how you are using your power to help yourself and others around you.
Taurus on the other hand tend to be stubborn so you have to see where in your life you are being stubborn and just release the situation or the person. You have to learn to trust your higher self and your higher power that all will be well and that divine source is working in your favor.
Scorpio is pretty intense, doesn't forgive easily and holds on to grudges. See where in your life you are not forgiving someone and let it all go. Perhaps you are not forgiving yourself. Learn to just release and let it all go. You will feel a weight lifted off your shoulders when you learn the beauty of forgiveness.
Because this month is all about healing make sure not to sit on your feelings. Express how you truly feel. If you are a reactive person, practice restriction, and if you are a shy person, learn to speak up. If you need help, ask for it and be honest about it. It's important you express your feelings because if not, the Full Moon will make sure you do, but in an emotional intense way!
Learn to balance the energies this month by being honest with yourself and others about what you truly desire.
This month is also about the energy of love! It's such a romantic month so make sure to start by loving yourself.
Spend time meditating, working out, doing yoga, massage, energy healing, spa day, sitting in the park, playing with your fur child, anything that requires you to spend alone time with yourself is the right way to go!
This energy of love will also attract others in your life. If you are single, this is the month to attend that friend's birthday party you were trying to avoid. You never know who you may meet out there. Stay open to receive new romance and you will! Believe!!! If you are dating someone you truly like, get ready to make it official! And if you are in a current relationship this is the time to take your relationship to the next level. You may even find yourself traveling with your sweetie somewhere. All in the name of LOVE! So get ready to receive love this month.
Finances also come into play this month since Taurus is all about money. Being an earth sign it rules money money money! This month there will be major focus on finance and career. Scorpio gives you that passion to go after what you want. Perfect balance yet again! Just be careful not to overspend, be wise with your finances.
Since this is the most powerful manifestation cycle of the year make sure to aim high and set those intentions. This would be an excellent time to start a vision board.
If you are waiting to hear from a new job, think positive because you can manifest the job and salary you desire!
Just like the flowers that are blooming this month you have huge potential to manifest all your desires.
You are starting a new you this month. It's a month to fall in love and be happy!! Share that love with others.
Let love shine this month and heal yourself! Release all that doesn't serve you.
This is a happy month filled with love, beauty, romance and healing. So make the most of it!
In life when you think you are in a dark place, you are alone, no one understands you, you feel misunderstood, you feel judged, you worry about your financial situation, your job, your relationship, that's when you have to trust the light of the creator the most. Why? Because if you allow yourself to truly open your eyes, you will see that it is all an illusion. Nothing is real. Push yourself to awaken and realize that all is not what it seems to be.
You are the director, writer, actor in your own movie. Through your thoughts, words and actions, you co-create the life you have. The energy you put out to the world, is exactly the energy that comes back to you. So why not send positive thoughts and positive energy to the world? Try your best to not get stuck on only entertaining the dimension you live in now which is about length, width and depth but instead open yourself up to realizing that there is a whole huge universe out there with different dimensions that are different facets of what we perceive to be reality.Go beyond the parallel universe theory! Dig deeper this month :)
You will then realize that it is only you who holds the key to all the chains around your soul. What you do with that key is only your choice.
I wish you all a magical manifesting powerful loving month my bunnies!!! May you all receive love, light, happiness, health and success! This is the month to create the life you desire!!! It's the month to fall in love with yourself and others! Let LOVE shine!!!
And remember:
GirlieVegans Do It Better!!!
Love and light,
Leda xxx
Photo Courtesy: Leslie Allen