Last week was all about Chesed (Mercy) and this week it's all about Gevurah (Judgment).
Karen Berg explained it best with the following message:
We enter the second of the seven weeks of the Omer which corresponds to the channel for judgment, discipline, and strength in the universe. The energy of this week is attached to Isaac the Patriarch.
This week offers us the opportunity to work on our judgment (judgment of ourselves, others and situations) which blocks us from spiritual growth and freedom.
Karen suggests we take action this week in two ways:
1. Replace victim mentality with self-responsibility.
2. Let go of the negativity that keeps us stuck.
She also shared an amazing statement: "The more we embrace the consciousness of looking inward to take responsibility and change rather than looking outward to judge, the freer we become, and the freer we become, the more we touch and reveal our own power."
To me this all means that this week we must all take full responsibility for our actions. It's so easy to always blame others for things that "happen" to us. Whether we find ourselves saying "Oh I can't believe him! How dare he do this to me?!" Or "She's so shady! I know she's jealous of me and talking behind my back!" We are all guilty of saying or thinking this way sometimes. But in reality we are really co-creating negative energy around us while giving away our power.
It's also a way to deflect or deviate away from the real truth, which is, we are not victims. We are responsible for all of our actions. And this is usually hard for us to truly see or admit. But it's in this process that we truly are able to break free and create positive energy and receive more light in our lives.
Take this week to truly work hard on transforming your thought patterns. Catch yourself when you are blaming someone or judging someone else, what you could have done differently or what did you contribute to the situation.
Perhaps you need to learn to restrict a little and watch what you say or not force situations to happen and let it all go.
We live in a world of cause and effect so at some point we have to end with blaming others for being the reason we are not receiving what we desire or why things are "happening" to us.
Change your thought patterns and you will change your life!
This week we are all still connected to the energy being concentrated on our throat chakra.
So remember from last week's post, the throat chakra, when not balanced, will not allow you to communicate correctly or you will find yourself gossiping too much or it simply means you are not speaking the truth!
As your energy healer and fairy godmother, I suggest you go out of your way to take full responsibility this week and speak and own your truth! Work hard on not judging yourself or others this week! Remember you never know what a person is going through unless you've walked a mile in their shoes!
This energy will last until Saturday at sundown.
And remember:
GirlieVegans Do It Better!!!
Love and light,
Leda xxx
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