This Saturday, April 4th, 2015 at 8:06amET enters the Full Moon in Libra. It's also considered the Pink Moon :)
It brings in a Lunar Eclipse also known as the Blood Moon!
The Sun will be in Aries until April 20th, Venus in Taurus until April 11th, Mercury in Aries until April 14th, Mars in Taurus until May 11th, Jupiter in Leo until August 11th, Saturn in Sagittarius until June 14th and Uranus has been in Aries since March 11th, 2011.
This upcoming weekend is beyond powerful, to say the least! Not only is it a Pink Moon in Libra and a Lunar Eclipse but it is also the beginning of Passover and Easter Sunday. All represents one word: REBIRTH! We will get into all the cool explanations in a bit.
So much has happened since the past two weeks. I had set some cool intentions for the new moon and some of them quickly manifested! Amazing :) My clients are connecting to their healing sessions on a whole new level. Extremely special. Reminding me that in the end it's not about us, it's about sharing our light with others!
For now I want you to take a quick minute to recap all that has happened since the New Moon two weeks ago. Think of all the positive changes and risks you've made and look where in your life you could make new improvements.
Pink Moons represent the month of April and relationships. Now let's get ready to take full action under this Pink Full Moon!
A Full Moon means the Sun and the Moon are in opposite zodiac signs. The Full Moon has a powerful mystical energetic feeling that you experience while under it's trance. For some it may be emotional and others it may make them super intense. It's bringing up that which you have to correct in yourself and in your life.
This energy is all about creating balance for yourself. The Full Moon is all about the female energy which symbolizes being emotional, a time for romance, relationships and fertilization. Under the Full Moon is when you take action towards something you visualized and desired. By doing such an act under the Full Moon you would be bringing an idea into reality, therefore, creating magic!!! So write those intentions or create your vision board this weekend!
A Lunar Eclipse occurs when the shadow of the moon is on the earth, which happens every six months, when the Sun, Earth and Moon are completely perfectly aligned. Lunar Eclipses are powerful Full Moons that are meant to change your life! It forces you to make changes. This particular Eclipse is the shortest total Lunar Eclipse of the century. It may be the shortest but it is one of the strongest! Lunar Eclipses are all about bringing major changes in your life, as well as world news events. It's important to stay positive and calm under a Lunar Eclipse so you don't attract negative situations. But because changes are a must, don't be so quick to be so reactive to people or situations. Remember "No reaction is the best reaction"! Luckily for you this Lunar Eclipse will be more of a positive one. So get ready because this Lunar Eclipse which is also considered a Blood Moon will be all about relationships. It's a total eclipse of the heart!!!
Being that the Sun is still in Aries you continue to have the energy of Aries lingering around so you must work on patience and being less reactive. Continue to take risks in your relationships, careers, and with yourself, all while having FAITH.
Since this Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse are in Libra, it's all about balance and relationships. What does this all mean?
It means you have a huge opportunity for major positive changes in your life. This is the time to ask yourself what do you really want for yourself. What do you want to attract? Remember like attracts like. So if you are in a unbalanced relationship in your love life or career, this is an indication that you are unbalanced with yourself, your thoughts, actions and desires. So this is the time to create that shift. If you don't know what you want, that is okay, then ask the Universe and your angels for guidance and see what starts happening around you. The situations and people that you have in your life, are usually your answers. So if you have negative friends around you, this is a sign you must be less negative and start surrounding yourself with more positive people. That simple!
If you are looking for a new relationship or a new job this is the perfect time to set your intentions! You will most likely get it!!! Tell the universe what you desire and just have faith it will all manifest at the most perfect time.
This weekend it's the beginning of Passover, Good Friday, and Easter which means this is time for REBIRTH. This is a time to be grateful for all that you have right now at this very moment. If you look back to a few months ago or even a year, you will be able to see your own growth. And if you can't see it, then you need to start working on changes. You have to start being a bit more grateful towards yourself and others around you.
Because you are under a Lunar Eclipse if you don't set the intentions for change, the Universe will most likely force the change upon you, and it's usually not in a way you would have wanted. So take the initial steps today and allow room for change. Surrender your control and your thoughts to a higher source, whether it's G-d, the Universe, Divine Source or your choice of faith. Either way it's important to release all worries and stresses right now. Learn to truly have faith in yourself and a higher guidance.
When you surrender your worries, situations and thoughts, you are allowing the Universe to work in YOUR favor. But when you are desperate and worried, you are swimming against the current. Even if you feel you are in a situation or relationship where you can't see the outcome, that's okay! TRUST yourself and the Universe. You are the creator of your success. Deepak Chopra said "I turn unpredictability into a creative possibility." Powerful words!
Use that quote as an affirmation everyday. Work on the relationship you have with yourself. Work on the relationship you have with your loved ones. Work on the relationship you have with your work/career. Work on all these areas of your life by bringing change to them. Whether it's learning to speak up more or restricting from reacting or learning to just let go. Sometimes as human beings you hold on to people, things and situations. When in fact that "something" is ready to be let go in order to bring you what you truly need to take you to that place you've always desired. So today learn to let go!
This Blood Moon energy is giving us an opportunity to tap into a huge shot of energy from a different dimension. You have the opportunity for Ascension. You have a gateway opened to have these magical and vivid dreams that will allow you to experience astral travel, intense psychic manifestations and even out of body experiences. Take advantage of this time to free yourself of worries and tap into the unknown. The unknown, whether it's an unknown outcome in your life or a unknown energy, is always connected to fear and it shouldn't be. Allow your unconscious mind to connect with the unknown in a welcoming way. Free yourself from being so worried and scared about your future. Welcome the magic behind the unknown! How boring would life be if you will always know what will happen or control your outcomes. Holding on does not make you stronger. Letting go is what makes you powerful and stronger!
Joseph Campbell once said "We must let go of the life we have planned so as to accept the life that is waiting for us."
Trust that entities and sources around you are working in your favor no matter what. TRUST that all is well because it is well. Push yourself out of your comfort zone today and just let go of fear and welcome trust and the unknown in your life today.
I wish you all a wonderful weekend! I really hope you all take time this Friday, and all of this weekend to understand and appreciate all the sacrifices people before us did in order for us to live the life we have today. Take a moment to thank everyone in your life and those before you that paved the way. Be grateful for everything and everyone that you have in your life right now. We are blessed to be able to have the knowledge to know that we are magical and powerful beings. We can create the life we desire. Let's do so with the intention to help others along the way.
I want to thank Nicole Sawyer one of the producers at ABC for asking me to go on her show Real Biz with Rebecca Jarvis and talk about my brand GirlieVegan and the art behind the business of Mind Body and Spirit. Was so amazing to know people are actually reading my blogs! Confirmation that if you think it, believe it, act on it, dreams do come true! Click on the link to watch the fun interview: RealBiz/GirlieVegan
My special Starseed friends I wish you all wonderful new beginnings! I wish for us all as a collective group of souls, to join forces as one source of energy that we are, in order to uplift ourselves, others, Mother Earth and all the animals in this world to a higher frequency of LOVE.
Like Biggie Smalls said "Damn right I like the life I live cause I went from negative to positive, and it's all good. And if you don't know, now you know!!!"
Lunar Eclipse time:
Eastern Daylight Time (April 4, 2015)
Moon begins to enter the Earth's penumbra (shadow): 5:02am
Partial Eclipse begins: 6:16am
Total Eclipse begins: 7:58am
Midpoint of eclipse: 8:01am
Total Eclipse ends: 8:03am
Partial Eclipse ends: 9:45am
Moons leaves the Earth's penumbra: 10:59am
Happy Passover!!! Happy Easter my bunnies!!!
And remember:
GirlieVegans Do It Best!!!
Love and light,
Leda xxx
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