Get ready for a wonderful month filled with miracles, emotional & spiritual transformation, and pure growth!
You have an opportunity to release all that has not served you for your highest good in the past few days, weeks, months and even past few years! LET IT GO!!! Want to receive new miracles? Well, release old bad habits. Here's your chance!
This month you will be tested to channel your inner hippie and just speak your mind with honesty but without being brutal. You might also feel the urge to travel or even get out of your daily routine that has kept you feeling stuck. Go out and mingle to some of the awesome holiday parties you will be invited too. Be adventurous!!! You will feel this month to be fun and stress free if you allow yourself to go with the flow!
A Full Moon means the Sun and the Moon are in opposite zodiac signs. The Full Moon is a feminine energy that emits a lot of strength, courage and balance. However, it is also under this energy that you will feel a lot of emotional turmoil at times! The Full Moon is a powerful moon! It brings to completion that which you asked for under the new moon.
Why it's also important to set your desires and intentions under the Full Moon. Within the 2 weeks leading up to the new moon you will experience growth, preparation and clarity in order to have a more crystal clear visual of your new intentions being planted under the new moon.
Under a Full Moon it is a time for emotions, romance, relationships and fertilization.
A lot going on this month so let's get right to it!
For those in intense romantic relationships, Venus is in Sagittarius until December 10th then Venus will enter Capricorn until January 3rd, so most of you are already experiencing the shift from intense chaos to cheerful and optimistic encounters! Love is starting to take a whole new meaning! It will start transforming from obsessive, controlling, addicting behavior to a more universal unconditional love. If you allow for this to happen you and your sweetie will have a deeper connection you had no idea you both could create. But if you refuse to allow the universal flow to enter, then darlings, you will be known as the Bride of Chucky! Please don't be that person.
For those that are single, the same rules apply. Concentrate on your inner growth and trust in yourself that the right person is just around the corner. Don't sweat over a person that is most likely not thinking about you, because if they were, nothing would be stopping the person from being with you. LET IT GO! Allow room for new and exciting love to enter your life. Under this miraculous Full Moon anything magical and mystical can happen. Put yourself out there by setting your intentions to attract exactly the type of romantic partner you desire and be sure to be crystal clear with those intentions.
This Full Moon is about communication, attitude and sense of adventure. Emotions that have been building inside of you will erupt like a volcano if you do not express your feelings. Under this moon it's important to express your feelings to yourself and to others. Gemini and Sagittarius combination will be a mental axis. This means Gemini will represent your "lower thinking" and Sagittarius represents your "higher thinking". Gemini will push for logical thinking while Sag pushes for a more care free thinking and will want to expand ideas and meanings for life a deep further. While Gemini feels quite comfy in their environment, Sag will push you to go out and expand your horizons.
Make sure NOT to neglect either feelings (end of axis) as it will then back fire on you. Balance is key!
This Full Moon is a promise of fulfillment of what was started on the November 22nd new moon.
It's an emotional time, all about romance, relationships and fertilization.
Being that this Full Moon brings major emotions, make sure to keep in mind that all these feelings brewing up and ready to explode, may not necessarily be a rational feeling. It may just be an illusion. Be careful not to be so reactive.
When you are in a high state of emotions you can say and do crazy things that later you regret. Do your best to not be so harsh on someone when expressing your feelings and speaking your truth.
Instead use your emotions to lead you into a deep shift of consciousness. This is the perfect time to transform your way of thinking at a universal level.
This month you will feel the need to reach out to the world and connect with something larger than yourself. You will have more courage pushing you to expand your way of thinking.
Keep in mind this month will be a lot calmer and stress free if you manage to just be honest and true to yourself and others. For the most part, you will feel things settle down thanks to a lot of planets moving into Capricorn, including the Sun, Mercury and Venus. But with Mars entering Aquarius, your taste in fantasy or quirky entertainment might go into another realm.
This will be an excellent month for those who work in customer relations, computer programming, electricians and even trend spotters.
Hanukkah (December 16th-December 24th), Winter Solstice (December 21st) and Christmas (December 24th) occur during the crescent Moon phase, so the waxing Moon will hopefully keep the stress and tension some of you feel during the holidays to a minimum.
Saturday, December 6th Full Moon in Gemini is the Long Night Moon also known as the Cold Moon, this is the last Full Moon cycle of the year bringing in some of the coldest, darkest and longest nights alive.
Themes during this Full Moon include details and drama, siblings or peer heart-to-hearts, and surprising partnerships.
December generally finds people in a mood to celebrate!
Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces: You might feel accident-prone but allow yourself some merriment and enjoy the festivities!
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn and Aquarius: Work on creating new partnerships or deepening the ones you have.
There you have it my darlings! A great month ahead for us all! This Full Moon is all about having a total rebirth!
Allow yourself to feel all the wonderful miracles that are waiting for you to just receive! Please write down your intentions and be crystal clear about your desires. Add a dose of certainty and just watch all your desires manifest before your eyes! This is the perfect month to truly fall in love with yourself, your loved ones and most of all the universal consciousness. Go out and do something for Mother Earth, animals, the elderly, the homeless, etc.
Donate your time to a worthy cause. Spread and shine that bright light inside of you that is just waiting to explode!
Like Biggie Smalls said, "Spread Love, it's the Brooklyn way"!!!
Wishing everyone a very magical Full Moon and a miraculous month of December! Let the miracles begin!!!
And remember:
GirlieVegans Do It Better!!!
Love and light,
Leda xxx