This week's energy is all about the foundation and bonding in life. The previous 5 weeks we learned about love, discipline, compassion, humility and endurance.
This week Karen Berg explains that Yesod is the channel of spiritual and physical sustenance, the link between the Upper and Lower Worlds. She goes on to explain that Joseph the Righteous, the son of Jacob, was a man who chose to never become a victim of his reality, despite the fact that he was kidnapped, betrayed, wrongly imprisoned, separated from his father and seduced by another man's wife. Joseph never lost sight of his inner spirituality. He always said "I know that wherever I am, there is a reason for my being here."
Karen Berg wants us to understand on the most profound level that when something happens to us now, it means that somewhere along the line, we did or said something (whether in this lifetime or a past one) that set the stage for our current circumstances. Our ability to move forward can be sparked by the understanding that (1.) wherever I am, there is a reason for me being there, and (2.) this experience is offering me another chance to take 100% responsibility for my experience and reconnect to God.
She ends this week's portion with explaining that Joseph saw every negativity, every uncomfortable situation, even every mistake that he made, as an opportunity to awaken the Light that was inside of him. By doing the same, we can build our own spirituality, become a channel for others, and have a freedom that we couldn't expect before.
What does this all mean to us? This means that this week's energy is all about the bonding you have with yourself and others. Bonding is the ultimate emotional connection. Bonding is the foundation of life. The previous 5 weeks every quality connected to the week's energy was based on your individual connection but this week it's about understanding that without bonding no feeling can be truly realized. Bonding channels all five previous qualities into a solid bond, giving it the meaning foundation. Bonding is eternal. It's that connection you devote yourself to with yourself, your spiritual connection, mother and child, husband and wife, brother and sister, close friends. It's about allowing yourself to trust in yourself and trust in others. It creates a sense of confidence, a sense of belonging, that "I matter" and "I am meaningful".
This week's energy of bonding and foundation is connected to our Sacral chakra.
Our sacral chakra is our relationship area. So no coincidence there.
When your sacral chakra is blocked, you will feel angry, resentful, stressed, unable to let go of a person/situation, you will not be trusting, you will have intimacy issues, addiction problems, and have stomach issues.
When your sacral chakra is cleansed, you will be able to forgive, let go, surrender, trust, feel happy, experience new beginnings, be able to create boundaries with others and have healthy relationships with your loved ones.
Make sure to envision an orange bubble around your stomach area going inside and clearing your sacral chakra.
Week 6 is all about creating a stronger bond with others. So make sure to take time this week to connect with your loved ones and go out of your way to show them you care. If you have an individual in your life that you need healing with, this is the week to open the door for the relationship to heal. Use this week's energy to heal any misunderstandings you have with anyone. You will feel so much better in the end.
Take time to bond with your furry friends. Animals have such a healing energy to them. And when you truly bond with animals you are able to raise your frequency levels to a whole new dimension. You will be able to heal others and heal yourself. Animals have such high frequency levels of energy that it's truly inspiring.
When you can connect to yourself, others, animals and earth, it's the ultimate connection to the oneness universe consciousness. It's only then that bonding will be constructive and everlasting.
There you have it my friends! This week is all about the LOVE in your connections to others. You cannot bond without the power of love. If you can't have love towards someone in your life at the moment, ask yourself why and dig deep.
Are you expressing yourself with love?
This week make sure to think of one person you need to forgive and one person who you need to apologize too. Initiate the contact with love.
Then find one friend and one family member and show an act of love towards this person.
I wish you all a wonderful week filled with love, bonding and setting your foundation of life.
Week 6 is over on Saturday at sundown.
Namaste bunnies!
And remember:
GirlieVegans Do it Better!!!
Love and light,
Leda xxx
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