The Sun is in Virgo until September 22, Venus in Libra until September 23, Mars in Sagittarius until September 27, Mercury in Virgo until October 7, Jupiter in Libra until October 10, 2017, Saturn in Sagittarius until December 20, 2017 and Uranus in Aries until May 15, 2018.
Planets Retrograde: Mercury (August 30 - September 22) Pluto (April 17 - September 26)
It's an amazing month ahead and everything is possible, so let's get to itttt!!!!!
A Full Moon means the sun and the moon are in opposite zodiac signs. It's a female energy. It's all about romance, relationships, emotions and fertility. The Full Moon has a special way to expose that which is hidden from us, including what corrections must take place in your life in order to uplift yourself and create change. It's the perfect time to release negative situations and people from your environment. During a Full Moon is the perfect time to start something new and connect to new ideas.
A Lunar Eclipse occurs when the shadow of the moon is on the earth, which happens every six months, when the sun, earth and moon are completely aligned. Lunar Eclipses are powerful Full Moons that are meant to change your life! It's forces you to make changes. It also brings world news events. It's important to stay positive and calm under a Lunar Eclipse so you don't attract negative situations. Changes are a must in life, so make sure not to be so reactive to people or situations. This is a positive Lunar Eclipse which is also considered a Harvest Full Moon so it will be preparing you to give birth to new energy.
Whenever you have a Solar Eclipse and a Lunar Eclipse it always falls in a certain house on your astrological chart.
Whatever house it falls under, that's the lesson at hand, that will be your main focus for the next six months.
If you don't have a way of seeing your personal chart with the transits, it's okay, just pay attention to the lessons that are coming up during the eclipse. Dig deep and ask yourself why you are dealing with certain lessons.
This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces is pretty amazing because you will have the Pisces moon, which is a water sign, take you on a higher consciousness journey, while the sun in Virgo, which is an earth sign, will ground you. Perfect combination!
Starting the week of the Full Moon you will, and most likely, have already seen the lessons at hand.
Pisces will want to go deeper in spirituality and explore the unknown. Virgo will help you to integrate spirituality and your new knowledge into your every day life.
This action will create major spiritual growth for you. Allow yourself to be vulnerable to the frequencies.
Some of you will need to learn to release pride and apply humility. Go ahead and help that co-worker. Make that phone call you know you want to make. Forgive and apologize to that certain individual. Clear the air with those you feel you need too. Ask your friends for help if you need it, they will help you. You don't have to know everything or do everything by yourself. It's okay to be humble and ask for guidance. It's okay!
Others will be guided to be less selfish and start sharing more. Give more of yourself to others. Push yourself. Forget about your problems and realize others may need your wisdom, love and compassion at this time. By going out of your way to help others, your desires will be manifested. Your prayers will be answered. When you give more of yourself to others it shouldn't just be to the people you love, true sharing is when you give to those you have no attachment too. Like a stranger. Volunteering is a great way to share and ironically you receive so much light from doing so. This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, go ahead and give it a shot!
Restriction will be the key word for most. You will learn to stop reacting so quickly and harshly and pull back some what. It's easy to get lost in chaotic situations and react the way you normally do but now it's time to shift all of that.
If you overly give of yourself to others and it's so easy for you, then you have to learn to set boundaries and practice the word NO. In some cases, by saying no, you are really saying yes to yourself and your self worth. When you give you have to make sure to balance yourself by receiving. Love gossiping? Learn to restrict.
Affirmations are important and a tool in manifesting. Make sure that this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces you write down your intentions and say them out loud more than once a day. Say them to yourself when you wake up, on the way to school, at work, before going to bed. The same with visualization. This is great when you are seeking a soulmate, new job, or anything you desire. Another tool in manifestation is having certainty.
Successful people have certainty. They know what they need to do. They take action and have certainty.
Lunar Eclipses bring in radical and dramatic changes. This particular Full Moon Lunar Eclipse will force you to connect to yourself in a deeper way. You may feel lack in your life. Whatever you feel you are lacking in your life, is exactly what will be the focus for you to transform. This energy will give you a drive to complete the task at hand. Whatever you wanted to do in the past, you can truly do this month. Break that ego and allow yourself to truly see your lack. Ask yourself: why am I coming from a place of lack?
When you can answer that question, you will have an enlightening moment, an epiphany, you will experience a spiritual ascension. Use that opportunity to create a shift in the area you felt lack in. Realize this is an issue that has been wanting to surface, be acknowledge and released. When you experience lack you are not taking a leap of faith in an area of your life. Emotions will run high because the energy needs to be released and transformed from your energy field.
This Lunar Eclipse in Pisces will heightened your awareness. So pay attention to your dreams, instincts, ideas, emotions, and thoughts. This is an extremely creative time for you. Use your emotions to take your creativity to the next level. Apply the spiritual tools of emotions that the moon in Pisces offers and apply them to your every day life.
Health is also a theme with the Lunar Eclipse this time around. Start paying attention to your lifestyle. Are you eating healthy? What is your body telling you? Why are you eating so much? When you overeat you are trying to suppress your feelings towards a feeing of lack or a situation. What are you hiding from? What you ashamed of?
These questions will lead you to confront your fears and move on.
This transformation is so drastic that anything that doesn't serve your highest good, you will leave behind and never look back. Out with the old and in with the new! Make sure to keep having certainty in all that you desire and do.
Well there you have it my darlings! A wonderful month filled with surprises, excitement, joy, changes, abundance and love. Gratitude is key this month. Be grateful for everything and everyone in your life, no matter how small you think it is. Nothing is ever too small or too big. Gratitude leads you to appreciate yourself and others more. You matter in this lifetime. Be honest with yourself this month. Use your emotional state to take your consciousness to a whole new level. Dig deep my friends! You will see and feel the intensity of the new frequencies hitting Earth through an emotional wave but ride it out because you will be grateful later. Release your past. It can't hurt you anymore!
May you all find the love, healing, peace, joy, abundance, health and gratitude you seek! This month you can conquer all your dreams. Get ready to receive many surprises coming your way. But remember when opportunity knocks, answer the door!!! Like Eminem said "you only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow, this opportunity comes once in a lifetime, you better..."
I LOVE you all!!! Kisses on the lips!!!!
Namaste witches, mermaids, fairies, unicorns, starseeds, angels, hippies, gypsies, and goddesses!
And remember:
GirlieVegans Do It Better!!!
Love and light,
Leda xxx
Photo Courtesy: Selina Fenech