This Solar Eclipse will be a tricky one because it will be tough at first but then it will be exciting afterwards. I know, I know, but in order to have a fabulous October, which it will be, you have to go through a few little changes. Lessons bring changes which then bring new beginnings and miracles. Learn to embrace change :) We will be experiencing another Eclipse later on this month for the Full Moon. Which is why I state there will be exciting news and opportunities for you in every area of your life, if you embrace change. Eclipses bring unexpected news, things and people into your life.
We are now officially in the first week of Mercury Retrograde...I know most of you have already felt the drama it has brought along for this month! Get ready because this Mercury Retro will bring you massive opportunities to tie up any loose ends from the past. We will get into it in a bit...
The Sun is in Virgo until September 22, Jupiter in Virgo until September 9, Venus in Libra until September 23, Mars in Sagittarius until September 27, Mercury in Virgo until October 7, Saturn in Sagittarius until December 20, 2017 and Uranus in Aries until May 15, 2018.
Planets Retrograde: Mercury (August 30 - September 22) Pluto (April 17 - September 26)
Now that we know we have a tricky and intense Solar Eclipse with a fun twist to it, let's get to it!!!!!
A New Moon means both the Sun and the Moon are in the same zodiac sign. This means that the energy is completely concentrated on that particular sign. New Moon means new beginnings, new opportunities, new goals and new journey. The New Moon is an excellent time to plant your seeds and intentions for the future. There's an energetic portal that is open to pull in what you'd like to manifest. It's important when setting your intentions to be very clear on what it is you want to manifest in your life during a New Moon. If you are unsure of what you desire, ask for clarity and guidance.
A Solar Eclipse is when the Moon is in between the Sun and the Earth and blocks the light of the Sun from the Earth.
Spiritually, the Solar Eclipse, creates extra energy for the New Moon, therefore making the New Moon so much more powerful. Events or situations that are triggered by an eclipse usually take 6 months to fully unfold. This is a time when you have a powerful opportunities to break old habits or belief systems and begin to make major life changes. Eclipses are about endings and new beginnings. How you see yourself is how you are perceived by others in the outside world. All this energy affect your personal and business relationships.
When it comes to Mercury Retrograde you have to know that anything that starts with "RE" works in your favor: Retreat, Reconnect, Recovery, Re-schedule, Reassess, Reflect, Review, Re-think, Reconsider, Repair, Re-negotiate, etc. This is when we usually hear from past lovers, friends, or family members reaching out to us. It's only the retrograde causing this so be careful about falling in love with you ex all over again! If you are closing and healing any old wounds and both parties are ready to heal and move on, then absolutely heal yourself! Other than that be careful not to fall into the same old patterns.
Mercury Retrograde is at its fullest from August 30th until September 22nd. Keep in mind 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after you are under Mercury Retro's shadow, so the energy is still there. Some of you even feel it strongest before and after the retrograde's stationery position. This retrograde is full of opportunities to create major blessings in your life! It's setting you up for all the new beginnings that will enter your life later this month.
The Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Virgo will be a bit harsh for most when it comes to finding a balance between obsessing with attention to details and trusting that the universe will take care of you. Virgos are all about organization, structure, discipline, health, workaholics and prone to feeling lonely. On the same token they are loving, giving, supportive and all bout love. This New Moon find a balance between having to play by the rules and instead allow your yourself to be guided by faith and trust. For others, you will need this Virgo energy to learn to be more organized and learn to take on a leadership role.
Find the balance with this New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Virgo to learn the difference between being alone and feeling lonely. You need to be alone during this New Moon to sit with your thoughts and meditate. This Solar Eclipse will allow you to dig deep into your spiritual journey and awaken what's left for you to continue to transform in order to create the shift you need. If you need to learn humility, then the lesson with the eclipse may be a little humiliating but it's only for your highest good. It's taking you a step further in your spiritual journey. If your lesson is to be more compassionate then you will experience uncomfortable situations that will lead you to understand that compassion is an essential part of your growth. Whatever your lesson is, take it lightly and allow yourself to go with the flow and release all control. When you stop trying to control your outcome, you will be extremely surprised how wonderful it all turns out in the end. This New Moon in Virgo is not all intense, It also brings the energy of love. Mostly all of you will have the opportunity to embrace love in a higher level. For some of you family will play a strong role. Some of you will have a great desire to start that family you always dreamed of, while others will begin to spend more time with their family. Time to appreciate all you have in your life at the moment. All is good this month!
Keep in mind this month will only be intense in the beginning of the month. Some of you might feel extremely emotional, angry, confused, upset, this is the wave of negativity, jealousy and gossip, which will be revealed to you, but this energy will quickly disappear with a powerful frequency of love, happiness, peace and joy! So ride the first half of the month with getting rid of what no longer serves you. Pay attention to what the universe is trying to tell you. Let all the waves of negativity, jealousy, judgment and gossip leave your side by taking notes but don't get sucked into it. Have faith and wait for the positive wave hitting you right after. Once again this is for some of you, not all of you will be experiencing the same wave. The rest will be too busy overwhelmed with new beginnings manifesting faster than they realized. So that in itself will take a toll if you don't center yourself by meditating and spending some quiet time alone.
Keep in mind that a cosmic energy portal of new beginnings, new year, will be entering the first few days of October. So this would be the perfect week to think of where you see yourself three months from now. This is where you should be focusing your energy on. Your job is to close your eyes, envision it, feel it and believe it! See your life three months from now!
When it comes to love this month, it's the perfect time to learn balance, compromise and letting go.
This moon cycle will allow you to find balance in your work, personal and family schedule. Some of you need quiet time in order to feel alive again and be a better partner to your loved one. For others you need to find balance in your schedule to go out, mingle and meet new people. Create that balance. It's much needed. This Solar Eclipse will force you to learn balance, so better to go with the flow then to resist it.
For those that are in relationships, learn to compromise with your other half. You don't have to win every argument. Choose your battles wisely. Learn to listen to your partners needs. Are you even listening? When you create a transformation in yourself to allow yourself to truly listen to someone else's need, you actually learn what it is they truly desire. Are you able to help with their desires? If so, you should do your best to try. If you can't, then it's time to sit down and discuss both your desires.
Your heart's desires will come into play big time this month. Not just in love but in all areas of your life. The New Moon is all about setting your intentions and the Solar Eclipse will heightened that feeling. Connect with yourself and ask yourself, what do you truly desire?
For those that are single it's time to get out of your shell and allow yourself to blossom to your full potential.
Most of you are stuck in your same routine. This New Moon in Virgo is desperate for a change due to the Solar Eclipse. Go out of your way to try something new this month. See yourself like a flower. You have to nurture yourself when it comes to mind, body and spirit. Take care of yourself. Are you eating the right foods for your body? Are you taking time to meditate and heal your old wounds? Are you allowing yourself to do things that make you happy?
All these positive changes will only draw your future boyfriend or wife closer to you! So what are you waiting for?? Shine bright like a diamond! Especially because unexpected people and dates will be popping up into your life!
Virgos are all about work, work, work. They are hard workers and are all about control.
This Solar Eclipse will shine on your work force big time. Some of you might feel the need to jump ship and start a whole new career. It will definitely be new beginnings for a lot of you. So get ready!
Those that are happy in their career will still be pushed to take things to a new level. New opportunities will be presented. No matter what your situation is, action is required at this time.
This is the perfect time to move forward with any old ideas you had and/or any old projects you started. Mercury Retro will favor those ideas and projects with a big yes! I wouldn't suggest rushing into a new job unless it's something you had looked at in the past. But it is the perfect time to plant seeds and let the universe handle it from now until the next six months. If you have had an idea or project for a while, don't sleep on it. You are being guided to take action now!
Anything from the past will be handled well now.
Employers will learn how to trust their employees a little more this month. Release some of the control you have over your work. Let others help you for once. Add new elements to your company at this time and allow the next 6 months to show you the fruition of your new add-ons.
For others this is the perfect time for you to show your boss you can handle the extra work load and still manage to be balanced. This the perfect time to make some extra cash! This is a good month for money.
You have to believe it in order to achieve it!
Well there you have it my loveys! A fabulous month ahead with a bit of a funky twist in the first week or two!
Remember that October will be amazing so September is about laying those foundations down and creating last minute changes to your life. Life is all about transformation and evolving. You don't want to be the same person you were 5 years ago or even a year ago because than that means you haven't learned anything or haven't grown. And that's never fun. So allow yourself to awaken your mind, body and soul to new beginnings, new changes, new lifestyle. Keep yourself hungry for more. Keep evolving, keep growing, keep learning. Life is about love, compassion and sharing. Go out there this month and show others how much you love them, show strangers that same love and compassion. Share your love and knowledge with others who don't have a voice, like animals and children in need.
Animals, children, the elderly and our Mother Earth need our love the most right now. Let go of the judgment you have towards race, religion, and politics and apply all the love you claim to have towards others in need. LOVE is what unites us all. There is no stronger frequency than the power of LOVE. We are all one. Learn to read between the blurred lines and decode what you think you already know. Always dig deeper.
Thank you so much for reading my blog and do know that I appreciate and love you as we are all in this together.
May you have a wonderful New Moon Solar Eclipse in Virgo and may you have a fabulous, happy and loving month of September!!!! Here's to new and exciting beginnings!!!! Kisses on the lips!!!!
Namaste witches, mermaids, fairies, unicorns, starseeds, angels, hippies, and goddesses!
And remember:
GirlieVegans Do It Better!!!
Love and light,
Leda xxx
Photo Courtesy: Selina Fenech