Get ready to see major changes take over!!! It's positive electromagnetic frequencies hitting the Earth! That same evening begins a New Year for a lot of people which is called Rosh Hashanah. Coincidence? Think not! It's no coincidence that on this day all this new energy is pouring in. NEW BEGINNINGS for ALL!
The Sun is in Virgo until September 23rd, Saturn is in Scorpio until September 17th, Mars is in Leo until September 24th, Venus is in Leo until October 8th, Mercury is in Libra until November 2nd, Jupiter is in Virgo until September 9th, 2016 and Uranus has been in Aries since March 11th, 2011.
Although Venus went direct September 6th, it's still under the shadow period until October 9th. Soooo most of you are still getting calls from ex boyfriends, lovers, etc...Remember that the truth won't be really revealed until the shadow period is gone. I wouldn't really trust your ex boyfriend unless he showed true actions behind his words...and even then, I would mark October 9th on the calendar!!! I believe in choosing love and healing, so if it's a loved one or a great friend that you can heal with, then go for it and expect nothing in return.
But for now learn to respect, love and honor yourself first!!! And then this way you can show compassion on to others!
Let's get to it!!!
A New Moon means the Sun and Moon are in the same zodiac sign. This means that the energy is completely concentrated on that particular sign. New Moons represent new beginnings. The New Moon is an excellent time to plant your seeds for the future, an energetic portal to pull in what you'd like to manifest. When setting your intentions, being very clear on what it is you want to manifest in your life, is crucial during a New Moon. If you are not clear or don't know what it is you want, that's okay, instead ask for guidance and help in the forgiveness, sharing, confidence, courage, or awakening department. That's always a good thing!
A Solar Eclipse is when the moon is in between the Sun and the Earth and blocks all the light of the Sun from the Earth. Spiritually the Solar Eclipse creates extra energy for the New Moon, therefore making the New Moon so much more powerful. Events or situations that are triggered by an eclipse usually take up to 6 months to fully unfold. Things that get revealed under a Solar Eclipse is to awakened you and show you the truth that was hidden from you. This is a time when you have powerful opportunities to break old habits or belief systems and begin to make major life changes. Eclipses are about endings and new beginnings. How you see yourself is how you are perceived by others in the outside world. All this energy affect your personal and business relationships.
This New Moon connects with the Libra energy and in a week the sun falls under Libra so you can see how the energy is already present. Even if you are not a Libra you are still under the same influence for the rest of the month.
Libra is ruled by Venus, the goddess of love and beauty. Libra loves beauty and finds it in anyway thru art, music, even people. If you are trying to attract a Libra man, know he is all about how you look, he's superficial that way. If you are trying to attract a Libra woman, know she expects to be treated like a queen. This month all ladies will be expected to be treated as such and men will want to hook up with girls that care about their appearance. Libras are very charming and because they are an air sign, they seek intellectual people, knowledge and new ideas. They need balance, harmony and peace in their life and everywhere around them. Libras tend to be diplomatic, cooperative, fair minded, gracious and social but on the flip side they are indecisive, avoid confrontations, will carry grudge for the longest and are great at self pity. Their main craving in life is harmony and having a partner by their side. Libra is a sign that cannot and will not be alone. They always need someone to be in love with or be in love with them. For Libras it's all about Janet Jackson's song "That's the way love goes"!
Since the sun is still in Virgo for a few days you may still feel the energy tugging at you with wanting to be obsessed with organization, attention to details and worrying about your health and work out routine. Some of you may have been a little depressed but the good news is, that it's over! Due to this incredible positive Solar Eclipse that is pouring in, powerful energy will be here to uplift you.
As you can see, for the next few weeks until October, you will feel a rush of wanting to start a new beginning. You will want to just leave it all behind and begin fresh. Guess what? You can!!! With this Solar Eclipse offering a huge electromagnetic wave of pure harmony, peace, transformation, you will be able to start a new beginning. Some of you will be getting engaged, married, or even moving in with someone or moving to a different state, country. Others will begin a new career, job or will just realize what their life purpose truly is. This is the time to truly start a new beginning. You've been wanting to detox, lose weight, have a new body? This is the time! Let's get to it!!! You have Libra telling you that beauty from the inside and outside should match your higher vibrational spirit...When you realize how important it is to love yourself by transforming your negative thoughts to positive thoughts, you are creating now a vortex of love inside your mind, therefore now you will begin to care about your speech, speak only positive and encouraging words. Even if you feel your life is at the bottom of the totem pole, who cares? You will get to the top by being positive. Your thoughts create your surroundings! Don't forget that! When you do this, you will then care about taking care of your skin, hair, and physical body. You don't have to look a certain way, but all the cells inside your body have carried you through this far and they need your love in order to keep you alive. So if you are overweight and one burger away from a heart attack your body will eventually give up on you because you aren't loving yourself. Don't worry how it will all get done this month, just visualize what you want, and put some action behind it! And then watch the Universe and God of all source work in your favor.
This month you will feel the need for balance in all areas of your life. You will want to be a GirlieVegan for sure!
You will care about your health, spirituality, look, and your knowledge. You will want to surround yourself with people smarter than you. You will notice that you starting to shift and be opened to new ideas and craving change in your life.
Why waste your time surrounding yourself with friends that are negative and bringing you down? Although it's important to show compassion, what better way to plant the seed of change then to become the change you want to see in the world and in others. Now that's the GirlieVegan way!
You will begin to notice changes around you, people wanting to be healed, healthy and spiritual. There's no way around it, the energy pouring in on this New Moon is incredible. You will have all the support you need from the New Moon and Eclipse. The fact that so many people on this Earth will be celebrating a New Year until Tuesday evening, all that energy still influences you. So take advantage and set your intentions for a new beginning. Release all the old mentality, habits and unwanted situations and people and create a rebirth. You can do it!
For a lot of you, financially you will see an increase. Learn to come from a place of YES! Be opened to any offers because if something wasn't meant for you, the light of the creator will guide on that.
Solar Eclipses are all about revealing things that were hidden from you. When areas of your life get a little upsetting and troublesome know it's because the eclipse wants you to transform it and move on. Avoid dwelling and creating self pity parties and just see it, take care of it and release it. On to the new!!! What doesn't kill you makes you stronger!
The last Blood Moon this year will fall under the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse scheduled to occur on September 27-28th. So get ready for that complete shift of energy. This energy will be a new energy hitting the planet.
A huge portal opening will occur on September 23-28th. Some are calling it Ganesh and others Wave X. Either way this portal will be activating some of your DNA strands. We have about 12 DNA strands that are connected to different dimensions. A lot of Starseeds and Indigo children are already aware of this and have most of their strands activated. The entire planet will feel this shift during the end of September. All this power control reptilian energy will be gone! No coincidence that this New Moon and Solar Eclipse falls under Rosh Hashanah creating new beginnings in your life to prep you for the new energy hitting the earth a few weeks later. This galactic transformational frequencies will allow you to manifest a lot of your desires. You will be able to be more psychic, raise your level of frequencies and feel more connected and attuned with your higher self. This is all part of recognizing you are not a victim, and squashing the bad ego and negative thinking.
Once you uplift yourself, you will experience manifestation, realize that you are one with creation and things are not happening to you, but it is you who is co-creating your life. You are a vessel, a conduit of light, available to receive this frequency in order to assist others on this planet.
Now is the time to have compassion for others. Like Dr. Eric Pearl says "when you heal others you heal yourself".
There's power to that quote. The earth, animals and people need healing. So you are here to change your DNA to match your higher self and awaken your mission, your life purpose.
I was speaking to a dear friend and psychic Natalie Pink who said part of manifesting our desires is in learning to be a gracious receiver. I LOVE THAT! Thanks Natalie! It's so true! It's not our job to worry how things come to us or who gives it to us. Release the guilt or worry and learn to just receive. Learn to say YES to everything around you. When you say YES and receive, you are opening a portal around yourself to allow the universe to start pouring down gifts your way! So don't say NO, say YES! At least in this case! Say NO to drugs and reptilian negative energy but say YES to life!
Make sure to schedule an energy healing session during this new energy so you can cleanse and get rid of all that is blocking you! Enter this new energy with a positive wave!
1. Create your own Vision Board this month! Click on the link for further instructions: The GirlieVegan Vision Board
2. Create forgiveness for yourself by thinking of a situation you had that needs healing. Visualize what happened that created the situation and then visualize how you would have reacted differently. This will create healing for all involved.
Note to self:
Mark your calendars for Dec. 11 - 14, 2015 to set sail on the first GirlieVegan Cruise to the Bahamas! That's right it's an all inclusive cruise where I will be hosting meditations, healing workshops and lots of playtime! If you're single this an excellent opportunity to meet someone, if you're looking to get healed or even to set the intentions for a positive holiday season and new year, this is the way to go!!! This will be an excellent way to create transformation in your life!
All the details will be posted this week so make sure to tune in to the GirlieVegan Facebook / Twitter / Instagram or send an email to [email protected]
Wishing you all a very HAPPY NEW YEAR, NEW MOON and SOLAR ECLIPSE!!!
Excellent things ahead for us all!!! Think, speak and act positive!!!
Because It was all a dream!!! Spread LOVE, it's the Brooklyn way, I never thought it could happen, this healing stuff, uh, damn right I like the life I live cause I went from negative to positive! Uh, and if you don't know, now you know ninjas!!! According to Biggie it's the Brooklyn way!!! Although I'm Straight Outta Compton!!!
Namaste Witches!!!
And remember:
GirlieVegans Do It Better!!!
Love and light,
Leda xxx
Photo Courtesy: Josephine Wall