Why is everyone making a fuss over this Super Full Moon? Because the moon will be the closest to Earth it has ever been since January 1948 and the Full Moon won't be this close again until 2034! And for those who are looking for new opportunities in life, this Full Moon will be in the sign of Taurus. Everything will be amplified by 100!
As you are reading this, the energy of this SuperMoon Full moon in Taurus already kicked in. If you look around you a lot has changed globally and personally. You are ready to get things moving and at the same time desiring a bit of stability. This Full Moon will show you that you have the power to be your own superhero!
The Sun is in Scorpio until November 21st, Mercury in Sagittarius until December 2nd, Venus in Capricorn until December 7th, Mars in Aquarius until December 19th, Jupiter in Libra until October 10th, 2017, Saturn in Sagittarius until December 20th, 2017 and Uranus in Aries until May 15th, 2018.
There's a lot to learn with this SuperMoon Full Moon in Taurus so hold on to your seat belts and let's get to itttt!!!!
A Full Moon means the sun and the moon are in opposite zodiac signs. The Full Moon is a female energy. There is a special energy and trance you fall under the Full Moon as it brings forth anything that has to do with emotions, romance, relationships and fertilization. Because of the magical moonlight it shines, the Full Moon offers to illuminate that which has been hidden from you. For some it can be an emotional painful secret and for others it will shine light on lessons you needed to be aware of. The energy of the Full Moon usually enters a few days before and lingers for a few days after. Notice your mood and emotional state around a Full Moon and even notice those around you.
This is an excellent time to write down your intentions and create a vision board. Take a look at your intentions or situation back 6 months ago to the new moon of the sign the Full Moon is under and see how much you have evolved since. In this case it would be going back to the May new moon in Taurus.
A SuperMoon is when the moon is at its closest point to Earth. Therefore the Full Moon will look bigger. The Earth, Moon and Sun are all in a line with the moon in its nearest approach to Earth. SuperMoons can also create a bit of chaos in the world from wildfires, storms, major floods to even earthquakes and volcanoes going haywire. SuperMoons are also known for amplifying the intensity of the moon it falls under.
This Full Moon SuperMoon in Taurus is a game changer. It will be tugging at your soul for a complete makeover.
The veil between spirit world and your reality is rapidly thinning. As this occurs you may be hearing about a lot of chaos around you, depending on what you choose to see. This is the time in life where you are to make a decision as to why you are here. What is your life purpose? Those of you that want to evolve into a more positive life, it is important for you to stay away from news, media, gossip, television, social media as much as you can. Do your best to find a balance so you don't make the negative news your world. You are the only one in control of your life. Why give your power away to the wrong causes or reasons. This Full Moon in Taurus will urge you to stay focus on your goals and seek balance between your subconscious and the third dimension. Start healing your mind, body and soul from the inside out. Taurus are known for healing, beauty, sensual, material, loyalty, kindness, stubborn and too comfortable. This Full Moon SuperMoon in Taurus offers you a chance to connect to all the positive traits and transform all the negative ones. For those of you that are yearning stability, understand you must go through the changes of being uncomfortable, wing through the chaos and then enters your stability and peace. Look behind each lesson. Means you were probably too comfortable to see the light. Change needed to occur. For those of you focusing too much on the negative and not seeing past the gift of opportunity, learn to really see. Not everything is what it seems to be. Look deeper. Look past the veil. See beyond what your stubborn mind thinks it knows. Don't shut yourself up for seeing the truth because you refuse to settle. When in fact because you are not allowing change to occur, you are settling. Makes sense? You need to go through transformation in order to arrive to your ultimate destination. Why it's important to continue to learn, grow and evolve. As the veil keeps on dropping, people around you and in the world will be reacting in ways that won't make sense to those that are already seeing past the veil and connecting to the oneness energy. The lightworkers that are connecting to spirit are those friends that don't mention recent world news. Spirit already explained to them that major changes are ahead and need to happen in order to shift things around. As a community you have the power to create change but also know exactly what you are wishing for. As they say, be careful what you wish for. All that glitter isn't gold. Let your ego go. Learn to work with what you have and allow new opportunities to arrive at your doorstep this Full Moon. Taurus is a sign that knows what it wants and gets it! Everyone should have an earth sign as a friend! They are complete manifestors! This Full Moon ask yourself, what do YOU want? What life purpose are you here to fulfill? How can your relationship with yourself, universe, God and the angels improve? How can your relationship with others teach you the lessons of life you need in order to elevate your consciousness? Deepak Chopra made a wonderful point in today's meditation, How do we take relationships that are not great to a ideal stage? "By being established in your own self, centered and unshakable."
Be centered in the here and now. Meditation helps you connect to your centered self. Relationships become rocky when you lose clarity in the situation. Having clear awareness helps keep you centered and make better decisions.
He goes on to explain that most relationships have issues due to self doubt. You feeling uncertain is due to self doubt.
Relationships are a reflection, a mirror, of the positive and negative traits of yourself. Allow your ego to dissolve so you can work on yourself and transform the negative into positive. Everyone is a work in progress. Allow the journey to unfold. When relationships or anything else you want in life doesn't have the outcome you desired, trust in that outcome, because there is a higher force protecting you and preparing you for something better.
Why rejection is protection! Say it outloud "Rejection is protection". Allow something better and bigger to come your way. Believe in yourself that something better is on it's way because with this Full Moon in Taurus, it is!!!
This Full Moon SuperMoon in Taurus is also bringing in massive opportunities for everyone. If you are looking for a new job, this is the Full Moon that will bring you that golden opportunity. Same if you are seeking financial abundance, new clients, new employees, manager, etc...The right people will walk right into your life at the most divine timing in the next couple of weeks and months. You truly are the alchemist of your life. You have the power to create the life you have always desired. If you are seeking romance and a wonderful new partner, this is the time to set your intentions but also dig deep and ask yourself what type of person are you when you are in a relationship. Transformation and healing is important for you this Full Moon. Are you still dealing with habits you want to walk away from? First step is to admit you need healing, and then take the necessary actions. Don't know which actions to take? Seek a trusted friend. Opportunities are everywhere for you. It's all about how you are looking at things. Is your glass half full or half empty?
Your perspective on life, on yourself, on your journey, is important now. Push yourself this month to let go of anything that has been holding you back: grudges, anger, jealousy, toxic habits, toxic relationships. Stay away from low vibrations and surround yourself with high vibrations traits like: love, forgiveness, happiness, peace, joy, and desires.
There you have it bunnies! What a Full Moon SuperMoon in Taurus! If you are a Taurus know that you will feel this Full Moon 10 times as much. Use this Full Moon to release anything that no longer serves you. LET IT GO. Once and for all. Let go of fear. Allow new changes to take place. All is not what it seems. Inject love and positive energy everywhere you go. Don't contribute to lower vibrational energy. Remember the frequency of LOVE is the highest there is. Give yourself and everyone around you love. The people, animals and the entire planet need love and healing. Begin healing yourself so you can share this new frequency with everyone around you. Go after your dreams. It's not to late to manifest your dreams. This Thanksgiving season, make sure to spend it with people who you love and give back to those that don't have a lot like animals, homeless individuals and those without a family. Donate vegan food, time and love to those in need this holiday season! Please do your best to keep the turkeys away from your dinner table this Thanksgiving and instead have a Turkeyless Thanksgiving!!! Turkeys are guest at my house!!!
Wishing you all a wonderful Full Moon SuperMoon in Taurus and a very Happy Thanksgiving!! May you all surround yourself with love, joy, happiness, peace, healing and magical energy! LOVE and LIGHT to you all!!!
Namaste witches, mermaids, unicorns, fairies, starseeds, angels, hippies, goddess and gypsies!!!!
And remember:
GirlieVegans Do It Better!!!
Love and light,
Leda xxx
Photo Courtesy: Selina Fenech