The Sun is in Scorpio until November 22nd, Mercury is in Scorpio until November 20th, Venus is in Libra until December 4th, Mars is in Libra until January 3rd, 2016, Saturn is in Sagittarius until December 20th, 2017, Jupiter is in Virgo until September 9th, 2016 and Uranus has been in Aries since March 11th, 2011.
Is it me or has anyone experienced such changes since the last New Moon?!?! AH-Mazing!!!
This month I was guided to set up the New Moon blog a little bit different. Hope you enjoy!
Let's get to it!!!
A New Moon represents new beginnings. When a New Moon enters, a portal of energy opens up giving you the opportunity to draw in power from all that month's positive characteristics and shield you from the negative ones. It's the time to let go of the past and start a new chapter in your life. This is why it's important to write down your intentions after the New Moon enters. By writing down your intentions, you're sending the frequencies of your desires to the Universe, setting the wheels in motion to bring them to you. And if you don't know what you want, ask for clarity!
This New Moon in Sagittarius truly brings us new beginnings, new situations, new adventures, new relationships, new jobs, new everything! It even can ignite new romantic passion if you are already in a current romantic relationship.
Sagittarius earthlings are known for being the luckiest people out there! Jupiter, the planet of luck and gifts is their ruling planet. With this New Moon all signs have a major gateway opened to create a brand new life. Let go of any toxic situations in your life now. Let go of people that are negative and are only holding you back. No one has time for friends that are competitive, lying or gossiping, you have a journey to create! Let go of a boyfriend/girlfriend that is toxic for you in any way, if this person is not giving you the respect, kindness, support and love you deserve, keep on moving! Believe me you will manifest a new relationship where you will feel uplifted instead of being dragged. Once you love yourself, you will find your twin flame! Everyone has one! Everyone signed a contract to meet someone eventually :)
Let's see what this New Moon has in store for you using some of my favorite tarot card decks:
Aries: This month for you is about clearing and recognizing a karmic lesson in your life. The universe wants you to have karmic completion but you have to open your eyes to the message at hand. By now you should have completed this karmic lesson but instead you are still dealing with it. You may be facing at the moment a challenging situation or a difficult encounter with someone that involves a great deal of effort and pain. So recognize why this lesson keeps recurring. It's not about the other person or situation, it's about what you need to learn from it so you can heal the karmic contract and be released. This month work on removing your ego to see the bigger picture, this way, you will have karmic completion!!! Meaning you won't have to deal with this lesson ever again in this life time! Keep yourself grounded, centered and balanced. Affirmation: I clear debts from my past and create a happy, harmonious life.
Taurus: Darlings this is the month for you to withdraw from anything that is no longer serving your purpose in life. It is time to walk away from this situation. The universe is guiding you to let it go. Whenever you hold on to something from the past but it's not meant to be in your present, you are creating a block for yourself. Withdraw from people or situations that are causing you stress and use that time and energy on working on yourself. This is an excellent time for Taurus to work on their self-mastery. Release old ways of thinking, and try new things and meet new people. Take time for yourself and dig deep into your spirituality. Who are you, why are you here and what lessons is the universe teaching you? This is the time to redefine and improve yourself. Shift your consciousness! You must push yourself out of your comfort zone and release the stubborn thinking. Open your eyes!!! Affirmation: I am releasing the old and making room for the new.
Gemini: This is a powerful month for you to face your reality. You are ready to embrace your journey on a deeper level and to become even more committed to your life's journey. The angels want you to renew your heart. Once you have awakened there is no need to return to the old dark and ignorant way of thinking. Now you know better so act better. Look deep into your heart this month Gemini and make a commitment to life with all your heart and soul. This challenge you seem to be facing is just a stepping stone to move you in the right direction. You will overcome this challenge once you see the beauty and the lesson behind it. You will have victory once you place an action towards your higher consciousness and bring your desires into reality. Start by resolving any unfinished business and tie up loose ends wherever possible. Be honest when doing so. Then release the outcome to your higher guides. There is a brighter future ahead for you! Affirmation: I am making a commitment to my higher self by being more honest with myself and others.
Cancer: This month's theme for you is Freedom and Collaborate. More freedom is called for you at this time. Examine all areas of your life where you feel trapped and release yourself. Also realize who you are keeping trapped and release them as well. Give the freedom you wish to receive. Women: you're being called on to live your untamed feminine potential. Men: you're being called to free yourself to the intuitive, instinctive and creative side you have and praise these same qualities in the females in your life. Darling Cancer if freedom scares you, ask your angels for guidance and courage. This situation at hand right now will have the best outcome if you work in collaboration with others. A true leader works within his/her community. You need support of a greater circle in order to have the best outcome at this time. Don't resist collaboration with others for fear of losing control or being controlled. You are only limiting your options. Form a union with others who share your vision and can support your ideas. A good idea you have may falter and fail simply because you are not prepared to share the glory with others. A shared vision can renew energy and passion to see this idea through to its natural positive outcome. Set yourself free and learn to work with others! Affirmation: I am enjoying receiving freedom for myself and giving freedom to others.
Leo: Growing month for you Leo, which is exciting! Something important is reaching a point of fruition and therefore completion. Accept that everything in life has a beginning, a middle and an end. By consciously going through a certain situation all the way, you become capable of finally letting it go completely. You must become empty and clear inside in order to make room for the new! If you are concerned about a relationship, know that there is a possibility it may soon change profoundly. You are currently creating stagnate energy around you by holding on so hard to something that needs to be released. Possessiveness is just a form of being possessed. You have attached yourself to this person, situation or idea so much that you are creating blocks in your life. Release all of this so you can allow new ideas, situations or people to enter your life. Your ego has taken over you Leo. Please see the light and let it go! The thought of not being good enough or not getting enough creates fear in you. That's ego talking. Your higher self knows that you are good enough! Once you let go, you will see that you are good enough and will experience all the love and joy that is yours by divine right! Affirmation: I am letting go and releasing anything that has been blocking me.
Virgo: Exciting month ahead for you Virgo! This New Moon wants you to clear and open your chakras. This would be a perfect time to meditate and call upon Archangel Metatron to clear you with his Metatron cube. Or book a session with an energy healer to get you going this month. You may have been feeling drained and tired from all the toxins in your body. It's time for a body tune up! Clear and open those chakras in order to receive all the exciting gifts the universe has in store for you this month! Virgo get ready to receive and receive big! The angels have heard your prayers. Be willing to receive all the gifts they will shower you with this month. Why it's important to clear your energy field so you are energized and appreciate all the exciting gifts. All this love is being sent to you so make sure you open your arms wide and receive. If you are worried about a certain situation or person, don't even worry about it. All is good in the hood. Your prayers are now being answered!!! YAY! Affirmation: I am grateful for all my blessings and miracles I am receiving.
Libra: This New Moon brings major changes in your life. Positive changes! The sun plays a major role this month for you. You will truly enjoy the sunny days ahead. The energy of the sun will make you enter a new stage in your life Libra filled with happiness, fulfillment, and gratitude! Your inner light is shining!!! Your inner light will illuminate your path. You no longer will need help from the outside. You will learn to trust your inner light. With your new awareness everything around you will change. You will release old thought patterns and rigid routines. You are ready to dance and have fun! Let yourself go and enjoy the inner and outer light that shines within and on you. All this new change may rattle you up a bit and make you a bit fearful. But do not feed in to the energy of fear darling Libra. Fear is just an illusion. Become aware that you are not your fear. By moving away from a challenging situation, you will be calm enough to see the light of the situation and have a better handle on things. So onward and upward Libra! The light is shining oh-so-bright for you!!! Affirmation: I am light, I am peace, I am love.
Scorpio: This month is all about love for you darling Scorpio! The angels have heard your prayers and they want you to release and heal the past. When you do so you make room for love to enter your life. They can see your heart wants to experience true love but in order to feel that love for yourself and from others you have to heal and forgive certain individuals and situations from the past. Let it go. Make peace with it even if it's from a distance. You have been hurt before and you are fearful of being hurt again. As you heal your past, you won't be experiencing that lesson again. In order to uplift your current relationship, you must let go of the past anger, blame and hurt. It all begins with forgiving yourself first. That's the first step. This New Moon also wants you to start flirting! Part of healing and letting go of the past is to start fresh and with new ways of thinking! So go out and make eye contact with new people. It doesn't have to be sexual but you can be a slut puppy if you want comment from the peanut gallery...however the angels are guiding you to have fun and be flirtatious!!! When you extend this fun energy towards others you create a vortex of higher love frequency around you. If you are in a relationship this will help spark new flames!!! If you are single, flirting will attract new love relationships as well as friendships! Go flirt slut puppy!!! Affirmation: I am releasing my past and healing my heart.
Sagittarius: This New Moon brings you abundance and your desires into fruition! The first step for you is to listen to your intuition. This month it will guide you. In order to be one with your intuition you need alone and quiet time. You need to spend time with yourself so you can hear the proper guidance the angels have in store for you. This month your desires will become a reality! You are at a very important point in your life where you need to make a decision about what you want. No one can tell you what it is you want. You have to be clear on your heart's desires. If you feel you are stuck and don't know what you truly want, ask the angels for clarity. Either way know that your dreams are becoming reality!!! You also shouldn't worry about financial matters because the angels have financial abundance in store for you and lots of it! So get ready to have a fabulous month ahead. Don't worry how you are receiving the financial abundance because it will be in unexpected ways. Make sure to spend alone time in a quiet surrounding this month! Your intuition will guide you regarding actions you should be taking. Affirmation: I am connecting to my inner self for guidance.
Capricorn: The New Moon brings awareness for you this month Capricorn. The card that fell out of the deck for you has to do with a past life relationship. The angels sent this card for you to explain the relationship you've inquired about lately. You have unfinished business with a soul mate from a past life. This may involve forgiving someone, a joint project, or learning lessons like patience. Addictions are also affecting your current situation now. Addictions are the culprit behind the issues you're attempting to resolve. This could be your own or your partner's addictions that are creating this block in your love life. Addictions numb the heart to pain but they also numb the heart to love. So you can't truly experience love until you release the codependency issues at hand. This New Moon you have the opportunity to create major healing for yourself. If you are the one experiencing addiction to drama, substance, certain behaviors, people etc., you have the opportunity to seek support this month. Make sure you are honest with yourself about this situation at hand. There are 12-step meetings worldwide in any area you desire support in. You will see major results once you seek support! Keep in mind this can also apply to a family member and or business relationship. Sometimes people have addiction to work, people, thought patterns. Affirmation: I am no longer codependent to anything that is blocking me from reaching my full potential.
Aquarius: A new day has arrived for you Aquarius! You've been through a lot in your life but the worst is behind you now. It's a New Moon and a new beginning for you. You are the true hero of your own movie :) So make sure to wash away any negative thoughts, negative feelings or negative energy from your heart. This is the new you. Leave the past where it belongs, in the past. Let it all go! You have a new exciting journey entering your life now. New people, new adventures and new love. The angels also want you to know that they have heard and answered your prayers for protection. You have major protection around you, your home and your loved ones. Don't spend energy and time worrying about your loved ones and your home. It's protected in all ways. Any attack or threats of any kind you felt before, is all in the past. Let it go. It's no longer a part of your energy field. Heaven has made room for you to work on your creative side this month. So go get to it! Affirmation: I am enjoying my new and exciting journey filled with love, light and joy.
Pisces: This New Moon has two themes for you Pisces: positive energy and morning affirmations. The angels are asking for you to surround yourself with positive people and situations and avoid negativity all the way. This month you will feel the need to start over and begin by releasing all negative things around you. Avoid negative people, gossip, news, violent movies, and thinking negative thoughts. By avoiding all this negative energy you are unblocking what was keeping you from manifesting your desires. This New Moon opens such a huge portal of positivity for you, make sure to open yourself up to receive all the positive energy, people and situation to enter your life. Make sure to take time in the mornings to do your morning affirmations. This helps you darling Pisces to set the positive tone of your day. Upon awakening each morning take a few minutes to visualize your desires. Don't worry how it will happen just envision yourself enjoying your desires as if it already materialized in your life. Then when you open your eyes, write down positive affirmations relating to those desires. You should take a glance at them throughout the day everyday to keep you focused on your main prize! Affirmation: I am surrounded by positive thoughts, people and feelings.
**If your sun sign didn't make sense make sure to read your rising and your moon sign so you can have a bigger picture this month**
There you have it my loves! This New Moon in Sagittarius offers us a major opportunity to create change in our lives therefore creating space for miracles to enter our lives. The fact that we are willing to create a change in our lives is the miracle in itself. I am so excited that this month we all have the power within to create the life and journey we desire. Let's create change in our lives now. Release the old and make room for the new. Such a fabulous month ahead for us all!!!
This holiday season share with those that don't have much. Take time to help the voiceless. Volunteer at an animal shelter, or rescue or foster an animal in need of a warm home this winter. Volunteer at a soup kitchen and bring joy to others that don't have a home or a meal every day. Together we can make this world a better place to live in. But you have to make the first step by stepping out of your comfort zone!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to anyone celebrating their birthday this month!
I will be hosting the monthly spiritual experiencers meeting in two weeks at The Players Club.
We will be discussing spirituality, veganism, experiences with the unknown and any weird dreams, abductions or experiences anyone has had that you would like to share or hear from like minded individuals. If you are looking to connect with other like minded people or simply just learn about new things, then this is the meeting for you! It's a free event so invite your friends!
Make sure to email us at [email protected] for exact date and time. Or check GirlieVegan's social media page this weekend for more details:
Instagram and Twitter: @Girlievegan /
Namaste Witches!!!
And remember:
GirlieVegans Do It Better!!!
Love and light,
Leda xxx
Photo Courtesy: Jessica Galbreth