A Full Moon means the sun and the moon are in opposite zodiac signs. The Full Moon is a time of emotional healing, romance, relationships, fertilization and illuminating truth. Under the Full Moon trance you take action towards something you have visualized and desired. By doing such act under the Full Moon, you would be manifesting an idea into a reality, therefore, creating magic! You must be compassionate with yourself and others during this time because the Full Moon can really bring out the best and worst in everyone. Very intense and emotional energy during a Full Moon. Do your best not to react but instead release.
Summer Solstice is also known as midsummer. It's when the Sun reaches its highest position in the the sky making it the longest day with sunlight of the year. It's the beginning of summer. Summer Solstice is also connected to the Fire Festival of Litha. Litha is the celebration of the Sun God also known as the Oak King.
The Sun represents the Divine Masculine energy while the moon represents the Divine Feminine energy.
The Sun is in Gemini until June 21st then in Cancer from June 21st until July 22nd, Mercury in Cancer until June 26th, Mars in Cancer until July 1st, Venus in Gemini until July 3rd, Jupiter in Sagittarius until December 2nd, Saturn in Capricorn until March 21st 2020, Pluto in Capricorn until January 2024, Neptune in Pisces until 2025, Chiron in Aries until June 19th, 2026 and Uranus in Taurus until July 2026.
Jupiter Retrograde (Capricorn) April 10th - August 11th
Saturn Retrograde (Capricorn) April 30th - September 18th
Pluto Retrograde (Capricorn) April 24th - October 3rd
This Full Moon in Sagittarius is a powerful one because it ushers in with two other major planetary energies this year, Jupiter square Neptune and Saturn sextile Neptune. The translation? Your dreams will come true!
This Full Moon has always been considered to be the Strawberry Moon, the Rose Moon and Sun Moon. Strawberries always blossoms in June and this is exactly the midpoint of the year. This is the perfect time to sit down and do a life review of the past 6 months and then map out what you'd like to manifest in the next 6 months.
It's a pivotal time for your manifestations this year. This Full Moon will urge you to think big and manifest big. It will let you know to believe in yourself no matter what you are going through. It's okay to be different and want things others don't desire. If you are thinking outside the box and want to build or start something, go ahead and do it. Go for it!!
Any road blocks you experience are a test for you to learn, trust and move forward. When something is not meant to be, you will know because it will have no energy or simply be taken away from you. Some of you will receive great news or hear from someone you were waiting and hoping for. This news will shift everything for you in the right direction.
Have patience because the week of the Full Moon you may start feeling good but you may also feel overwhelmed and some may start losing faith. Keep in mind that Mercury Retrograde enters July 7th but the pre-shadow stage will start by the ending of the week. It's possible that you may already start feeling it. But the Summer Solstice on Friday will shift everything around! You will feel good again and realize that you are indeed manifesting.
As you get closer to July, Mercury Retro pre-shadow stage will kick in, avoid reacting and any misunderstandings.
If you start feeling like a yo-yo: happy, confused, happy, worried, happy, sad; make sure to center and ground yourself so you are aligned within yourself and focus only on what you desire. Everything else is pure distraction.
Believing in yourself is key during this Full Moon.
Summer is kicking in and you are ready for more romance! Those that are single will be yearning for that partnership. You will know without a shadow of a doubt that you deserve someone. And for most, this is crucial because you haven't been placing any value or love towards yourself. You haven't let go of the ex. Release them already! Let go.
Be careful not to fall into Mercury Retrograde pre-shadow calls from ex's because it's not going to change the situation. They are calling because Mercury is going retrograde. That's it! You can use that connection however to heal any past wounds or misunderstandings. But that's it. And quite frankly when the past calls, let it go to voicemail, because it never has anything new to say!!
This Full Moon in Sagittarius is perfect to let go of any past relationships so you can make room for a new love interest to arrive. When you put yourself out there, do it by vibrating with a higher frequency of love by being who you truly are. You don't have to go out looking because you have already stated your intentions and are placing action by being out and about with friends. When you aren't looking, someone will enter.
This summer a lot of you single peeps will take time to heal yourself and work on yourself and by end summer you will be meeting someone.
Some of you coupled love birds will be getting married this summer and boy are you ready. And those around you are ready too. They need you married! Congrats love birds!
Other coupled ones will be receiving the blessing of being engaged. Some will be very shocked. Congrats!
Others will be receiving baby bump news. Yes, you're preggers!!! Congrats!
Whether you are singled or coupled, this summer is all about you digging deep and owning your truth.
Believing in yourself. You are fabulous, so let your light shine bright!
For a lot of you it's time for a new beginning. This Full Moon in Sagittarius will light the fire within to shift you in a new direction. You will feel the urge to study something new. Your desire to learn new things will take priority in your life.
You may simply want to learn a new skill, a new technique and still apply it to your current position. Whatever the case, the majority of you will feel like your ready for new changes at work.
Some of you will hear about job opportunity, through a trusted friend, that may just be the new position or career you needed. You may even have to travel or move. Either way new beginnings with major blessings are ahead for you.
Some of you are waiting for that exciting call and you will receive it. That email, call or text, confirming what you desired, will give you the faith you needed to keep you going. Your project will manifest and flourish into bigger things ahead. Patience is required in this department of your life as well.
Money looks good for a lot of you. Stay optimistic and believe in yourself because you may just receive a nice amount of cash you weren't expecting!
Others should count their blessings as things are looking very good for you right now. Stay positive and keep going.
The sun is the highest at noon and it's when any rituals should be done this day.
1. A candle should be lit for the entire day, more so if it's cloudy or raining. Fire represents the sun and it's the day to honor the power of God.
2. Witches love to bury their old protective amulets during Summer Solstice eve and creating new ones at noon.
3.This is also an excellent day to get engaged or get married.
4. Being that the energy is connected to the Divine Masculine some of the incense that should be used on this day are:
Sage, oak, mint, rowan, basil, Saint John's Wort, fir, sunflower and mistletoe (specifically the berries which represent semen).
5. This is a day to connect to romance. Writing down the type of partner you want to manifest.
6. Singing and dancing around a bonfire.
7. Outdoor picnic
8. Create crowns out of flowers
9. Light a white candle in front of a mirror, say your own prayer and then allow the candle to burn out.
How to make a Protective Amulet:
Tie all three together and place inside a white or gold cloth. Can be carried in the pocket all year round.
Well there you have it my bunnies! A powerful Full Moon in Sagittarius showering us with miracles, blessings and dreams coming true! Always stay in a place of gratitude. Or as I like to say, gratitude should be your attitude!
May you all connect with these new beginnings of spirituality, awareness, ascension and growth. In order to manifest something you've never had you must do something you've never done. So if this means you should learn something new, well, go for it! You may just surprise yourself!!
Thank you for reading my blogs and connecting with my energy. I wish you healing, love, light, happiness, blessings, miracles and magic!!!! LOVE YOU ALL!!!
Thank you to the ladies from the iTunes podcast That's What She Said Show with host Ines Rosales from Fox's Good Day New York and DJ Jena, for having me on their show! You can find the episode on iTunes podcast
Episode 21. Healing Your Energy For Love. Or click on the link below.
Namaste witches, mermaids, fairies, unicorns, starseeds, hybrids, angels, hippies, goddess and gypsies!!!
And remember:
GirlieVegans Do It Better!!!
Love and light,
Leda xxx
Photo Courtesy: Julie Fain