Not only do we have season 4 of Orange Is The New Black out on Netflix but now we have this incredible cosmic portal available to us!
The Sun is in Gemini until June 20th, Sun in Cancer until July 22nd, Mercury in Gemini until June 29th, Venus in Cancer until July 12th, Mars is in Scorpio until August 2nd, Jupiter in Virgo until September 9th, Saturn in Sagittarius until December 20th, 2017 and Uranus in Aries until May 15th, 2018.
Planets retrograde: Mars (April 17th - June 29th) Saturn (March 26th - August 13th) Pluto (April 17th - September 26th).
Powerful Full Moon, powerful Summer Solstice and powerful positive energy everywhere so let's get to itttt!!!!
A Full Moon represents female energy. It's connected to emotions, fertility, romance and relationships. The Full Moon has such a powerful way to assist you on illuminating what is hidden from you. Use the Full Moon to be able to start new beginnings and flourish new ideas. A Full Moon is when the sun and the moon are in opposite zodiac signs.
This particular Full Moon is called the Strawberry Moon because strawberries bloom in June. It is also called Rose Moon, Sun Moon, Flower Moon, Hot Moon and since June is the post popular month for weddings, a lot of people call it the Honey Moon. Whether it's the beginning of summer, people getting married, going on their honeymoon or the strawberries coming out to play, it all has the same meaning: time to blossom and start new beginnings.
Summer Solstice means it's the longest day of the year along with the shortest night of the year. It's a time that represents renewal, celebration of the sun and light it brings, new beginnings, summer, the possibility that anything and everything can happen. This is the day we honor the sun and earth and show gratitude. Summer Solstice means to stand still with the sun. Be one with mother nature. Summer Solstice is also known as Litha.
This powerful Full Moon will embark you on one major adventurous summer. Whatever was going on with you around last month's Full Moon, will come in full circle at this Full Moon. So take notes on what goes down in the next week.
This is a powerful time to take inventory of what you have accomplished since the winter solstice back in December.
Now is not the time to let ego blind you with what you think you want but instead dig deep within your soul and be honest with yourself regarding what it is you need in order to move forward this summer.
There will be a part of you that will want to be in the physical world and be lead by illusions but the tug of war will be Sagittarius wanting to connect to higher spiritual grounds. You will want to learn about who you truly are and why are you here. What is your life purpose? What is your mission on earth? Some of you already started asking these questions and perhaps this Full Moon will bring you answers.
Most of you will be guided to work your own magic in a situation. Learn to trust your intuition more and let yourself be powerful again. You once were able to manifest things you desired, this Summer Solstice is about connecting to your inner magic. Create a new life path you always wanted to be on. You can do it!
This is the perfect time to have faith, believe in yourself and a higher power. The cosmic portals are open now to help draw down energy to uplift you to a higher vibration of positivity and manifestation. Go ahead and play with it!
Trust yourself and be who you truly are. Fight the voices in your head creating doubts, negative thinking and drawing you towards negative situations.
This Full Moon in Sagittarius some of you will awaken and realize you are now ready to move forward. Take this as a sign and run with it. You are ready to start a new beginning. This is it! You are ready to let go of negative people you've kept around, you are ready to let go of bad habits, you are ready to let go anything and anyone that doesn't serve your higher purpose. You are ready to receive love, you are ready to receive financial abundance, you are ready to receive the blessings and miracles you so deserve! So be open to receive!
Others are being guided under this Full Moon Summer Solstice magic to wait. Doesn't mean you have to feel stuck forever, just means have a bit of patience. Some of you have been too impatient which allows you to not trust yourself or your higher power. Wait and let divine timing work it's magic. Remember that there are other people's free will involved and it's all about divine perfect timing. Take this time to meditate and learn more about yourself and how you can write and create the best fairytale you always wanted to live in. It will happen for you and everyone else!
You just have to BELIEVE!
Due to the fact that this Full Moon and Summer Solstice is a rare and magical encounter being that they both fall on the same day, make sure to truly be honest in asking what you desire. Take this opportunity to broaden your horizons and grow. Don't allow yourself to get stuck in the same routine over and over. You have to push yourself to try new things, travel new places, and learn to give to others. The reason you are on this earth at this particular time is to give of yourself to others. Be of service. That's the point of life. When we don't give, we become selfish and this energy goes out to others like the butterfly effect. Your actions and energy have power. So take responsibility for the energy you bring into any room. Gratitude is key to celebrating this Summer Solstice. Learn to feel gratitude in a much deeper emotional way! You are blessed and lucky to be alive right now!!! What a gift!
Mermaid Full Moon Summer Solstice Spells:
For the following spells you must have full belief!
1. Binding Sea Spell
For this spell it must be done on a Full Moon. Set a bath or if possible be in a lake or ocean. Pour salt in the bath and open your bathroom window if you are indoors. You must be in a calm state, get in the water, close your eyes and connect your soul to the water. Then recite:
"The shining sea will send me magic that will make me into a beautiful mermaid. It will twist and turn around my soul binding me to the sea forever more. Sea, magical sea send the powers to me. Through all of the ocean's waves entangle inside my being I will become what I've always known."
Then you must dunk your head under the water, and hold your breath for as long as possible. Focus on the water surrounding you, washing away the human and replacing your soul with the mermaid.
2. A Witch's Wish Spell
For this spell do whatever you feel guided or feels right to you, whether you want to use a symbol (ring, necklace, bracelet, etc) and meditate with it or if you want to be in the water, use water. Then recite:
"Witches of the Sea and Air. Please listen as I call upon thee. There is a wish I most desire. A Mermaid when wet, a human when dry. A tail color of _____ is what I choose. The power of _____ is what I feel to have. A beautiful voice to go along. Rain shall not effect me. But a wave of water should change me. My tail comes as I will. Witches of the Sea and Air. Please listen to what I most desire."
3. Litha Spell
Light a white candle in front of a mirror and say your own Litha prayer over it, then allow the candle to burn out.
"O mother ocean, welcome me in your arms, bathe me in your waves, and keep me safe, so that I may return to land once more. Your tides move with the pull of the moon, as do my own cycles. I am drawn to you, and honor you under the sun's fiery gaze."
Other simple rituals you can do is sing and dance around a bonfire, outdoor picnic feasts and/or create crowns out of flowers.
Well there you have it my bunnies! A fabulous, magical, powerful and manifesting Full Moon Summer Solstice in Sagittarius! Use all your good luck this month to bring others happiness as well! This summer will be a really great one for all of you! I just had a friend tell me she was rescued by a mermaid in Haiti when she was young. She clearly can still remember the mermaid saving her life. Was the perfect story for me to hear! As I am a mermaid myself! So be on the lookout for my adventure in Haiti coming up soon!!! hahaha
Connect with whatever makes you happy from a soul magical level because this summer it's going to be the best one yet! Everything will change. Massive life changes are up ahead for us all! Have faith that you will always arrive at your desired destination. Whatever challenges you are going through, I promise it's just an illusion no matter how awful it appears, there is always light in every situation. The light is always there!
May you all have a fabulous, enlightening, magical, manifesting, special, loving, successful, victorious summer!!!
Let all your dreams come true!!! Say it with me: "I AM grateful for all my blessings and miracles this week."
LOVE YOU ALL!!!! And Happy Birthday to anyone celebrating in June!!!
Namaste Witches, Mermaids, Fairies, Unicorns, Starseeds!!!
And remember:
GirlieVegans Do It Better!!!
Love and light,
Leda xxx
Photo Courtsey: Jessica Galbreth