A New Moon is when the universe opens a portal to connect you to a specific zodiac sign's energy that month.
It's a new beginning. The first few days of the New Moon is pretty powerful. That's when you can draw most of it's powerful energy down to assist you. It's when you let go of anything that is no longer working for you. Use the New Moon to transform any negative habits into positive ones. A New Moon is the perfect time to set your intentions. Write your intentions with certainty that everything you are listing will manifest. When you write down your dreams and desires the universe starts working in your favor to help you manifest.
A New Moon means the sun and the moon are in the same zodiac sign.
A Solar Eclipse is when the Moon is in between the Sun and the Earth and blocks the light of the Sun from the Earth.
Spiritually, the Solar Eclipse, creates extra energy for the New Moon, therefore making the New Moon so much more powerful. Events or situations that are triggered by an eclipse usually take 6 months to fully unfold. This is a time when you have a powerful opportunity to break old habits or belief systems and begin to make major life changes. Eclipses are about endings and new beginnings. How you see yourself is how you are perceived by others in the outside world. All this energy affect your personal and business relationships.
Mercury Retrograde means that the planet Mercury is moving backwards. Mercury rules all communication such as computers, phones, travel, electronics, all business/personal communications and documentations. When Mercury is retrograde it's the time of misunderstandings, miscommunications, computers and electronics crashing and plans going haywire. Delayed travels and lost baggages. However, you can use this time to review, revisit, revise and reflect. Your energy can be low and drained during Mercury Retrograde. It is important to be extremely awake during Mercury Retrograde so you can avoid being misunderstood and misquoted. If it's a must you have to sign a contract, make sure you read the contract over several times. Backup all your technology before the retrograde begins. Use Mercury retrograde in your favor by considering all the RE's like re-checking, re-pairs, re-store, re-wind, re-view, re-connect, anything that you left unfinished in the past, you can now move forward and close that chapter. Mercury Retrograde supports anything from the past that you want to finish and bring closure to, including any old projects that you left pending. People from the past enter during Mercury Retrograde so tread lightly. Mercury Retrograde's energy kicks in 2 weeks before the actual date it goes retrograde, which is called the Pre-Shadow stage, and 2 weeks after it goes direct which is called the Post Shadow stage.
The Sun is in Cancer until July 22nd, Mercury in Leo until July 19th, Venus in Cancer until July 27th, Mars in Leo until August 18th, Jupiter in Sagittarius until December 2nd, Saturn in Capricorn until March 21st 2020, Pluto in Capricorn until January 2024, Neptune in Pisces until 2025, Chiron in Aries until June 19th, 2026 and Uranus in Taurus until July 2026.
Mercury Retrograde (Leo/Cancer) July 7th - August 1st
Jupiter Retrograde (Capricorn) April 10th - August 11th
Saturn Retrograde (Capricorn) April 30th - September 18th
Pluto Retrograde (Capricorn) April 24th - October 3rd
The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer enters with an emotional rollercoaster for many. It's not a bad thing however. This energy is offering new beginnings and new opportunities. The Total Solar Eclipse offers endings and new beginnings. This is the emotional aspect some of you recently felt or are currently feeling. It's the ego letting go of things and people. Many of you will be moving and starting a whole new journey in a different town, state, or country. But moving can of course cause a lot of anxiety, fear and emotions. It's just the ego. Let it go. You're on the right path!
Those that experience loss from someone in their family, pets or loved ones, hang in there, and know they are in a better place now. It's okay to release the tears. The pain feels hard but they are still with you. Always.
Others are now realizing they have to let go of some people in their inner circle. Yes, it's time to let the toxic people go. Time to hold people accountable for their actions. And sometimes it's simply best to walk away. Start fresh and new.
If someone is completely disrespecting you of your time, knowledge, assistance or friendship, don't allow that to continue. Walk away. Any relationship should be a balance of share and receive. Once you let go with grace, you will see new doors opening for you. That's how you know you're on the right path! Have patience.
Because the Solar Eclipse is such a powerful energy, the endings in your life will be replaced with a massive positive transformation. You will experience new beginnings in a joyful way! Unexpected surprises in store this month.
Some will find out they are expecting a new baby, others will receive exciting job offers and will see the rewards for their creativity. You will feel good this month after you release the emotions that have been stuck inside for so long. Let it all out and release it unto the universe. Others will be guided to mentor children, a teenager, or simply a younger version of yourself. Push yourself out of your comfort zone and help out! Offer your assistance and skills. Walk away from your endings with excitement and hope for the future as new and amazing beginnings are here!
It's time to have a reboot in your love life! This New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer will have everyone feeling they need love in their life. And you will have it! Be patient. Some of you have to work on your self love first. Still have to remove some negative thinking and replace them with self love and self worth. You are worthy of finding someone kind, loving, generous and respectful. Leave the past in the past. Even when they knock on your door this month. Now that Mercury Retrograde is here, you have to fight the feelings of thinking you still care about an ex. You don't! It's your ego!!! The stronger you feel it's real the more the ego is working for you. Why would you want someone from the past when you're supposed to be growing and evolving as a person? You want to stay in the past with the same lessons? NO! Move forward, you owe that much to yourself. When you finally let go of wanting the past, your present and future will be sooo much better.
Others are actually meeting their soulmate this summer!!!! Get ready!!! Prepare your soul for this magical moment.
It will be a pivotal moment in your life. You will feel like you're on your own magic carpet!!! Enjoy that moment as you earned and deserve it. Others currently in love, questioning if they are with their soulmate, well you are! This is your true twin flame. So enjoy the lessons at hand and grow with your partner. Avoid misunderstandings under Mercury Retrograde. Some of you will realize under this Solar Eclipse energy that your one and only is not who they portrayed themselves to be. You will uncover some disappointing news. Heartbreaking but it's for the best. Keep moving forward and don't look back. This is not your twin flame. Better things ahead.
Others will be getting married in the beginning of the month and others during the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. Congratulations! Your wedding will be special!
Money money money!!! Some of you will be singing for the Love of Money like The O'Jays!!!
This New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer will be so good financially for so many. Unexpected side gigs, new job offers, and a desire to try new things will be in your energy field now. However be cautious about signing new documents or contracts under Mercury Retrograde. If you have to sign, triple check everything with patience. You don't want the situation to backfire in 6 months. Others will be feeling like they are losing money. But you're not, you're sharing in order to make room, to receive double what you felt you lost. Change your negative mindset. All the challenges you feel you are facing will soon feel lighter. You will realize you have the strength to carry another month through! You will feel the support from God and your angels on the other side. You are not alone and great things are now happening for you. Old projects and ideas may resurface because of Mercury Retrograde, so if you want to revive the projects or ideas, this is a great time to do so. By the end of the month you will be setting the wheels in motion. But action into your desires everyday. Be grateful for what you do already have and you will be receiving more this month!
Well there you have it my bunnies!! Exciting new adventures this month!! Receive all the new abundance on all fronts because you deserve this and much more. Shower yourself with self love and travel to places you have never been to before. Step out of your comfort zone. And while this can be emotional and scary for some, once you step out, you will experience such blessings and new beginnings. So go for it!
A lot of emotional energy at the beginning of the month but remember that it's all in the mind. Don't allow mind control to take over. Fight by knowing all is well and will always be well. You have a lot to live for and are much needed on this planet Earth. There is a reason why you are here. And perhaps you may not know your exact mission or purpose, but soon you will start embarking on that journey. Your purpose for right now may simply be to shine your light.
You are needed. Start raising your frequency and vibrations so you can help others in need. No better feeling then knowing when you volunteer and help the homeless, animals, elderly, it feeds your soul. Share and help others this month!
Thank you to every single person who takes the time to read this. If you are reading this now, know that you are receiving healing energy. May you experience love, light, healing, joy, miracles, blessings and magic this month!!!
LOVE and LIGHT to you all!!!!!!
Namastes witches, unicorns, mermaids, fairies, hybrids, starseeds, angels and goddesses!
And remember:
GirlieVegans Do It Better!!!
Love and light,
Leda xxx
Photo Courtesy: Selina Fenech