And what a month this will be! Get ready for major changes in your life and everywhere around you :) On this very same day it is also the Feng Shui New Year. It's the year of the Red Fire Monkey! Which in western astrology means the year of Leo. Lot's of amazing changes, so continue reading :)
The Sun is in Aquarius until February 19th, Mercury in Capricorn until February 13th, Venus in Capricorn until February 16th, Mars in Scorpio until March 5th, Jupiter in Virgo until September 9th, Saturn in Sagittarius until December 20th, 2017 and Uranus in Aries until May 15th, 2018.
Let's get ready for the best New Moon in 2016!!! And it's a Leap Year!!! So let's get to it!!!
A New Moon is when the universe opens a portal to connect you to a specific zodiac sign's energy that month.
It's a new beginning. A New Moon is the perfect time to set your intentions and follow up with actions.
The first few days of the New Moon is pretty powerful. That's when you can draw most of it's powerful energy from that sign down to assist you. Use the New Moon to transform any negative habits into positive ones.
This New Moon is the best one of the year 2016!!! What happens in this month will pretty much sum up what the rest of the year will be like for you. And that's a great thing. You have a huge massive opportunity to create major life changes in your life and have full support from the cosmos. The fact that it's the Chinese Feng Shui New Year on February 8th is no coincidence. You have a clean slate to start a new beginning again! So if you were bummed out on how your New Year resolutions started, you have yet another shot at it :) So start now!
The Monkey year that starts the same day as the New Moon will be bringing a fabulous energy for you this month and rest of the year, pushing you to create major changes and bring you lots of luck. Monkeys are intelligent, caring, fun, creative, great with technology, machines, their hands and above all they can do ANYTHING!!! This is the year to put in action all the things you have always dreamed of because the Universe will support you. This is the month to create those changes, even if it's subtle, by doing so, you will be planting a major seed to grow the rest of the year. If you are looking to start something new, go for it now!
You will also be free of restrictions. If you felt someone or something was holding you back, you will feel yourself leaving it all behind once this New Moon kicks in. This is the month to receive major blessings. You will feel like life just took a whole new meaning and direction. This month will also show you what you need to work on. If you notice certain situations and people are driving you insane, utilize the energy of Pisces to intuitively be honest with yourself and create that much needed change.
With all the Pisces emotional energy you will also feel the need to be loved and give love. Pisces is one of the most amazing signs there is. Pisces are loving, emotional, sensitive and extremely psychic. On the flip side they can easily be depressed, victimize themselves and are quick to blame others. For my single peeps use the emotional, psychic and loving side of yourself to dig deep inside and finally let go of an ex, or a situation you need to let go because this month you will be very, very, very attractive to everyone!!! So you want to be social and clear of any negative energy lingering around you, so you can attract your one true love!!! You can do it!!! For my coupled peeps, avoid blaming your loved one for everything and take a little responsibility for your actions because this month you have a huge opportunity to get closer to your loved one than ever before. Pisces have the ability to connect to the their spiritual side like no other, so use that energy to uplift your vibration to a state of LOVE, JOY and PEACE.
This will help you attract new love, if you're single, and keep your existing love on fire, if you are in a relationship!
A lot of you will be getting married or engaged this month! No matter what your relationship status is, it's important you get out and be social this month because the energy is there to create the romance you have always dreamed of!!!
Valentine's Day will be super duper special and the Full Moon later this month on the 22nd will be another lover's day! It's like having two Valentine's Day in one month! Yippeee!!!
Now that Mercury Retrograde is gone and Mercury is gaining it's strength by February 14th, all will be well!
If you went on a job interview and you didn't hear back, get ready to pick up that phone call, because after the New Moon, you phone will be ringing! Same if you are waiting on a loan, court case, closing, business deal. Anything you were waiting for, will now move forward after the New Moon. Finance will be so great this month!!! Expect to receive major blessings! Concentrate on what you desire this month and not what you don't have. This is key in receiving blessings for the Universe, especially in regards to money. And this month is all about receiving gifts from the Universe. Keep in mind because this New Moon brings in the Red Fire Monkey energy, things will be happening but because you will put action into it. So if you have been wanting to achieve a certain goal, go ahead and start making phone calls, doing research, attending classes, meetings, whatever it is to get yourself in motion to achieve that goal. You can do it!!!
Some fun Feng Shui tips to celebrate or connect to the Red Fire Monkey year is to wear shades of red, pink, purple, lilac or burgundy. Make sure to avoid clutter. This will be key. Monkeys love to jump everywhere and peel bananas but if they don't clean up, they can slip on their own banana peel. Be wise and think ahead of the game this year. Clean your room before going to work so you don't have to deal with clutter later. The entrance of your home will be major key this year as well. Sage the front of your home to remove any unwanted energies and invite some kind loving energy into your home this year. Make the entrance clean, inviting and warm. Perhaps add some candles, colorful paintings, photographs of people you love. Paint your house or apartment. Did you know if you have all your walls in white, it will cause a lot of arguments and fighting? This is due to too much of the element Metal. So go ahead and add some color to your home. Remember to keep clutter away from your space. Clutter will cause you to feel stuck in life. Go ahead and donate clothes, items, or whatever it is to create more space in your home. This will get a long of things flowing in your life and bring you more things you have been wanting! Give and Receive :)
Well my darling loveys, there you have it! A wonderful New Moon to welcome along, with one the best months of the year especially in career, love and finances. Doesn't mean that things won't get better later on this year and they will, but create the intentions and actions THIS month! This year is major for transformation. Start building a new foundation for yourself! Everyone will be happy you did but your soul will be most happy! Let this be the year you awaken to your life's purpose. Why are you here? What mission do you have? These are the questions you should be asking your higher self. Please write your intentions down within 8 hours AFTER the New Moon enters.
Have a wonderful New Moon in Pisces and a fabulous New Year in Fire Monkey! I love you all so much and may you turn your scars into stars!!! Kisses on the lips to you all!!!
Monday, February 29th at 7pm at the Players Club in NYC, I will be hosting our monthly Starseed meetings for anyone who is into spirituality, meditation, UFOs, art, music and the paranormal. Come join us and be a superhero!
Email for more info: [email protected]
Namaste Witches!!!
And remember:
GirlieVegans Do It Better!!!
Love and light,
Leda xxx
Photo Courtesy: Unknown