This New Moon is a lover!!! Keep in mind that this year although Winter Solstice is on Tuesday, December 22nd, the shortest day of the year will occur before that date. Times are changing and the veil separating the spirit world and us, is slowing dropping. Why the energy of things in life and dates are no longer matching as it was easily predicted in the past. This year, yet again, the New Moon falls under the energy of the Festival of Lights, Hanukkah. How fun!
The Sun is in Sagittarius until December 21st, Venus is in Scorpio until December 30th, Mercury is in Capricorn until January 1st, 2016, Mars is in Libra until January 3rd, 2016, Jupiter is in Virgo until September 9th, 2016, Saturn is in Sagittarius until December 20th, 2017 and Uranus is in Aries until May 15th, 2018.
Such an exciting New Moon and month ahead!!! Let's get right to it!!!
A New Moon means something new is born and the perfect time to plant new seeds. This is the perfect time to come up with new ideas, make new wishes, create new desires and set your intentions.
On the New Moon you have the opportunity to draw energy and power from all of the month's positive aspects as well as protecting yourself from it's negative ones.
This New Moon major theme is about two words: FREE YOURSELF.
Let's go over the positive and negative traits of Capricorn so you can see for yourself where you have opportunities to receive power from and which traits to protect yourself from.
Capricorns are ruled by planet Saturn, and it's one of the planets furthest from the sun, which makes Capricorn the sign that most nurtures delusions. This month is about being realistic, mature and truly being honest with yourself about what it is your soul truly desires versus what you think your mind wants. This is about you being honest in understanding that what you want in life may not be what your soul needs at this particular time.
What you want and desire you can always have and receive but it's truly about what your soul really needs in order for you to fulfill your life purpose. That should be your goal.
Capricorns are very practical, disciplined, ambitious, very determined to meet their goals, career oriented, family oriented, grounded, reserved and not so talkative which is why they come across as heavy and slow in their demeanor. Capricorns can be very responsible and always feel like they have to work hard. They usually don't respect people that do not work to reach their goals. Capricorns also like to be responsible for their own lives but somehow do not take responsibility for some of their actions, that's where they can be a bit delusional. Caps can be very resentful, they can hold onto a grudge and be very rigid. Because they are very old fashioned and reserved they are sometimes not very social.
The month of Capricorn is a spiritual one, so your spirituality will be put to test. Certain obstacles or situations you may come across with this month are all for your highest good. This gift of opportunity to transform yourself this month is a blessing not a curse! If you find yourself being angry, transform that energy, ask yourself why are you truly angry. The only person you are hurting with all that anger is yourself. Enough with blaming others for your reactions. Take responsibility and mean it. Other people are not to blame, they are messengers showing you what you need to work on yourself. See and listen to that message.
This energy that is pouring in with the New Moon in Capricorn is all about preparing yourself for a new beginning.
In order to do so, you must start with yourself. This is about letting it all go! Let go of the past traumas, past hurts, past betrayals, past ex, past frustration, past everything! Leave it all behind you. Forgive yourself and others. This is the perfect time to do so. This energy pouring is letting you know to free yourself from all of it and take back control of your life. This month ask yourself what it is you want, and get to work right away. Use the power of Capricorn to be disciplined and determined to work hard and meet your goals. This month you have the power to achieve it all!
If you are single and ready to mingle, get ready! Some of you single starseeds will find your sweetie, but be open to receive this new love interest. Don't' hold on to the past and let this new love fly right past you. Some of you single ones will be too focused on yourself and career and will not be interested in romance at this time. And that's okay but make sure not to be inside too much. It's the holiday season, you need to be ready to mingle! Go out there and network!
Those of you in relationships, will feel a nice shift in your partner, you will notice the two of you are closer than ever! Your sweetie pie will surprise you with a new attitude they have acquired. Some of you will notice your partner drifting away and that's okay, listen and see the signs of the universe. If this relationship has been holding on to a thread for a while now, perhaps you must let go and be prepared to start over. Perhaps you are settling?! Others towards the end of the month near the Full Moon will be taking your relationship to the next level!!! Yes, maybe moving in, getting engaged or even married! YAY! That's what love is all about, giving and receiving love :)
Some of you at the beginning of December started off being worried financially, but once you take control of your thoughts to positive ones, you will see how everything will fall right into your lap! But remember you must take control of your life by freeing yourself of any excess baggage you have holding you down: grudges, guilt, negative thinking, people, etc..Make positive moves this month towards your dreams, and you will see it all manifest! Although this month Jupiter is around and money will flow in for most of you, still try not to overspend although its hard during the holidays but not all gifts have to involve money. Be creative if you are on a budget. Your love, light and time are also a gift.
Career wise, most of you will be soaring high this month so get ready to work hard and reap the rewards by the Full Moon! It will be amazing!!! Some of you will be shifting careers or at least making up your mind about doing so.
You will want that transformation in your life and you will want it quick but hang in there, all in due time. As long as you plant that seed of new desire, all is good in the hood!
No matter what position your are in life at this moment, with this New Moon entering, this is the perfect time to plant your seeds of what you want and go for it! Work hard for it this month, you will be so happy you did.
No need for a health section as there is only one universal message for health: Heal your body and mind by going VEGAN! It will help the climate change by 100%, just sayin!!! Not being bias or anything :)
There you have it my loved ones! This is an incredible New Moon!!! Get ready for fun parties, mingling and whether you are into the holidays or not, this holiday season it will be hard to be a grinch because lots of love going around!
Remember that this month you have a huge opportunity to transform and free yourself. Sometimes what you think is a dark place in your life, it's not, it's an illusion. The light is always there. It can't be turned off. The light is always concealed in any challenge, you just have to see it :)
Don't worry so much about spending this holiday season and realize that it's about spending time with loved ones and sharing your light. It's about gratitude. Take time this holiday season to volunteer and donate to a charitable organization. Instead of buying a puppy or kitten, adopt one. Make sure you understand that it's a lifetime commitment. They are fur kids!
Volunteer feeding the homeless at your local shelter. Believe me it's one of my favorite things to do besides rescuing animals! It feeds your soul!
I wish you all universal love. It doesn't matter where you are from, what culture or religion, we are all one soul on this journey. It should only be about one word: LOVE. Love one another, refuse to feed into negativity and fear. Instead inject LOVE into your consciousness.
With that being said, I LOVE YOU ALL! Happy Holidays!!! Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah!!! YAY!!!
My Kwanzaa peeps, I got you on the Full Moon blog! But Happy Kwanzaa anyway!!! We are all one universal love and holiday! Be grateful for everything you are and have in this life time.
Namaste Witches!
And remember:
GirlieVegans Do It Better!!!
Love and light,
Leda xxx
Photo Courtesy: Jessica Galbreth