On every 8th month of the numerical calendar year on the 8th day, there is a massive gateway that is opened to help assist you on your journey. This year is pretty powerful as 2015 is the numerical number 8 creating the Lion's Gate portal with the frequency of 8-8-8.
The Lion's Gate Portal is when the Earth aligns with the Galactic Center of the Universe and the Royal House of Sirius to create an extremely beneficial portal to accelerate ascension energies within you. It's mainly Sirian Feline influence coming down to activate your DNA.
Each of you hold within, a specific code or key which will be triggered at specific times.
Lion's Gate Portal 8-8-8 is a trigger to the connection to Sirius.
The Feline aspect is both animal spirit and extraterrestrial. This feline influence comes down to awaken your DNA that has been dormant in order to uplift your frequency so you can help all of humanity.
When you allow this energy to awaken your soul, you are able to have a deep internal transformation in order to create major manifestation in your life in order to help humanity reach it's highest potential.
This Sirius Feline energy is a new frequency. It will come in as a tone, a code, key, color, sound, rays of light or any form it chooses to activate within you. This communication from the feline extraterrestrial aspect comes in through dreams, geometry, metaphors, a knowing, and you will feel it extremely strong, but no worries on how to process this energy as your heart and the light within you, will guide you.
This is the language of light that will pour in through you so you can share it with Earth and all of humanity.
When you meditate on this day, use the image of a Golden Lion or the Golden Triple Infinity of the 8-8-8 symbol to create a magnetic energy field around you that will bring down the Sirian Feline Frequency. Those of you who are lightworkers, psychic, healers, intuitive or aware, will be able to see, feel, and activate the Sirian Frequency yourselves. This creates a consciousness awareness about oneness throughout this planet.
If you don't see, hear or feel, don't worry because no matter what, you will still have this frequency poured down inside of you. All of humanity will have this access.
The Sirian Frequency will push your attention towards your true focus of your cellular memory that is not activated. The symbols of these beautiful Feline race will be able to activate your DNA and assist you in awakening to your own memories. It will help you to connect to your telepathic connection and power.
Starseeds this is your time to truly awaken to this new frequency available to you in order to shift your inner consciousness to create oneness on this planet. This is an awareness energy to awaken you to realize how powerful the Starseed influence really is.
On this date 8-8-8 take time to meditate and allow this frequency to come in and assist you in manifesting LOVE, PEACE, GRATITUDE, JOY and ABUNDANCE.
This is the time to truly create miracles in your life, in others and in this planet!
It's important that you enjoy yourself on this date. Celebrate with your loved ones. Create a feeling of joy, happiness, and laughter! Rejoice and party on this day! The emotions of love and happiness will assist the Sirian Feline Frequency to do it's work. The Lion's Gate Portal will shine bright on this day.
Remember to share this knowledge with others so together we can all manifest all of our dreams and desires!
It's time to live the life you have always dreamed of while awakening to your true mission on this Earth!!!
The Earth, Sun and Sirius will be aligned on 8-8-8 to bring you true love on this day :)
For those of you that are connected to Cecil the Lion, this is an excellent opportunity to connect with him and bring his light into this planet.
Thank you so much for being in my life bunnies!
Namaste Witches!!!
And remember:
GirlieVegans Do It Better!!!
Love and light,
Leda xxx
PS -
Listen to The GirlieVegan Show every Sunday at 7pm/ET and replay on Tuesdays at 10pm/ET at
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Photo Courtesy: universeofsymbolism.com